Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Oops I think you found the cognitive dissonance button.

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It wont register, it never does.

Also the forums took you off ignore which, now that I am reading your replies properly and not being bull headed, I agree with a lot of. You have my apologies for my coarse behavior a few days back.

This issue exists in real life as well.

Many americans vote democrat or republican purely from habit and dont actually look at the canidare, what they have promised or campained on, if they held office before and did nothing of note, etc.

Democracy is good in many cases, but it has the drawback of habitually repeat votes with 0 thought from many individuals. Its better than other possible systems, but by no means is it perfect because humans are involved.

Understandable we all have our moments. I was perhaps a bit rough as well, worn down by the endless stream of trolling from others too. I could have worded things better as well. I appreciate the retrospective review.

I think I will say that trying to use democracy as the governmental concept with democracy in internet interactions is a terrible thing and not even remotely good. There are COUNTLESS examples where allowing people on the internet the ability to choose things inevitably leads to the worst outcomes every time.

Just ask McDonald’s how their build a sandwich website worked out.

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Especially so since them being trolls is the best possible outcome here, if they aren’t then its big touch grass time.

The founder of *chan being named Time’s person of the year
That Twitter Bot that became an anti-semetic hate machine legit over night
The Lays potato chip naming contest (several WW2 German names and themes ending up in the finals)


Yes people are.

Didnt read what you were signing?

Then you dont have a democracy and instead a dictatorship.

Also, the US doesnt have a democracy. Its a constitutional republic.

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The one that was nothing but mayo, and the anatomical sandwich made with the raspberry gel slice are some of the prime examples.

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I know of this and wish I didn’t

I didn’t know about this and with much disappointment in myself I will google it

Edit: Exactly how I expected to feel.

Yummy. Lol

We’re a hybrid system, either descriptor is considered valid. The systems are different from each other in a vacuum but our system is a blend of both.

I will start disliking you again over an even more pedantic reason lmao.

It carries some democratic methods. Yes it is a republic, but the parts of ut that are democratic based have the issue of sheep voters as was the point of my post.

Why do you not think people should be doing both?

At 210 ilvl I’ll be getting upgrades from the boss drops, ht etriump, the frost badges and the defiler stones.

Yet on this character I don’t even want the defiler stones.

Because they can gear up well past 225 without even stepping foot in gamma. Not really my job to make sure they get carried to 225

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And based on your logic you would still be whining about 225 geared players.

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No, that’s based on the strawman you’ve decided. We’re kicking anyone that’s not 6K, remember? Keep up

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No no you’re the one claiming people who need more gear than you do should be kicked.

Gammas are for people farming scourge stones. 220 as a bare minimum up to 245 (and more if on daily). It’s not “outgearing” when every boss drops currency you need for an upgrade

Well no gammas are for anyone 210 ilvl and above.

And people 210ilvl will need both the 225 boss drops and the triumph upgrades and the defiler upgrade and the frost badge upgrades. If anything they’re more for the people at 210 ilvl than anyone else.


Then it sure is a shame they’re kicked for being undergeared, huh?

Nope, they arent.