Keep Being The Fun Police

I’m not a dev so I can’t tell you.

My guess is it’s scaling for DF if it’s intended or a side affect of the stam buffs that they just implemented if not intended.

I hated those movies

WoW armory and warcraft logs.

They track achievements.

40% is less than half of the player base.

I’m not saying people can’t enjoy solo play or that it doesn’t have its place. It’s just not the majority.

i logged in to retail with legit nothing else to do but solo farm old content (except do ZM but eewe no thanks) and was met with over tuned crap that i could smash 3 months ago now some of my toons cant even kill and the ones that can take forever to do so, FIX IT!


I am harsh when it comes to this…if as a dev you dont want people to solo old content for tmog because you are afraid they will do that instead of the current content then GET OUT! Go work on another project.

My tin foils says…

They have lunch with classic devs in the lunchroom.

one day classic devs said man…we run the numbers and more people are in stratholme than tbcc somedays. The boss is mad.

retail devs go yeah…same here with old content.

lunch days later… classic dude goes we fixed the issue. we made old content suck to run. we put in magical timer based CC. Stun locks them good.

retail dev goes cool. I don’t think we can do this since if we had say freehoid kick in CC storms on a timer it would truly be unrunnable…but it gives ideas. How did players take this?

classic dev goes…just fine. some even go its an mmo and people should be out more in latest content. as…they post grrr bot threads. they haven’t picked up some “bots” are just strat farmers who took up rock/flower picking.

retail dude goes Ima run this by Ion. less people in legion/prior is more in latest content.

note for blizzard…this is not how it works for some. for some sl was so bad you kept our money because we legacy hunt. and play classic in some cases like me. this…is why I pay $15 a month. Mr. Nipples raid was not a selling point.

I have an army of hunters who exist to legacy hunt. and army under current setup ain’t getting level 70 and raid/top tier pug pvp gear to farm expacs now 3 levels back. You got me in sl for this to some extent. I ain’t doing this in DF.

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I can appreciate that people like to raid to and have nothing against anyone playing a game for what they enjoy.
But based on $15.00 month US? x the number of players internationally that play wow by your figures 60% raid, so concluding 40% dont by your figures. Thats a lot of money to loose to just believe that demographic isnt a priority.

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A curious statement coming from a poster who appears to be a bot.

They don’t know how to design a game anymore that people will play because it’s fun to play it. Those people are long gone, replaced by metric wonks and OG elitists who are convinced that making old content unplayable will result in the players who used to do that becoming hardcore esports competitors who will play the game like a full-time job and a half.


Gee then you must know more than Ion Hazakostas, because he said that raiders were the smallest demographic and it was important that they start doing more for casual players.


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The actual number of solo players is even smaller then that. That’s not including the people that only pvp or only do mplus.

The point is that as a business Blizzard is always going to make the majority of the player base the priority especially during a pre patch.

I’m not saying things shouldn’t be fixed just saying it’s not going to be the top thing on their list.

you dont buy them they are drops from the rares in those zones

Yet in a more recent interview Ion actually says the majority of the player base is people that dabble in a little bit of everything.

More recent interview > anything over 6 months ago.

Asmongold is a tool.

When people who say that a high percentage of the player population raids, they’re including a lot of people that nobody would consider raiders, even players that they themselves would mock if they called themselves “raiders”.

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Explain why Cragmaw oneshot my Paladin when he couldn’t before.


I do see it on 11/14. Just before the change. Before the change, yea people were steamrolling it. The prepatch part 2 royally screwed up the scaling.

Do you have this kind of stamina for other things?


People change. I used to tell folks to uninstall. I’ve rised above my foolish ways in that area.


Well, you have proven that you have no idea what you’re talking about so congratulations.

Nothing wrong with playing other games or taking time off. I think it makes you appreciate other aspects of WoW far more when you return. This is why I think people gravitate toward doing older content on their pace and time setting. It is like a zen like play experience with each log in session. Not every activity in WoW needs to be about go go go M+ esport competition.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Never say never but I do not see me going back to the three pillars. There is no epeen to stroke, there is no fear of missing out. I’m vibing and chilling.

I’m almost a grown adult that just wants to chill :+1:t2:

My competitive bone is almost in the negatives. I like wut I like and I love who I am. Take it or leave it.

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