Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Thats the ticket laddy :slight_smile:

Sure but in all fairness these problems are not new to gamma, they’ve been an issue since H+ was released.

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Yes, it should. Sorry but you don’t get to hold groups hostage until they kick you.

Yup. This happened all the time. People would get dungeons they didn’t want to do and they would proceed to troll until they were kicked so they could requeue and get a dungeon they liked / needed.

That’s why Blizzard gives deserter to kicks in the first place. They specifically changed it because this behavior was so prevalent.

you think thats more toxic? did you ever play retail?

yes, met twice. Both queued as tank, one left when popping in OCU, the other sit at start point until he were kicked

No, it shouldnt. And dont pull your troll tactics like I would be in there holding groups hostage
 I actually do the dungeon unlike you. Oh, and I would rather have someone try to hold the group hostage, report them, and kick them than to have some dictators giving people 30 minute timers because they think they know better than Blizzard of who should be in a difficulty.

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Yes, it should, because you should not be allowed to hold groups hostage. I understand that you’d rather just say “nuh uh!!” over and over but the fact remains. Blizzard is not going to let players hold groups hostage to circumvent deserter debuffs. If there are certain dungeons you do not want to do, simply do not queue for a RANDOM dungeon because there is a chance you will get them.

No it shouldnt.

you wouldnt be able to but because you dont follow the course of the discussion you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

This isn’t a discussion, it’s you saying “nuh uh!!!” over and over again because you do not have a proper rebuttal. Again, Blizzard isn’t going to let you hold groups hostage to circumvent deserter debuff.

So nice seeing hidden replies. So tired of these blatant trolls.

pls ignore him he’s a known troll here in classic forums

I know, thats why he is on ignore.

Although a troll, I have been witness to this behaviour in og wrath but much more prevalent on private servers past that.

On private servers we would intentionally get them killed (was pretty easy ppl would just afk the time) then after they died, remove them from the group add a 5th quick and have them tp in, the offender wouldnt be able to access their corpse due to the instance being full and would have to take rez sickness in order to continue on.

Its also hard to hold groups hostage if you have an offspec. Let them sit there doing nothing, heroics werent hard that you couldnt 4 man it, or even 3 man it.

Indeed. Thats what happened from time to time as well.

I carried my tank set or dps set around all the time. If I was dps and the tank was pulling shinanigans then I would throw on my tank gear, swap specs real quick, and go tanking. Im getting my emblems, and that afker was getting reported.


And any system with a progressive queue punishment would still discourage this behavior in a random setting.

I highly doubt this is the specific reason why they do it. Do you have a citation for this?

Not as effectively, assuming said “progressive punishment” would eventually reset.

Well, you’d be very wrong about that. Citation here:

The deserter for being kicked was generally to prevent trolling. And while that certainly covers a lot of activity one does include people afking and waiting to be kicked when they didn’t like the dungeon, or the group comp or whatever.

There was only 1 dungeon people didnt do, maybe 2. OCC and HoR. These people that are holding groups hostage, report them and kick them. So what if they dont get a debuff, let Blizzard ban them. Thats a far better solution.

If people arent wanting to do other dungeons now then its because of the titan protocols and thats when I just say “I told you so”.