Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I think it’s funny that people believe they’re actually 'carrying" someone.

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Good try :rofl:

Right that would imply the person would be unable to do the content without them.

For all the history of wow there has always been some people who only want to smash through the dungeon without the tiniest bit of difficulty. It even happened in vanilla. People would wait until they were high in level and gear before they even attempted it. I’d always try to do the dungeon as early as possible. If I spend more than half the dungeon spamming smite instead of healing I’m bored.

If all you want is an easy speed run don’t use rdf. You can still form your groups manually to make sure you out gear the run.

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If you don’t want to get kicked by people trying to speed run, make your own group

LMAO they are so easy fresh 80s can do it is your first argument. Now it’s we all need to be carried. Which is it Mr trashy?

If this happens too often blizzard will simply put in a 15 minute wait before the group can kick, just like they did in original rdf. It should be in already but blizzard never learns any lessons from the history of their games.


Your using leveling dungeons experiences in a post about RDF gammas…

If they never learn then why you here complaining? Sounds like a waste of time to me.

Which is the case for most of you posting crying about kicks. If it wasn’t for those of use geared carrying you to the finish line you’d still be at the starting line.

It’s the same mind set. Whether it’s wailing caverns or gamma dungeons some people will do whatever they can to make the dungeon runs easy. Whether it’s out leveling them or out gearing them.

You’d just be crying you don’t get invited to naxx then.

they probably won’t, don’t worry

Except end game dungeons that are set so you only have the same dungeons the entire expansion and used for farming daily badges and scourgestones which can go for primordial saronites it is not the same as leveling dungeons. People are here in icc raid gear looking to get it over with every day. If your not don’t get mad the rest of the world is.

You should learn how to read, but I’m guessing you’re too old to make any progress beyond your elementary school level. I said they never learn from the history of their games. But they can sometimes be pushed by the players to do the right thing.

If it’s a problem for you don’t use rdf. You won’t be missed.

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Yeah somehow age relates to ability to learn? Weird joke/burn your going for there. Don’t be salty I called you out for an abusive cycle you are stuck in. Go see a Dr or something.

Unfortunately for you the vote to kick is there for those of us like me. Have fun getting kicked some more.

I’ve actually never been kicked. Toxic people like you are few and far between. Most people are fine as long as the dungeon is moving along at a moderate pace and there aren’t a lot of wipes. Most people don’t have to do easy speed runs.


Most people don’t “have to” save time, but saying that they shouldn’t want to is just entitled behavior