Keep Being The Fun Police

Solo players got a bunch of new content…

Again solo friendly doesn’t mean it’s a primary focus of the game.

Ps I never swiped for gold but please keep pushing that false narrative. It’s pretty entertaining watChing you embarrass yourself.

The WoW token isn’t the issue with this game.

Considering solo players were catered to in SL and got more things than ever is such a joke.

You probably haven’t done any of the mounts in ZM.

Putting dev time into old content takes away from the priority which is the expansion that’s about to launch.

Old content isn’t a priority.

Because we’re going to level to 70.

They have the resources to cater to everyone but do not because ‘reasons’.

Bobby probably needs more chedda to fuel his yachts.


Shouldn’t apply to old out dated content. That’s the point of an RPG, to get stronger as we progress and the stuff we left behind doesn’t get stronger.


I mean duh? Because it lets people pay to win.

All the scaling issues with old content is due to the level and ilvl squishes.

Not sure massive complaining helps.
There are what, 50,000 posts in the various “give Worgens tails” threads,
and have been there for years, yet no tails

No it doesn’t.

This game isn’t pay to win. Bad players are still bad.

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Just a joke about no tails.


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Bro, they just hired a whole bunch of people to help with their current and future issues. What we are asking for isnt like asking for a new raid or bigger map or new items, things that have to be created.

We are asking for things already in game that require a box to be checked or a few numbers to be tweaked. Its not the colosal undertaking you are making it out to be.


Uh huh, Even asmongold who I dislike most of his takes says it is pay to win, and that guy is clueless most of the time.

If you can buy gold with money, and buy raid gear with it. It is buying power. That is pay to win. Please stop pretending like it is not.


And? It shouldn’t even happen to begin with. It’s simple to go in to the Legion raids and add modifiers to buff us to the moon while were in that instance. We shouldn’t be having ANY issues with ANY bosses in anything Legion and prior. That buff SHOULD also apply to BFA once DF goes live.


They nerfed elemental invasions for low levels. /sulk

I wasnt done with my army yet.

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Nah Asmongold is a tool and says it’s pay to win for clicks. Ignore anything that he says. Flint Michigans water is more credible.

Because they aren’t winning. At best they are catching up. At worst they are buying heroic clears and aren’t even caught up to mythic raiders.

People also don’t need to buy tokens to buy those services because they farm the gold.

If anything it’s pay for convenience and even then that’s a stretch.

Some of us have no interest in Dragon Flight right now. If we don’t get the expansion, it will be months before we can enjoy old content so your two weeks argument weakens. Why should we have to buy the new expansion just to run old content? Like, decades old content? For me that is the confusion and annoyance.

I will acknowledge I COULD buy DF, but just to run old content? That seems greedy of Blizzard. Or they are scared their new expansion isn’t very good and they have to bully us into it. Not a fan.

This part is sincere. I do hope you enjoy the new raids. I really do.


Lmao nobody said this. Quit and uninstall instead of having to wait 2 weeks? Tantrum confirmed!

Also what happened to:

I was promised you would make light and berate me with this. I really am interested in you comparing 2 weeks with the weeks and months I’m waiting. I have a cup ready for your tears.

This is a better argument, but we are in retail and time marches on. The market really is those who play at the current content level. Even if it is casually, the game is geared for that being the max level. Maybe when they release classic Shadowlands. (KIDDING!)

You’re complaining about stuff that’s tuned for DF.

Complaining about stuff in prepatch is dumb.

You can label it whatever you want. It is still using money for gear. That is p2w. You can call it catch up. You can call it whatever you want.

Buying gold with real money gives you power in this game. That is a fact.

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Thanks for telling us you don’t know what a pay to win game is.

You actually have to “win” btw.

Also true pay to win games have things locked behind exclusive pay walls from the store that aren’t available without using real money.

As people can buy those same Carrie’s you’re crying about with gold it by definition isn’t pay to win.

Congratulations on yet another L. This has been a pleasure

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