Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Sure so long as you do it with friends. Otherwise don’t cry when we vote kick you.

I bet the rogue caliste that was crying and reeing in trade chat about voa doing spec runs and people being greedy was you.

You refusing to read what i actually posted and mak8ng up your own version of what i posted doesnt make it a failure. It means you didnt bother reading what i actually posted. So i tried another similar example.

Which again you failed to understand the point of.

Gammas give access to 245+ ilvl gear. Betas give access to 245 ilvl gear, just less options.

Gammas are harder and the players have a higher standard of what they expect to see from fellow players before considering a kick. Yes some people have to high expectations, but at the same time there are also people who go into gammas expecting to get carried. If you go into a gamma the moment you reach 210 ilvl. 215-225 ilvl is far more reasonable and you definatly should have gems and some enchants.

But then again. I wont be looking st gear until there is a clear problem so… we each have our own expectations.

lol, you are projecting sooo much right now its hilarious.

No, he was probably the person demanding everyone be 5.5k gs to even get invited to his voa run. Then he comes here to complain about gatekeeping to try and paint himself as “the good guy”.

again it’s a theory, that you didn’t really do it.
while if the same sentence (210 ilvl group for beta), it’s definity true, because we did numerous times beta WT in P3.
And other indicator i must remind that you missed time per run. If you do it properly in beta, you can quickly get 4pc of T8 225ilvl, which a greatly boost at 210 ilvl

I am projecting by having a far lower standard than you seem to have? Ok :roll_eyes:

You can trade scourgestones for sidereals, so there is still no reason to do Beta once you are 210.

No you are projecting because you are the one failing to understand something that you quoted. Thats just sad and then moved on when called out on it.

What do you think that means? Ill answer it for you since you dropped the ball multiple times before and then tried to blame me on it.

It means that people are demaning you have greater gear for gamma dungeons than what beta dungeons provide. That means you are never going to reach the point in doing gamma, without doing gamma.

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Gamma is easier than Beta, not harder. The buffs from the NPC make a big difference.

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Hes a forum troll that has continuously failed. Just ignore him.

Some people have to high of an expectation.

And on the reverse side some people have to low.

But at the same time beta dungeons also provide emblems for 245 ilvl gear and your claim is “people” are demanding this gear check. People demand a lot of stupid things. Some people demand we accept the earth is flat. Doesnt mean they are right. Doesnt mean we have to care about their demands. And if you get kicked because of someone like that. Just move on and go again. If you get kicked regularly though, that is likely a sign you need to fix something on your end.

It actually isnt. You can do more dps is a gamma because of those buffs, but the hp and damage output from beta to gamma does make gammas harder. They just feel easier to you because you outgear it more.

Disagreeing with your nonsense doesnt make me a troll. Nor have i failed in this discussion, you just dont like facts.

Then where did you get your 210 ilvl to queue for gammas? I know where because I did it this weekend. You aren’t just hitting 80 and getting 210 ilvl, not even with crafted gear (because again I did it) so you’re farming from somewhere.

I’d say 3500 average, up to 4k on bosses with cooldowns.

To be fair (heh, that’s funny if you know) the way these are setup, is as follows:
Heroics are pre-raid 5 man content.
Alphas are pre-Ulduar 5 man content, dropping Naxx gear.
Betas are pre-TOGC 5 man content, dropping gear from normal Ulduar and offering sidereal for higher tier stuff.
Gammas are pre-TOGC+ 5 man content, as for some reason Blizzard did not update the gear drops, only the currency (likely due to TOGC being so small of an instance).

Gammas SHOULD have sat at the 232 level of gear drops, which would make sense for 219 and 225 geared players to get a bump while farming scourgestones.

But they didn’t do that. But they also did not significantly increase the difficulty. Gammas are slightly higher stats offset by the ring buff for the content, making them essentially Beta dungeon replacements.

No one should be expecting anyone to run betas while gammas exist. By every metric a gamma is more worthwhile and is just as easy as a beta if not easier with the crazy ring buffs.

Another reason to suspect that Blizzard meant for Gammas to entirely replace betas as content is that they drop the same gear on top of the change to scourgestones. In Betas only the last boss dropped sidereals. If you wanted gear drops from bosses good luck because every run was a skip run. The change to every boss dropping a scourgestone is clearly aimed at allowing players who need gear drops from bosses to run with higher geared players farming scourgestones and have identical interests in clearing all the bosses.

That said, all these people here complaining still need to do due diligence with their gear and perform. Just because Blizzard wants you to run these dungeons and get gear drops doesn’t mean you don’t have to be ready and prepared for them.

Gamma TOC is a pain, both second bosses are tough but especially confessor is awful with undergeared players. Black Knight is also tough. But Confessor I am pretty sure is considered to be the single hardest gamma encounter.

There’s also the entire instance in Culling of Strath, that place is a nightmare and a slog for undergeared groups as the giant aboms take forever to kill. Kiting them around in geared groups and just taking them with you is easy, but undergeared players have less luxury.

UP can have bad RNG on the mount boss, if you get unlucky with ice during a whirlwind.

There are a few others here and there. Let’s not act like it’s all a cakewalk.

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Day 1 of Gamma was immensely easier than the previous day of Beta.

I’m not sure I completely agree with this. I don’t know if the buff outclasses the Sunreaver Ring bonuses or not. Honestly that sunreaver buff is VERY potent and getting it on the tank alone massively changes the calculation. When you triple the dps of the tank while providing insane threat gen, things change drastically.

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to be honest, i could say that gamma is easier than beta if we put more indicator in. This is average gear at the starting of gamma and beta.
Say at the starting of beta, most popular group is about ~ 4k-4.2k gs on average, and it’s ~ 4.8k-5k on average in gamma. Then yes, gamma is somehow easier than beta.
And another indicator is, mostly ppl in group know what to do with mechanics in gamma (which not much different with beta), while in beta it was significally changed from alpha

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“Can”, but is it adding or detracting from the over all group experience? Just because someone CAN doesn’t mean they always SHOULD.

Which isn’t happening to begin with.

It’s not that they are much different, it’s that they are identical. The only difference mechanically in Gamma over beta is higher stats on enemies, and the Sunreaver buff availability in Gamma enabled dungeons (ICC heroics count as gamma for everything relevant, but do not have mechanics for them).

So the only real question of difficulty is whether or not the stat increases for the gammas versus the Sunreaver buff on average leads to more or less difficulty. As it’s easy to say “High stat, harder content” but for instance the difference between M+2 versus M+5 is almost negligible, but going from M+14 to M+16 would be the difference between success and failure in retail.

It’s more relative to the average performance of standard geared players for the content versus the increased stats that are offered there. And I don’t have those stats nor am I interested in doing the math. So the simple response I would give is, that Gammas are on par with Betas and therefor should be considered a replacement for Beta dungeons based on my completely made up and feelings based assessment of having done both.

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