Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

or just permaban people. Slaps on the wrist does nothing. If someone holds the group hostage and is provable, permaban.

Yeah, I’m not naive enough to believe Blizzard will police their game :stuck_out_tongue:

Me either, but they should.It leads to less people playing if they dont, but they dont case so long as the whales play.

In the case of my 5.6k unholy DK, it’s for scourgestones to buy primordial saronite.

You guys are the only ones crying about anything. Like I’ve said a million times before, I click a few buttons and get on with the dungeon. You guys are punching air over people doing groups how they want and calling for Blizz to come save the day

You and a few others are ones crying you are unable to do a gamma without everyone massively over gearing it /shrug


Don’t worry brother my 5.6K warrior got kicked cause I didn’t keep battle about refreshed for 100% of the dungeon - I think it genuinely affected their ego’s. I cry every time I think about them :frowning:

I don’t want to hear another peep from you until you answer my question from last night

I did answer your question :stuck_out_tongue:

Still waiting for you to explain why you are unable to do a gamma dungeon with someone in 210 gear.

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Eh not really. And it’s not an inability to run with a 210 ilvl, it’s just an inconvenience that’s unnecessary to burden just because people on the internet want to try to make it a shaming tactic lol

You’re kinda boring, I’m probably going to stop replying to you. Find someone else to pester

this is gearscores fault. i don’t see why it matters lol. if the thing says you can go at 210, then it’s 210. blizz didn’t use gearscore they using their ilvl system and even then you must know mechs. if everyone did their job it’ll be aight. again my runs are ppl goofin mechs they know from the last 3 tiers including heroics and beta is easier than alpha lol.

Not sure what you are smoking and what wintergrasp has to with anything. But sureeeeeeeeee. Love how every single one of the 3 or 4 of you blowing up this thread claiming kick abuse is rampant all also claim you have never been kicked or kicked anyone. LMAO you guys are just chasing your tails at this point

You must need the carry if you need the leggo as a crutch. Fits tho.

Ive kicked afk people, or people that are just 100% blatantly toxic. But you trying to say people are saying something they arent. But it is nice showing peoples true colors like yourself trying to claim its not happening to to adhere to your standards so it doesnt happen as the toxic people you are.

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Beta is 210 as well. Or did you forget that part. You just want the stones right away.

I never said it didn’t happen at all. That same logic applies to you. You never had it happen but yet you believe it’s rampant. Toxic is trashy players like you Karen.

Sure it happens I told a bad tank to tank the adds on the last part of halls of reflection and once we were done on the way up the ramp to the chest I got kicked. Didn’t see me come to the forums demanding changes and qqing all day. If you read the rest of that priests posts it will sink in how idiotic they are.

The new name is “glowing blue dork”


You created an alt and messaged them after they kicked you. Screams Karen. Which screams you did something to engage them.

Mankrik player here. Boes always been rolled need on. Surge needle ring as proof.