Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Yeah that’s generally the way it goes. The majority of players will continue gearing in icc and then will most likely demand that icc gear level that is now average. That’s the way it goes. It’s not our fault you struggle to complete content. Pugging stuff and random ques this is what you get. Find a guild or dedicated group to ay with. None of us want to hard carry you when we already did all that current gear two phases ago. It’s not about possible. It’s about easiest path and taking competent Ayers that put effort in. You raging on the forums like a Karen just makes you look even worse.

Funny enchanters can need and de the loot still crazy how that works.

So the “easiest” path is okay for you, but not for others in different situations.

This also leads me to believe you were carried

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And they’re 44g on mine, I’m not flasking for a dungeon unless you give it to me, then I’ll gladly chug one.


Do you not realize when everyone demands you have X gear but won’t allow you into X without X gear it creates a literal catch 22?

I saw the same thing in Retail. Can’t raid without AOTC, how do you get AOTC? Do the raid. But nobody wants you unless you show AOTC.

See the problem?

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Flask of the Frost Wyrm are 19g each on Whitemane right now.

If only there was other options like spamming betas. Or VoA. Or a half dozen other options.

Heck this weeks weekly raid was flame leviathan. You can join a raid for that as a fresh 80, just be a gunner. So you get the chance at some loot, and a lot of emblems.

You really shouldn’t jump into gammas right at 210 ilvl. Especially if you have no gems or enchants.

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I don’t really play on this character anymore, play on old TBC mains from Mankrik. And Endless Rage were 43g last I checked.

If you’re out here kicking people at 210 for doing Gamma’s what makes you think people will want you in their Ulduar weekly? Or VoA? I’ve frequently see VoA groups with a minimum ilvl of 230.

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Current price check for Flask of Endless Rage on Grobbulus Alliance is 32g. On Grobbulus Horde it’s 31g. So no, I won’t be using them for something trivial like dungeons.

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yes grandpa you have repeatedly told us that you are not interested in optimizing your character, thank you for continuing to reply to me though

That’s almost worth doing a massive transfer buy. Mine are 25-30g apiece since ICC dropped.

I’ll only pop one when doing gamma spam premades, because we do massive pulls and it’s going to last me multiple dungeons.

If someone wants AOTC for normal, they are insane. If they want it for Mythic that’s borderline required, and if they want it for heroics then it’s likely a farm group looking for a smooth run. That’s legitimate, reasonable and not at all uncommon. It’s no different than asking for the LK achievement for an ICC 25m.

25g is their standard, usually a lull during the weekends. Hail Whitemane.

I think it’s a little ridiculous to suggest not flasking in a dungeon is not optimizing, especially considering there are much lower thresholds they have suggested they won’t meet.

you forgot what gamma was made from.
It 's regular heroic and beta. Doing those ones can upgrade your gears too.

He’s not interested in grinding anything besides WG

Did you forget when Beta’s came out nobody ran Alphas because there was no reason to ever run them?

Now you’re telling us to run Beta’s when nobody runs them because there’s no reason to run them.

History always repeats itself.

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Those who encourage the thinking of “just do anything to reach 210ilvl then hop in gamma RDF and take rewards” literally make the situation worse.
Its not an issue if you 're upgrading an alt. But it’s if there 's newcomer / returner. In my last 20 runs of gamma, mostly mistakes were made by lower ilvl player, including didn’t know mechanic, bad skill roration, even didn’t know the way in dungs. It also makes lower ilvl players look worse in the eyes of others.
Just they don’t care, they just 're arguing to argue. “because bz allow that” is all of the reason.

You definitely don’t play it at all. Or you just are argueing to argue.
Did you queue for beta after P4 release?
I did on my alt and it didn’t take much time waiting.

It really doesnt matter, if most are just sheep what does it say about the other 3 peoople in the group. Thanks for proving they just dont want to deal with someone whining about someones GS all run.

If no one was doing anything wrong then it wouldnt have taken 30 minutes for 1 boss. Thats not a gs issue, thats a bad player issue.

That is usually most things.

Wrong assumption, its a 5 man and im not going to waste the few flasks on the AH for a 5 man. There were like 5 flasks of endless rage on the AH when i looked, yeah those are saved for raids. They are also around 30-40 on my server depending on the flask.

People really need to stop projecting their server onto others.

Wrong. You quoted something and refused to understand it. People are demanding gear greater for gamma than what beta provides. So they are demanding 232/245 5k gs is close to 240 ilvl. I have also been told people are kicking others if they dont have 5.5k gs in RDF. I was told that directly by the person.

How much dps do you think someone in gamma should be doing?

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But it’s stupid to do those once you meet the requirements to queue for gammas since you are missing out on quite a lot of potential upgrades at that point.

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