Agree 100%!

If LFR didn’t replace N/H/M raids, and Solo Shuffle didn’t replace 2s/3s then WHY does BG Blitz have to replace RBGs? RBGs are my favorite form of PVP because I am on voice with people that I play with in a community. It’s the same reason that raiding is my favorite form of PVE, because again, we’ve got 10+ people doing something TOGETHER on voice. Playing WoW with others on voice is 1000x more epic than solo-ques for anything. Blizzard, why don’t you want people to TALK to each other in battlegrounds? But it’s ok for raiders and arena players to talk.

I have been playing since Vanilla. I didn’t think I would ever stop playing WOW. Until today. And I say this as a person that does EVERYTHING in the game (M+, Raid, RBGs, pet/mount collection, etc). I even have the 40.5K achievement points to prove it. But the decisions being made these days just baffle me.


No. You are right. Tons of elitism, some legitimate and some very misplaced. Also, many specs are totally shut out from participating. That is the biggest thing for me. It would be nice to have a BG format that allows players to play whatever spec they want to play and go for some rewards if they are able to get them.


Yeah, it’s the same elitism as PVE raiding, and it’s not a good thing at all. So I feel the player base has in some ways only themselves to blame for certain outcomes.

Unless you are in a guild that don’t mind what you play. However, someone in my guild had to change from human surv hunter to night elf for shadowmeld to defend bases.

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I agree there should be empathy.

I also believe the player base needs to look at themselves for this outcome. Elitist gameplay, snobbery, classes being locked out etc.

It’s not a very welcoming player base. Comparing to PVE is a bit of a stretch IMO (apart from the sorry mate wrong class not taking you elitism)


Nail in coffin…

What they should do is take away the ability to premade in random bgs and Epics, keep rated bgs for the people that like to group. There you go everyone absolutely delighted.


RBG’s are fun but the meta is weird and anachronistic. A game mode where only 20% of the specs can compete is not fun. I don’t like Blitz however. I would have preferred a match making system that would put you in a traditional RBG.

Edit: 9:40 PM PST and there are 6 RBG listings in group finder, one of them is a booster.


Get rid of 10v10 RBG, arenas and epics/regs all of it. Just make it so we all get into two man teams and wander around the woods playing leapfrog while digging for buried treasure in our flamboyantly stupid looking pirate outfits that Elton John wouldn’t even wear. Whoever finds the most buried treasure while leapfrogging gets to go to Blizzcon for the leapfrog finals. There’s no fighting at the finals though, it’s just a Victoria Secret runway where they’ll be judged on who put together the most ridiculous looking pirate outfit that season. Sounds hot… I think I can hit 3k

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I agree with the OP. Even if I haven’t re q’d the bracket since I played against his triple blood team…

The bracket is indeed dying, incentives could be one reason. There’s definitely been zero effort on Blizzards part for years ( balancing… MW monks… degenerate carrying ect ) and as a result it’s been left to just rot.

Que’ing with friends is really fun, and the social aspect of it is the main reason it’s so fun.

I will be sad to see it leave.

Who told you RBGs were being removed from the game?

Are they removing 10v10 rbgs or having 8v8 rbgs in addition to battleground blitz?

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Comrades LF YOLO RBG’s Conquest Cap + Vault

Unless you have friends. Then it is not better, in every way, as you cannot play with them.

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I agree 100% with Wintèrz on this. There are many dedicated communities that just play the 10v10 rbgs for the social aspect and the friends they get to play together with. Don’t Take RBGS away!!

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Blitz uses mmr not honor level to match players.

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The problem with Rated battlegrounds is that once you reach a particular rating like 1600 or 1800 you have gate keepers and if you don’t know someone it is very hard to get into a group. I wanted to push 2k this season on this character, but the amount of time spent not only finding a team, but then getting a tank became ridiculous. I spent more time looking for a group and tank than I did actually playing, oh and if you lose teams disperses.


The best part about bg blitz is not having to deal with looking for a group. Now i can play whatever class/spec i want and actually get matches in a timely manner. And it will still be quick because i main healer. It was always fun playing the black sheep class/spec of the season and just never getting groups :roll_eyes:

It’s funny how not having to deal with the community is always a plus.


Getting rid of RBGs just to push solo shuffle-style content would be tragic… WoW is supposed to be about creating community and, for the ppl focusing their game time around being competitive in PVP, we need all the opportunities that we can get. I would’ve dropped before Shadowlands if I hadn’t found my way into a solid/supportive RBG-based guild with legit folks that I’ve been able to improve with for a few years now.

IDC if Blizzard wants to ADD the rated 8v8 stuff, but don’t delete our RBG content to make room for it as the “new default.” That’d be like deleting high Mythic keys because you want ppl to run companion dungeons… Communicating and coordinating your gameplay with a group at a high level is legit and exists in PVE across multiple formats so why just stick PVP players with arenas and then leave the rest to scrubby solo shuffle chaos?!

RBGs need more frequent updates (new maps, actual incentives, etc.) to build back the player base rather than killing the mode entirely… While you’re at it, bring back 5v5 arenas :stuck_out_tongue:


my RBG team pretty much will swap to cata RBGs if it hits live servers. etiher way its whatever. another disappointment from blizzard

Did Blizzard actually say 10v10 RBGs would be removed?