Keep Being The Fun Police

Not likely because BFA doesn’t have lasting power because of rental systems throwing a wrench into it.

Without the borrowed rental powers BFA could have been saved. The same with systemlands.

One of the appeals of classic WoW, BC and WotLK is no rental system shenanigans.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Sounds novel but i dont think BFA had the popularity of BC or Wrath.

But, then again, if expacs keeps getting worse…BFA might look good. My head hurts now.

You know you can get the warfont sets from Arathi and darkshore right?

And another thread taken over by the “I raid better than you, so your trash epeen”. So after suffering through that I give the OP, thumbs up, I agree.

Old content scaled to DF. Chromie time is a good thing, but surely that works both ways that if you are max level or choose not to level, each dungeon isnt affected by Chromie time mechanics / and can be play as originally intended options. They have changed entire cities. Look at Undercity with phasing. Why is this not utilized on the easiest phasing option in game that is already phased for normal, heroic, mythic, mythic +.
The argument that old content is mute is stupid when Blizzard is spending so much time changing this stuff for leveling characters anyway.

Some people play wow for relaxation and do it solo! I happily put my hand up for that demographic and its a growing demographic. If raiding is the only priority why is there so much development in questing, storyline, battle pets, cosmetics, mounts and achievements.

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It’s possible, I just did it the other day, up until the next to last boss, which was a mechanics thing, not a scaling thing.
Check my profile, you’ll see it.

Neither did Cata but their doing it. Its easy and makes a profit. Its a no-brainer.

And people wonder why the forum is hopeless and people think Team Git Gud are undercover forum mods.


No. You cant. The heroic warfront pieces are attainable by doing warfronts. There is no vendor that sells those sets. Ive checked and there are numerous reddit posts about this exactly. The pvp vendors in the city sell only the seasonal pvp gear. By all means, if i am wrong, please show me. I will gladly recant and then go buy the head piece i am missing.

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Welcome to the circus! :circus_tent::clown_face::peanuts::dancer:

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Yep. I hate elitism and the cause it represents. Trust me, I played their stupid games and got stupid forum vacations as prizes.

And one of them said “System working as intended”. I told her “System should purge you then.”


Funny. They had time to buff the stats by 40%.


That would be a cool name to call Team Git Gud.

Outside of Timewalking old instances shouldn’t scale at all. When we’re transmog or mount farming we don’t want nor need a slog.

After questing and doing whatever, at the point there isn’t anything new I’m interested in, I go back to mog/mount farming. That keeps me subbed between expansions. Take that away and I’m out as soon as I get bored.


100% this exactly. 100%

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I don’t understand why it became a problem that needed to be “fixed”. Apparently spending time “fixing” this and not fixing game break bugs took priority.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Strange, that’s also how Wildstar died too. Bad corporate management also.

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I don’t. I think it’s a terrible take and he said the main reason he quit is because he isn’t successful at the game.

No where did I say mythic raiders. Considering achievements showed as of during 9.2 that over 60% of the player base had a raid boss achievement from SoTFO. Normal and heroic raiders are raiders too.

So yes the pure solo players are a lower minority than raiders. Most players play multiple parts of the game.

I mean you didn’t even read what I said. Like typical solo players you’re delusional enough to think you’re the majority when even the devs have said that’s not the case.


Casuals play at all levels of the game. Most people that claim to be casual play more than mythic raiders.

As casual is a metric of player not the content or skill level you play at your statement makes zero sense.

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Hate to burst your bubble but solo players aren’t a growing demographic considering over 60% of the player base raid at one level or another.

Raiding/mplus/rated pvp will always be the priority and primary focus of the game.

All the stuff you listed is extra side stuff for people to do waiting for friends to get on. It’s literally filler stuff.

And your stats come from where? Would that not then suggest 40% dont raid at all?