Keep Being The Fun Police

Yes, people buy gear all the time in MMOs, but it’s only considered p2w by ignorant people who don’t understand what the term actually means.

Repeating the same wrong stuff won’t suddenly make it right. Players can choose to spend real money on gold, and use that gold to purchase carries from better players, but that is just an interplayer transaction. It isn’t any more p2w than someone purchasing crafting mats from someone who took the time to farm them. It’s part of the game economy. The point is the purchasing player could have simply played the game to get the same result without paying for it, which isn’t an option in an actual p2w game.

911? I’d like to report a murder. Khaelyn-Moon Guard has just killed irony in cold blood. It was brutal to watch.

And Asmongold is also a moron. Let that turn over in your mind a little while before citing him as a reason for being “right”.

You’ve been doing nothing but embarrassing yourself so far, so yeah, go get 'em champ…

I have been thoroughly, genuinely, accurately schooled, and I needed that.

I didn’t start soloing old raids until into BFA, I think, and this was a good reminder I have missed a lot. Maybe others need it to.

While I still think old expansions should be scaled based on original level, original level has been misplaced due to squishes, char and ilvl. That does muddy the water.

Should old content be more difficult when a new expansion comes out? I don’t think so. but if they are gearing the older expansion toward current players, then what they are doing making sense. Bites leather and screams

Grr. I hate what they have done, but this explanation actually explains WHY the changes are happening. I know I needed to hear that.

I can wait and see what they do. Whether I keep playing or not is up to me, not Blizzard. Gods I hope the numbers they are using to determine their direction are successful.

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Alright, I’m sorry that telling facts about wow pay to win elements devalues all the work you done for your gear. You can go away now. I can’t keep teaching stupid. :frowning:

Your gear really does not matter, your effort as well. When players can just buy it with real money. Sad I know :frowning:


Fun fact: You’re enabling Blizzard’a BS for no good reason! Do you offer recovering alchoholics a stiff drink at the end of the day as well?


What about all the ppl that get carried for free by friends? I always tell ppl if you wanna get carried to glad or anything really just take even a remotely cute chicks pic off the internet, put it as your discord pic and be a decent healer = carried. The simps are everywhere for that.

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If you are unable to solo at level 70 then you will have some reason to complain. BFA content should be totally soloable by then, barring any mechanics that might require more. I’m not sure how DA Opulence will work out with 1 person.

Because it was a 40% increase to mob health and damage that… oh wait, that was noted!

Meme aside, I don’t know why that had to apply to older content. Seems like an oversight to me.


Damn dude, tone down the drama.

I get it, your opinion differs from mine. That’s no reason to take it to idiotic levels of bad comparisons.

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Rift didn’t die because of open world content. It died because they dropped the ball on end game. Open world is the only reason the game still exists.

You could go to a zone that’s level 20-30 and decide what level you want to scale yourself to. And you can join friends that way and they get bonus xp while you get bags of goodies and questing gear. It really works well. Very simple and smooth.

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Meh, I have no interest in DF right now, so level 60 is where I am coming from. If it gets adjusted so I can solo BFA WQs and such easily, I will be happy. If not, then they are aiming toward current max level characters, which I choose not to be part of. As you pointed out, max level characters are their main focus right now. My choice to follow, or not. The choice we all make.

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Here Mr. logs man.

Not everyone who has quit or even a solo player now is “bad”.

This guy explains so well why wow is so BAD.


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If you mean many, many censorships as well as eliminating customs in other things that meant like a fantasy game posing as a conservationist group that the same woke community hate.

Well, you are at the minimum that unfortunately not only in the old content, but in the new one should have continued in the routine.


  • a dark story
  • the history of the war of factions in the very style of their names War as Warhammer until now continues to keep this story as it should be
  • the skimpys and bikinis armors not only for females or body… (I don’t know what number it will be?) but for both genders in taste as it was the first Warcraft in the RTS trilogy.
  • the teen jokes that made the game just fun.
  • and accurate lore and no fear of offense which Blizzard is just a coward not showing this scene.
  • some emos who did not show that we are rude here and we have to treat each other as we like, when we like because their subs did not save anything from the toxicity that will still continue to be seen for more than 18 years.

All that is being lost for 2 and a half expansions, and that the Dragonflight expansion is just beginning to show the expansion that the devs want and not the entire community that only once again aggressively divides us.

Your character looks hilarious in those glasses.


You still don’t get it. I don’t care if someone buys gear. I play the game for progression. Just because someone buys gear doesn’t mean they can tank a +20 or do mythic raid bosses. So, no, nothing I do is invalidated just because someone chooses to buy gear.

That’s hilarious, because that is the only thing it seems you’re qualified to teach…

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What about them? That’s also not p2w. That’s just playing the game with people who are better than you.

The game changes every expac.

I am having no troubles with legacy content.

What do you mean?

True true.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

If you are choosing to pay $180 a year in subscriptions and won’t buy a $50 expac you are throwing your money away.

This game is living and breathing and will not simply stay the same.

Can’t have an issue with something you’re not doing i guess.