Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

No, that is entirely reactionary and not well thought-out. “Just ban them” means that people will still have to suffer through being trolled. Whereas with Blizzard’s current system, they don’t.

Is the glowing blue dork still trying to lecture us?

Deserter for being kicked as a defense from “kick me so I don’t get deserter for abandoning” still feels like an overdone attempt to try to stop a reaction to a system.

At a certain point, bending over backwards to try to stop an exploit gets to be a bit much. “Troll to get kicked” feels like less of an issue than people having to sit out 30 minutes for getting kicked for something that’s not blatant trolling

Gamma dungeons shouldn’t be in the game anyway and it is some of the most lazy (bottom) and forced design I have ever seen. Blizz should be ashamed of themselves.

Like showing up in the required gear to run an instance? Ala 210 gammas.

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I wouldn’t consider that “trolling,” no

It’s just lazy/scummy

How is queuing up for content that someone has appropriate gear lazy/scummy?

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“appropriate gear” that’s 20+ item levels below the average gamma player’s ilvl is definitely a stretch

The dungeons drop 225 gear, 210 is more than appropriate for that as well as easily able to do the content.


Not at all. Over gearing Gamma is not required.

Why are people over 225 ilvl spamming them then?

Maybe not for you, but for other groups, it can be!

Yes, some people can’t do Gamma without out gearing it. That doesn’t mean people should be kicked for “low GS”.

It’s always funny watching people try to do the “you’re bad if you don’t want to carry” tactic

If you don’t even know that you really aren’t knowledgeable enough to know whether 210 is enough to do them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nah, humor me, let me know why people who “outgeared” the content are running it after 225

It ultimately is irrelevant to whether 210 is more than adequate to do the content.

Checkmate :rofl:

Glad you agree 210 is actually fine for gammas.