Keep Being The Fun Police

Have you ever read the back of the first box?

Legion had amazing solo content :woman_shrugging:


That is false, are you also new to wow? This game has been solo friendly from the very start. The end game also shaped and warped to be solo friendly over the years.

What the heck are you talking about? The fact that it is becoming less friendly for non group players is the problem.

You should know that Mr logs.


Again you don’t understand what logs are or what ilvl parses are.

People don’t just join raid guilds. You have to have good parses even before you join a guild.

I honestly don’t care if some solo player with no understanding of the game believes me or not. I know that I earned my spots

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Sure you did, I know players who also buy spots in raiding guilds to join. That also happens. Let me know what website you used.

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I lived that life. Over it.

I wanna be on my own most of the time these days. Still wanna do stuff with peeps sometimes.


I think their legacy mode idea is too hard for their engineers to get right :laughing:

People shouldn’t need 2, 3, expansions to solo things.

There are also other scaling issues around that they probably won’t fix ever or for a long time.

[Small company, Ion wants us to feel bad for the devs lol]


It’s not false. Raiding has been the end game pillar since vanilla.

You’re not understanding that being solo “friendly” doesn’t mean anything other than they have some solo content for you to do.

The games design priorities has always been raiding and group content.

It’s been more group friendly now than it’s ever been.

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It’s a video game. I’m not going to be made to feel bad about anything. Wut?

Edit: feel bad for who?


Sure you do. Antisocial person becomes friends with people they admit to buying boosts rofl.

Never used a website because again I’m not terrible at the game.

Though it’s pretty hilarious you think you deflecting and trying to say I bought a boost is a valid argument rofl.

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Sorry, Ion’s latest interview where he said players have come out to say that the devs don’t care. It wasn’t directed at you either way b ut I probably should have worded it better.

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Stuff will be different at 70, no?

Mythic Ghuun is rather tedious to pug, though, yeah.

If you arent concerend about old content, that some how means we shouldnt be? We enjoy what you enjoy or dislike what you dislike or what, we should uninstall? Not say a thing, just quit? And if you think the number of people that enjoy solo conetent is small, youre delusional. Lets say its maybe 20% (i think its more but for arguments sake), yes 20% is a minority but its still 20%. Thats not small my man.


No I just need some sleep and I’m going full artard.

I feel like they do not care. Egos and their own agendas- not what’s healthiest for the game.


If people enjoy playing solo content I’m ok with that. If your enjoyment is doing that stuff in all for it.

The issue is when it affects people who play the game as designed.

Fun fact! Trying to do old raids is just as awful on the beta at max level and with good gear. We already know this.


Well, we’re getting like nothing - so…

Compare to other mmos wow end game was solo friendly from the very start. Just because raiding was in the game and dungeons. World content drop epics, that people farmed. The crafting and money making was much better when players like you could not swipe for gold.

Legion was the best for soloers, the world quest quick and easy, had a zone with a storyline for enjoyment. Mount drops all over, it felt good and rewarding and titan forging with quest items was fun for soloers. The only problem like i said wow token was still in the game.

BFA things have went downhill and the players have been going with it.


Legion stuff should all explode. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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We are getting more talent points? Why?

Wait, wait…how does being able to solo old content, being able to transmog things like white items and vile fumigators mask, being able to purchase warfront gear, having real access to tier3…have ANY affect on you playing “the way the game is supposed to be played?”