Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

No one’s said that :dracthyr_shrug:

I’ve seen vote kicks in game, it’s far from common, and the ones I see are generally justified based on you know actual bad players not someone be offended by a gear score.

There’s people in this thread claiming you should out gear gammas before queuing for them :dracthyr_shrug:

“Outgear gammas” to the moaners means anything over 225. You should be in gammas farming scourge stones, not raking in upgrades from boss drops

That’s what I said, and it depends on your class and spec as to whether or not you’re still using gear off him. In most cases ICC gear will be an upgrade.

Ulduar was phase 2. We’re in phase 4. It’s no longer the current tier, and most of the gear from it is no longer relevant.

You can do both if you’re 210-224ilvl. :wink:

Is it though, is there any discussion or discourse about it or do people just press “yes” so the person initiating the kick doesnt whine the entire dungeon making it miserable?

Also, you have to stay within the ToC and the Social Contract so if you are abusing something like just kicking everyone for their GS, that flies in the face of the Social Contract and is actionable. Dont like it then dont use RDF.

Gammas are heroic difficulty. Just like a +20 is still mythic difficulty. This is why people call them mythic lite or heroic +. They are heroic dungeons.

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As long as you make your own group of like-minded players! Otherwise, beware!

No one cares about the social contract. It’s a joke and is there just to cover Blizz’s tail

They do once Blizzard takes action against their account.

You guys have such an overactive imagination

Means 240-245.

Really? Explain why so many people blipped out in /4 earlier today due to the chat? Seems like people do care about it. If you dont care about it you shouldnt have signed it.

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Sure thing, you’re wrong, but sure thing.
Unless you think everyone is ICC geared day one and nobody needs upgrades prior to ICC. Which seems to be your implication here.

No one is asking for 240-245

Seeing as we all had to sign it to play, I can’t say I regret playing into the dog and pony show

I’m still using flare on my Priest and the next upgrade is heroic DFO. Nebula Band, Comet’s Trail, Pharos Gloves, Reply Code Alpha rewards were all still BIS in TOGC and still hold up now. The existence of ICC loot makes second bis irrelevant? This is some Retail rat mentality right here.

Normal 25m ICC gear is 264ilvl. That will be un upgrade for just about all previous gear. You can get ICC ready just by doing Gammas for Triumph badges and scourgestones. The previous raids are mostly irrelevant now.

As a reminder, since a lot of information is being spread, here is Blizzard’s official stance on kicking players:

Let’s try stick to facts people!

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There are a handful of exceptions, and you just listed them all. Doesn’t change the fact that TOGC is mostly irrelevant now. How many guilds are still doing TOGC now when they could be doing normal and heroic ICC? Compare that to all the guilds still doing Ulduar in P3 because of the buffed ilvls.

That’s a LOT of handfuls from just a few bosses in Ulduar. You seem to be using ilvl as a substitute for actual value. When I have explained repeatedly in this thread that ilvl by itself does not mean much of anything. 2 piece 232 ulduar set for shadow priests is better than even 251 tier gear from ICC. Handfuls of exceptions add up. Dying Curse is one of the best caster dps trinkets if you’re far enough below hit cap to use it fully.

TOGC was mostly irrelevant when it was released. This isn’t retail. You sound like a retail player. You need to adjust your mentality.

I wasn’t aware these share lockouts. I am sure there are plenty of guilds still doing both.

If all you care about is Ilvl sure.
These trinkets are still good and comparable until those new shiny ICC ones drop for someone. This vendor is also great for non-raid rostered alts who will get plenty of use from it as will players who do not raid and prefer dungeons.

They instances themselves might be, but the loot from them is still good and worth getting in a lot of cases.

Just because there is a new raid tier it does not mean you still don’t have to gear for that content.

Unless you want to imply you don’t need to do that, in which case why do you care if people are being kicked from dungeon runs? ICC is out, the gear/badge gear doesn’t matter.