they better keep 10v10. or im going to be MAD


Dead? I play about 500 RBGs a season and it’s very rare to run into the same team twice on a given night. Wen we do come up against a team we know of it’s more exciting. It’s a team sport.

Solo RBGs have been like randoms. Very little team work and plenty of trolls. I’m not against the format but there are plenty of us who want to play a social team based game where you can progress as a group.

You know, like an MMO is supposed to be.


So many walls of text in this thread.

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I agree with a lot of what you’re written with exception to -

  • Your clustering of casual players as naive and uninitiated, and without their intent for betterment. Right now, new players lack a safehaven to learn - random/epic queues are littered with full groups in full gear + consumes making any possibility for learning extremely difficult. It’s a super grindy, awful process for an individual without soft entry (say a friend who is a multiglad that can explain - “It’s going to get better friend”) and I applaud new players for grinding.

Your labelling here, which I think is more out of frustration, is the type of energy that makes LFG for a new player, an impossibility, even at some sub1600 mmr games. Accessibility is absolutely needed. A safehaven is needed. I’m on your side, we need 10v10, and we need all geared players in 10v10, not random queue, to flush the system with tonnes of teams. We need Solo Queue into this Queue type, not a Blitz type. They will be in low MMR then make friends from good experiences when they win, and they’ll be in a 10v10 team before they know it.

  • I think you’re wildly overstating the next level skillset in 10v10 (minus a couple of pivotal classes - rogue/druid). As long as you are mechanically sound and can continually read over your BGE to count, see signposts and rotate on caps, it’s not a book of wizardry. And speaking about it like it is, most likely scares people from RBG even more. *See above post of mine, I have 6-0ed a lot of multiple HOTH/HOTA in mirrors or where I was scissor/rock, because the healers are more pad/defensive/HPS than knowing how to create momentum and win windows in SS.

I agree, it is a wonderful game mode that is fun and needs retention. I agree, more attention - though balance must remain in Arena as priority, but significant review is required to elevate representation of the 6 classes (Shaman/Mage/Hunter, etc) who make up less of the 2400+ ladder than Mistweaver alone. I agree, there is interest, but people don’t know how to get there. Solo queue is the answer, not into Blitz, but into a low MMR RBG where good experiences can exist. Just like SS shouldn’t exist and should just queue into 3s. When players bond, they add and become a group anyway. Yay. New friends. Lasting relationships, more players in rated.


So, passionate people are investing time wanting to articulate opinions clearly and with thought (into something they have played for nearly 20 years). And not troll or jest. It comes from a good place where sometimes we need to structure our statements properly. Why can’t the discussion sometimes be more intellectual?


Me: I sure do hope they clarify what they meant and that there is a space for people who like preform group rated BGs to enjoy themselves.

You: People who don’t want to do preform group rated BGs are naive and uninitiated casual players that don’t want to actually learn the nuances and skill checks of a blah blah blah

You should probably take some time out of your life and do some self reflection as to why you are such a miserable human being with a highly inflated sense of self worth.


People are writing novels (or having novels written for them) without even knowing exactly what Ion meant. I mean, is there cause for concern? Yes. Should people wait until there is clarification as to what he meant? Also, yes.

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I think if we extend our empathy to how the “concerned” are feeling, you’ll understand why the passion reflects in lengthy prose. RBGs have received very little love for the longest time; this is an explosion of collected frustration. I say - let them vent, and also, be willing to have an intellectual exchange on arguments they propose that do or don’t make sense. Imagine if there were no longer Unrated BGs or better yet, you only get Conquest gear by participating in Rated PVP again. The prose too, would be explosive.


 I’m not hearing anything about them removing anything. I’m hearing that Blitz is going to be the default RBG option (smart move)- which is where their attention will be.

But once Rated Blitz is released - and the old RBG community loses even more people - you can bet they’ll expect Blizzard to fix it
 and that won’t happen. You can’t fix it.

Blitz is going to be the focus.

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Well said. The devs never cease to amaze me with how out of touch they are with their PvP community.

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It’s best to reserve intellectual exchanges for problems that actually exist, unless you are doing some kind of academic research into a new field.

It might be explosive, but it would be mostly short. Along the lines of “I quit” followed by people cancelling their subs.

Of course, we could have a ten page dialogue about the ramifications of what would happen if they did lock item level behind pvp rating again, but why bother and waste time with something that is very unlikely to happen?

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I think you’re forgetting that this community needs to pre-Astral Shift a lot of their feedback because of -

  1. Hey, I think Convoke has some issues?
  2. Hey, S1 DF Ret has some issues? See AWC and 99% 2400 games having Ret end of S1. Forever 1800 player who doesn’t Sanctuary is suddenly a legend (dunno, maybe big brain play lol, just zug)
  3. Hey, S2 DF Aug has some issues? See ladder.

I agree Winterz

I have been running Battlegrounds since they first came out in 2005.

Since 2005, I have watched Blizzard continuously neglect them. I had high hopes for RBG’s when they came out and I do enjoy them to this day.

More than anything Battlegrounds were a place to form bonds, meet people and play together.

You know, the second “M” in MMO.

RBG’s are in the state they are in due to neglect. I think incentives would be wise but that is only going to be a partial fix. More attention needs to be paid to those who exploit the system as well as how the LFG system works for it.

I think a Marketplace where individual players can advertise their skills would be useful as well as a rating attached to the player so you know if this person gets along with others or is toxic and an in-game Personal Blacklist not based off an addon.

Also new Battlegrounds can be nice but why reinvent the wheel? An arena is an arena. The only difference is the map.

Twin peaks and Warsong Gulch are the same game but it is the map that makes both unique.

Coming out with a new BG has to be eminently harder than just creating a new map.

Did Ian actually say they are getting rid of 10 man? No. But that does not mean we should not be voicing our opinions and fears now.

Ultimately it is on him and Blizz to figure out how to improve RBG popularity but I believe that BG Blitz as the default RBG will make the toxicity and bad queue times of Arena seem like a walk in the park.

It has its place but Battlegrounds were meant to be a place for teamplay.

Getting rid of 10 man RBG’s would be a massive mistake.


Now that Blitz will count toward vault in season 4 - I’m curious to see the RBG numbers. I wouldn’t be shocked if the further decline in numbers begins before TWW.

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This will not stop people from DC throwing people throught the map because they can Q together


I haven’t even touched RBGs this expansion, but I think it’s stupid to replace 10v10 with blitz. If blizzard goes forward with replacing traditional RBGs with solo queue, they definitely should not simply copy+paste blitz as a replacement.

While blitz can be fun, it has some really major issues (especially on certain maps) that rewards avoiding pvp altogether.

Rated solo queue RBGs should get the standard rated 10v10 maps and rules. No blitz movement speed or power up gimmicks. Just keep it 2 healers per team required for a match to begin and if a tank wants to queue, only put them in a game against another tank.

According to data mining there are two different rated BG modes that will reward titles in TWW.

Let the best mode win.

I know which one my money is on.

I get the annoyance because if I was someone that enjoyed that gameplay I would feel the same. However, it seems to me hardly anyone plays it anyway. Hence, they do premade in randoms and epics.

Forgive me if I’m wrong.

One of the guilds I’m in on another toon love rated bgs, and they are not happy. I just joined, so I don’t feel the impact.

I believe the player base is partly to blame. Too fussy who they want to take on their team etc. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ve heard players complain about this?