Keep Being The Fun Police

Even in math you still have to show your work :+1:

Considering I didn’t throw any derogatory statements that would mean you’re assuming things.

We can can complain about whatever the hell we want to.

Blizzard is SO BAD at MMO stuff.


I like to raid. Guess what? There hasn’t been a new raid in almost a year. The new content won’t be there for weeks AFTER you can get back into you’re precious obsolete stuff.

Sorry I’m just not that concerned about BFA content. You’ve had half a decade to play in it. Complaining about 2 weeks without it sounds more like a tantrum than a problem that needs solving.

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That’s actually really funny you think I buy my raiding gear :joy:

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Watch out! They’re gonna call you the “j” word.

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Wow is very much a pay to win game. So people buy raiding gear all the time in this game. I’m sure you are one of the few who “earned it right?” lmao sure sure.

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Ehh not really. It’s why people don’t take solo players seriously.

When you actively choose to play the game not as intended then you don’t have any grounds to complain.

Especially during a prepatch for a new expansion.

I don’t give AF if someone takes me seriously or not. You can take the L on that one.

Having played a couple MMO’s I realize how bad blizzard really is.

I love Azeroth and my sexy night elf/chad bear skins. I want WoW to git gud


No it’s not. The people who buy their gear aren’t winning anything. But thanks for admitting you have never played a real pay to win game.

You do realize they have these things called logs right?

Not everyone is bad and antisocial to need to buy runs.


You’re probably the kind that checks your logs in the toilet too.


again who to say you did not buy your spot for it?

Noone believes you, and the fact you don’t think wow is pay to win proves it.

In other words, what you “earned” does not matter your voice is the same as anyone else.

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I’m not taking an L on anything. You’re usually civil so I was putting it into a perspective or atleast attempting too.

If people hate WoW and like other mmos why aren’t they playing those mmos instead of trying to change wow?

I don’t play ff or have any intention too. However if I did I would t go over and say “they need to add 3v3 arena because WoW has that “

I love WoW and I want to see it get better.

If other MMO’s pour love into solo players - why can’t Blizz?

If I found a game with a pretty night elf look a like and she could be a bear I’d be gone.


Why people defend Blizzard breaking things confuses me. Place yourself in our shoes, if blizzard destroyed or gutted something you like about the game you’d be upset too.


Again you clearly don’t know what logs are.

Being the top 5 dps on every boss for the entire raid shows I didn’t buy a boost :man_facepalming:t3:

I honestly don’t care if you believe me or not. You clearly aren’t smart enough to understand what logs are or that people who buy their gear don’t parse purple and orange. They parse grey

People who buy their gear are very very obvious.

Also the fact that you think WoW is pay to win proves you aren’t in reality.

Actually credibility matters.


I just got a notification something I wrote was reported - my kids playing Barbie’s and GI joes. Really? I was saying they’re naked and I let my kids play with them, just like every other parent I know. I guess a vacation is Inc unless I magically get someone that is cool who reviews it.



Yep, I decided not this time. Sub runs out December 7.

You also don’t understand you could have easily started out buying your gear and someone took you in for doing well.

Noone believes you. It happens often, it is ok, if you want to pretend like you earned it all without swiping. It is cool. We are not going to judge you.

I think we can all agree with that.

Because this game is designed on group content. It’s the primary target of the game. Solo stuff is secondary if it’s even that high.

Without scaling being added we would be stomping mudholes in Legion and BFA by now.