Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

The only boss a group of primarily 210 geared players might have a problem with is the snake boss in gundrak(not ekk). Nothing else in gamma is a hard enough gear check that it would be a problem for players who can do basic mechanics.

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I was replying him for his question, not yours.
“Doing those ones can upgrade your gears TOO”
Your quote is not relative to what i said

Why not? Expecting people to have higher gear than the content actually drops is stupid.

Sure technically someone can spam regular heroics and get a ton of triumph gear and massively outgear gamma before queueing for them by why would they?


When did this complete absurdity start over flasking for dungeons? Is this the latest troll on the forums because this literally isn’t a thing. Even you said previously “it’s not like you need to pop a flask to clear a dungeon” and now you’re trying to pretend that this is necessary for “optimizing your character.” Tomorrow you all will be calling people who don’t flask for dungeons lazy.

Only if you raid every night. Who does that? A lot of people pop on every day to do JC, cooking, and a few other dailies as well as their gamma. The few minutes left on a flask isn’t going to last 5 days of dailies. That’s absurd. This is just another example of ridiculous puffery.

Because flasks really aren’t 4gs.


okay so in this case i should address the lowest dps one and initiate a vote kick against him after each wipe?
But he did any basic mechanics?
What else can you do rather than theory while those things literally happen?

Maybe I should start to fall in the boat or kicking people who aren’t 5k GS. Had a group last night where everyone was above my ilvl as prot warrior (217) and the healer was at 5.5k. I did the most dps by 2-3k and when the boss fight came, we only get it to 50% before the healer went oom because I’m not sure they knew how to heal properly. It’s not like I was getting massively chunk either and I was rolling CDs/commanding shout to help as much as possible.

Gammas provide a farmable method for 245+ ilvl gear.

Read what you quoted again.

At least 3k baseline before any buffs.

But then again i have a much lower standard than some people here.

Can farming gammas provide gear upgrades of 245 to occur, yes or no?

I was getting 4k at 210 unbuffed, without gems or enchants.

Read what you quoted again because at this point you are so far removed from what you quoted is baffling.

Be reality, there 're hundreds of ppl doing beta in RDF day by day (mostly of them in between 4.2k - 4.5k gs which 210ilvl - 225 ilvl)
And according to your theory, all of them are idiot.

It’s not a theory that a group in 210’s is perfectly capable of doing pretty much all gammas without too much difficulty.

But yeah sure if you’re wiping find the problem and replace them. I’ll give you a hint though, it might not be the person with the lowest gear score.

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I’m sure some people are, they might be after a specific item, or something from sidereals, or are gearing an offspec.

In general though yes if you can do gammas you should be.

Better to just farm gammas for essence.

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Better to just go into icc 25 man because everything else is old. Why cant you just jump to the finish line right? :unamused:

LMAO do whatever mental gymnastics you want to feel better. By easy way you mean I want all 5 people to contribute? Sure, your not flexing like you think you are.

Oh, moving on already since your last attempt was a failure and now you are trying to bring raiding into talking about dungeons because you dont actually have anything to say against what I actually said?

Scourgestones transfer to essences so you get more from gamma, its better to do gamma for essences, you failed, my statement still stands.


Nope that’s pug groups you are talking about. Guilds and friends are for progression. If you don’t like it play a different game or get used to it. Stop demanding the rest of us lower ourselves to your standards.