Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Yeah, for sure that’s best. I always ask in guild first. In this case it was late, and the only other guildie online was already in a raid. I’m guessing the 3 who kicked me were already in party. 2 were guildies, the 3rd was on server with them. Definitely need to bring 2 or more friends to avoid any foolishness.

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Personally i didn’t initiate any “vote kick” before jump in this topic. Only left when things went wrong.
But it’s the system which bz allow ppl to do, like they let 210 ilvl to queue for gamma, so there isn’t any reason why i shouldn not use it.
I started doing it from yesterday, after each wipe. Because even a group of 210 ilvl could do gamma properly, there must be someone in my group did smth wrong.
And mostly of the cases were under 240 ilvl ppl. It helped my progress at least.

it is definity a good choice, against bullies, but it can’t solve the thing troller made (like sit at start point).
Increasing timer is better, about how many a day is good, i think bz could have many metrics to indicate it.

What’s funny to me is for someone to queue for a dungeon that Blizzard allows 210 iLvl players to queue for and expect no 210 iLvl players in there.

When my main and geared alts queue for RDF Gammas I fully expect the pugs to be anywhere from 210 to 270. When I don’t feel like carrying low level pugs in a dungeon, I run with 4 guildies.

But yeah, just odd you would queue for a 210 required dungeon and expect to not get matched with 210 gear folks.


wait, you could /w them who on another realm after were kicked?

It certainly doesn’t stop people from leaving after the first boss of these dungeons either. It just adds a slight delay to it while mostly punishing players that get vote kicked immediately.

Well that’s a wildly off topic claim.

Most people don’t. The vast majority of overgeared players with a brain looking to do their daily do a direct queue for heroic Forge of Souls. Easiest dungeon, least amount of bosses, and fastest time to complete. The majority of people still left doing gammas from RFD are people grinding gear and stones. Neither of those groups really fits the 6k GS elitists.

That’s honestly the least true thing said in this entire thread. The entire history of WoW is players completely defying Blizzard’s expectation of how to play the game and doing things they never even considered.

It’s a pretty valid point to say that this is something that was a problem in the past and that history is repeating itself and then point out a solution that was put into place. It’s also really sad the amount of times people are willing to just revel in the ability to VTK others as a negative experience to them to “win” an argument, and by win I mean just try and hurt the other person with callousness.

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No, I create an alt on Faerlina and whispered them. The other dude they kicked was on Grob, but like I said, that guy already logged by the time I whispered him.

But on the other side of the coin there’s a lot of people in here that think the only metric of readiness for a gamma is their ilvl which is equally incorrect. Gammas may be a catchup mechanic, but you’re not going to be 210 when you hit 80 (also it’s I think 195 or 200 not 210 for the queue, it’s on the guides so not sure where this 210 number came from)

So in order to reach your 210 ilvl to qualify for the gamma queue you had to get gear from somewhere other than just leveling. You had to make a decision of what content to do and what gear to target. That implies that gamma is not the FIRST stop on the catchup gear train, but the next one.

That also implies you must be ready for that next stop through proper gearing, itemization, preparation, and upgrading. Just like when getting ready for the next tier of raiding you need to have optimized from the previous tier, so do you need to do some work on your gear from the previous step before doing gamma, because gamma is not the start it’s the next step. You don’t have to be raid level prepared, but you also need to be prepared.

Direct queue has the same rules as RDF. I direct queued Pit of Saron, 'cause I was on that point of the ICC dungeon quests, and got vote kicked after the 3rd trash pull.

What did you do wrong on those three trash pulls then? Because I’ve not had any issues at lower gear levels in those dungeons. (also you can do that quest on normal too)

I posted it above. When I asked one of the kickers why, he said, “a popup said you have low ilvl”.

3 packs in. I was following the tank, tank (and DPS) never got below 90% health, no one had said anything in instance chat to that point. Was pretty normal and uneventful, then the next second I’m in Dalaran.

Also to note, it’s the first time it happened to me as well. I’ve brought a couple 210’ish DPS alts into gammas and while there was more reason to kick them (low DPS), they never got kicked.

Yes but at that point they’ve committed however long to the dungeon already which is motivation to just finish it.

More like, if you want a speedrun of a bunch of gaurenteed pumpers, make your own group.

You’re out here using a tool to get random teammates and crying when those teammates aren’t up to whatever standard you have.

You absolute :clown_face:


As someone that has experienced this game for a while, 19 years of it, and also has been doing gamma as a 6k gearscore player and a 4k gearscore player, people don’t just decide to kick you for low ilvl 3 trash packs in just because of your ilvl.

Something happened during those first three pulls to make them take notice of you and consider your ilvl. Something put you on their radar. You either know it and don’t want to say, or don’t realize it yet.


Nope. We pulled the group on the first ramp down (the one most folks jump past), then pulled the next pack on the ramp up. then pulled 2 of the big guys. Pit of Saron, by the way.

No one said anything in chat. I jumped down the cliff after the two big guys, in that little area with all the prisoner/miners dudes, and then the Dal loading screen pops up on my screen. Literally that was it.

I created an Alt on Faerlina and asked them why they kicked me while doing my best to be non-confrontational, ‘cause I was curious and didn’t want them to insta-ignore me. One said, "the others did it’, the 2nd said, “a popup said you have low ilvl”, and the 3rd insta-put me on ignore =)

Granted, I’ve only been playing for 16 years, but I would say I don’t think this is the first time I got kicked without cause, but would agree, it’s extremely rare. Normally when I get kicked (in Retail, but also still rare), I’m either the tank or the healer and I’m getting blamed for a wipe. This is the first time getting kicked for any reason in Classic.

Which is better than the alternative, even if your argument is only “slightly”.

Don’t get kicked immediately then?

Again, SOMETHING made them take notice. I’m not here to analyze it from the extremely limited viewpoint I have because the only source of information here is you.

For instance I don’t know what role you had, what the performance was in general for your role, what other aspects there might be. As I said, it could likely be something you don’t realize is a problem yet.

There’s a lot of reasons they could have taken notice of your low gearscore at that point and decided against you being there.

I also don’t know what your gearscore is, if this was heroic or normal, and a few other general things like spec and class.

In your opinion is the caveat there. Because a scaling punishment would accomplish the exact same thing.

I get that you’re a level 11 alt troll because the forum mods literally can’t police you, but this is just clearly bait. And I am not going to engage with it.

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I told you what it was. 210 iLvl.

I was the healer
I buffed everyone first thing
I was rolling hots on the tank
Nobody got below 90% health on those 3 pulls.
Nobody said anything in chat
I followed the tank
I didn’t body pull anything
Just 3 uneventful trash pulls, and one of the dudes saying I got kicked for low iLvl.

No that’s your opinion. You’re the one that said it’s slightly delays it. A slight delay is better. That’s what you’ve argued. If you’d like to retract it, we can discuss that.

You can’t engage with it because there’s no rebuttal to it. It really is that simple if you do not want to be punished for being kicked immediately, don’t get kicked immediately.