Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Except it’s not, I see just as many people in 5K+ gear messing up in gammas as people in 210.

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Blizzard decides how the game should be played. They set the parameters for entering the dungeon, level, gear score, ect. When rdf was originally added you could vote to kick immediately. When in blizzard’s opinion that was a problem they added a 15 minute wait timer before the group could kick. If it becomes a problem this time around I suspect they’ll do the same.

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Hope, I think the word you meant is “Hope”

But sorry, this fanfic probably ain’t happening. Looks like you’ll have to play the game and gear for content

Mostly I play healers. It’s rare that a healer gets kicked over gear score. So I don’t really care if blizzard adds the timer. I’m just looking at the history of rdf to guess what blizzard will most likely do this time around.

Sure you haven’t.

That’s literally not possible. You said it yourself. High gs players kick low gs players constantly. It’s a huge issue. But if it happens so frequently haw are you seeing equal of both? Like come on run in circles faster my guy.

Guess what. By this logic of yours. Blizzard allows us to vote kick you. So it’s ok.

Sure. But if you played original wrath you’d know that when rdf was added they allowed immediate kicks too. When too many people were kicking over gear scores they added a 15 minute timer. Blizzard set the parameters for entering a dungeon using rdf and when too many players tried to subvert those parameters blizzard made a change. We’ll see what they do this time.

As you made clear blizzard doesn’t learn right. So don’t try to bring up the past as a defense now. Get better.

And until then, enjoy your reques.

It’s so sad that your reading comprehension is so poor.

Sometimes. Funny do you know what that word means. Don’t try to talk about blizz never learning then saying they will change just like last time. And don’t try to talk about blizz setting parameters so it’s ok you go in at ilvl 15, if we can’t say well blizz let’s us kick you.

Jeez you’re really slow. How many times do I need to repeat myself until you finally get it? Probably much more than three times

“Just the place for a Snark!” the Bellman cried,

As he landed his crew with care;

Supporting each man on the top of the tide

By a finger entwined in his hair.

"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice:

That alone should encourage the crew.

Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice:

What I tell you three times is true."

Lewis Carroll

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I mean you can say you never get kicked all day, but you here arguing so hard against it says otherwise. You are the father.

I’m having fun mocking you and laughing at you. See I’m cooking supper so I can’t play the game.

I’m hoping they do something, I just don’t know what it is. Maybe the timer would be good, but does that mean I just have to wait 15 minutes then they’ll kick me. I remember in Cata there was a penalty for kicking too often, so I’m hoping there’s something like that.

I kicked a decent number of folks in Cata, but was almost exclusively folks who AFK follow the other 4, not contributing to the run. And after a while Blizz wouldn’t let me initiate kicks. So I’m a big fan of the ability to kick a player who is leeching or otherwise being abusive, and I don’t know how you fix it so that the abusers can’t kick others without just cause.

My sob story is bringing a 210 iLvl healer (fully epic gemmed & enchanted) to Pit of Saron tonight. We killed 3 trash packs and I kept everyone at 100%, no biggie, then I got kicked. When I asked the players why, the tank said, “it was the others”, the 2nd person said, “the popup said you have low iLvl”, and the 3rd just put me on ignore. The 4th logged off, so I’m guessing the 3 of them kicked him too. /shrug. Just felt dumb. 30-minute debuff. And no recourse. But I don’t know how to fix it without getting stuck with griefers in future runs.

definity it 's never like you say.
First, bz put an ability to initiate a “vote kick” but not let you kick anyone by yourself.
Second, the vote kick system always follow the majority in group. As long as the majority want to kick you, nothing can save you even if you think you did it right, someone did it wrong, etc …
About the vote kick timer, it already be in current RDF.

Yeah, I’m not a game dev so I don’t know either. But there are a few things they did last time that helped. One thing you can try is as much as possible get a guildie or friend to join with you. I always asked in guild before I joined the rdf. If I was there with a guildie we could mostly stop the toxic people from kicking for no reason. And dps are often happy to join rdf with a healer since it gets them faster queues. For me problems with rdf are small in comparison to the problems getting a group without it.

Yeah, I didn’t mean to assert that I can single handedly vote kick others at my whim. I assumed everyone would guess I’m not that dumb. But yeah, when I said “I kicked” I meant, “I initiated many successful kick votes in Cata to kick leeches”.

I’m not sure what I said made you assume I didn’t think it followed majority rule. Obviously the 3 players I talked to kicked me. One initiated the vote, and the other 2 agreed to kick.

I know nothing can save me if 3 vote to kick me.

What are you referencing when you say ‘vote kick timer’ ? I was kicked with less than 5 minutes in the dungeon. We had only pulled the first three packs when I was kicked. Is the timer given to players who initiate kicks, so the more you start kick votes, the longer you have to wait to start the next one?

It’s a balancing act, if the people trolling with vote kick become more of a problem then what adding more restrictions to vote kick would potentially allow then they’ll likely lock it down more.

I don’t know if there’s a increasing timer on how often you can initiate a kick now. But they can make that harsher like only 1 vote kick per day, they can certainly not allow kicks for the first X minutes, another change they made later was only counting people who joined as a group as one vote instead of giving each a vote(IE 4 players can’t kick the one pug)