Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Gamma’s, much like other content, are for anyone who can competently clear it.

Ilvl210(the bare minimum) just says you can sign up, it doesn’t mean you will be able to complete or contribute properly to the dungeon. If you get kicked then you probably weren’t contributing positively to the content.

Yeah! What’s that, you wanna run TOC? Are you ICC geared? You shouldn’t need the drops that drop from the place you’re running, you should be better geared than the gear that drops, only then are you ready for the content!


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Except you can contribute just fine at 210 ilvl for the difficulty of the content.


Thats literally a skill issue, and cannot be reflected properly if you get kicked before the instance even begins


But also your gems and enchants will reflect on that potential performance too. Not saying that people should be kicking people at the start for gearscore unless it’s egregiously bad, but there are things that reflect on you too that others can see.

Not to an extent it matters in a 5 man.

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Then explain why they drop 225 gear if not for gearing up.

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I don’t think that’s the flex you think it is my guy.

Enchanting materials.

If it’s so easy why you crying about getting kicked. Que back up and do the face roll content. You just make yourself look bad talking about how easy stuff is as you struggle to complete it.

In most of cases, a single 210 ilvl in a group isn’t an issue (unless they did it very bad with tank/heal role). Even if they dont perform well, its still okay because thier impact is small.
But things go worse when more of them stacked in a group. Last night i was in a OK gamma group of 5.4k tank and heal, but 3 dps is 4.2, 4.4 and 4.8k gs. It takes 30 mins, done only the first boss, and all others leave after the 5th wipe. In fact, all did follow the mechanic, its not anyone fault. But when the fight is longer and longer, mistakes happen, or suddenly multiple web pop.
After they all gone, i keep queuing and grab another 4. And we completed the rest 4 bosses within 18 mins.
To be honest, if things go properly, noone care about gs. But when things go wrong, ppl start policing, and low gs is first one to be focused.

Because lazies and fools always go for the low hanging fruit.

Saved enough to get a couple of better pieces and my queue popped, how do you explain that scenario in a few seconds?

sometime you couldn’t contribute “fine” at 210 ilvl, no matter your playing skill.
Eck fight in Gundrak for example. If you can not kill it before it enrage, its a wipe.

People fight that guy? I literally have never been down there in an rdf, its always skipped.

just for example, there 're much more similar situations

How do I explain what? I don’t understand what you’re saying or what it has to do with not being lazy.

It’s literally a kill target in every gamma. It’s posts like this that make me believe you are trolling and not actually here to have a discussion. Because you likely don’t even DO gammas.

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They weren’t going to do Classic. They weren’t going to allow flying ever. They weren’t going to release RDF. They weren’t going have layering after the first few weeks. And so on and so forth.

Not sure anyone knows what Blizzard is or isn’t going to do - not even Blizzard.

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The DE button was removed from need and greed UI.

if someone in rdf doesn’t have a flask on, i just assume they don’t raid at all. which is a major red flag indicating they will probably fail simple dungeon mechanics.

it’s not like you need to pop a flask to clear a dungeon, but most players have one left over from their last raid

i mean flasks are 4g on my server. why wouldn’t you use one is the real question. Unless you’re an arena player