Keep Being The Fun Police

I have mixed feelings about this…currently clearing old content is pretty much all casuals can do…But I don’t think that an under-geared lvl 60 should be able to waltz into Strathholme and trot out with a Barrons mount if the RNG is on his side.

I know I’m in the minority…but it’s just how I feel about it.

Bites down on leather That kind of makes sense? I need to reorient my brain, I think. To me it makes sense that each expansion is tuned to the level is was originally meant for and doesn’t mean they need to be touched after that. The level squish really did screw this all up.

Ugh, this straight up hurts. I don’t know how I personally will deal with this, but you were polite and gave reasonable answers. That is rare on GD, Thank you. I will keep wrangling this. I won’t like it, but I might make peace with it.


No it’s not. Casuals raid and do pvp and mplus as well.

Haha that is funny.


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It’s like Blizzard believes we should be punished for wanting to do old content in the first place.


It is a strange phenomenon but I think I can explain. We simply appreciate the design of old WoW far more than the NU WoW. Of course it makes the current devs feel a little jelly.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


These changes are ridiculous. Players shouldn’t get weaker every time a new expansion comes out.


Yeah otherwise you just get MC’D

This boss annoys me to no end. I still can’t finish my Mythic achievements/get title because it’s impossible. Tried with 14 people who were decently Shadowlands geared but still not happening


Yeah. Not sure what happened but it sucks. As a mage I can’t solo Mythic Legion raids yet (well ToS and the one after anyways). I haven’t capped my ilvl for what it is now but we should have been able to solo all mythic raids from Legion once we hit 60 this expansion. So basically now have to wait 3 expansions later.



You shoudl still be able to walk into Legion or older content and destroy it within seconds.

That is how it use to be, that’s how it should be.

Old raids should not scale.


We are actually on our second ilvl squish and first clvl squish. The item levels and damage levels would be laughably absurd at this point if they were never done. It is the symptom of being an old game.

Back before any squishes it was actually difficult to solo content even 2 expansions ago, the boss 1 shots you’re doing is a result of fixing the problem after the first ilvl squish that made soling harder than it was before. I was in ICC heroic (highest level) gear before I could do Molten core without some trickery. Farming the ZG mounts was actually difficult. Farming Rivendare’s mount in tier 6 was fun but I still had to stop and eat between fights. There is a reason not a lot of people assembled an Atiesh staff, and it isn’t because of the lack of desire to have one even just for bragging rights.

You sure about that?


There is Chromie time for scaling which should be a choice!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


False. Gear is a tool to help with progression. Progression is actually your progress through raid bosses, or M+ rating, or PvP rating, etc. Progress through the game is progression. Gear is the reward for progression, and the tool to get to the next step in progression.

Except that isn’t what pay to win means at all. Pay to win is a term that describes game where progress is gated behind spending real money. If Mythic raids, or M+ keys were only open to a premium subscription for an extra $10/month, that would be pay to win. In WoW, everyone pays a basic subscription and has full access to all of the content. Some players paying other players is not, and never has been, pay to win.

You should actually learn the basics before you presume to “teach” them.

How would you even know? You haven’t done it yet…


None of that is saying I have a problem with old content. Great job taking things out of context though.

On the plus side I’m still pretty sure.

“Bites down on leather”

audible laughter

Ty bb


I mean if people want to lie to themselves to make them feel better that is fine. People buy gear all the time in MMOS and that is consider p2w. If you want to make it seem like wow does not have it. Well that is for you.

That is also false. That is one element of paying to win. If you can buy gear with real money. That is buying power. That is pay to win. It is that simple. It always been like that always will be.

You are not very bright are you?

The fact that you don’t understand buying gold gets you gear is p2w, is just sad.

As I said even Asmongold understands something that simple. Yet here you are, trying to act like wow is not it.

I will be here all day teaching people at this rate.


But you’re sitting here saying it shouldn’t get fixed and anyone that thinks so “isn’t playing the game properly”.

Not one single line was taken out of context.

So you agree that old raids need to be fixed and scaling is out of control in content that’s approaching a decade old?


Before the prepatch, everything in Legion has been soloable for months, except Mythic Eonar. I’ve been soloing ToS and Antorus on a variety of characters with ilvls as low as 220. They only got easier with ZM catch up gear. If you’ve been unable to solo ToS or Antorus it has nothing to do with any fault in the legacy system.