RBGs were ruined for me when cheaters/exploiters/carries/flyhackers/DDoSers took over the bracket.

You’d see the worst behavior in WoW. People would get their internet connection knocked out because of RBGs.


That’s fine. Solo queue RBGs should bring in more players from the normal BG bracket I think. Overall this is a better change for PvP in WoW. Need to start changing things up at this point.

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Ya all the crazy stuff that went on in RBGs, especially in the earlier days. Heard stories from even now but I don’t care as much now so I hear less about them.

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No one is saying remove solo Q, or that solo Q is bad. We simply do not want 10v10’s removed from the game. I agree and think that solo Q RBGs could bring in new players to the PVP community . It isn’t a bad thing, but it shouldn’t be forced onto players who enjoy 10v10’s. They can co-exist


There’s more phony, low post count chat gpt posters in this thread than there are people who actually play rated battlegrounds.


Idk my opinion is the 10v10 format should have been changed a while ago. I get some guilds a communities do them together, but clearly not a lot. To make it easier for groups to form, which is a problem. Even if you find a group 1 game is usually all you get out of it before it breaks up. During Shadowlands 8v8 would have solved my issues. Always seemed like we were waiting on a 3rd healer or something to get to ten. Took forever to form groups.

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In the 10v10 format, people look for experienced PvPers and meta specs. That means many people don’t get to participate.


Again, the sole reason why not a lot of people don’t RBG is because the lack of incentives. It’s not a hard idea to comprehend. The game mode doesn’t need to be changed to 8v8 to make the community more active. The players who do actively RBG every day are the players who very much enjoy the game mode for what the game mode is, but the player base issue wouldn’t be an issue if there were incentives. That’s the only thing that needs to change. It wouldn’t take forever to form groups if there were incentives to hit Q.


The most popular pvp game mode is random bg’s and you don’t get anything for doing them. Rewards only go so far.


Everyone is capable of forming a team or group. When I first started in RBG’s, I formed my own team (still do to this day) and learned how to play the game with players of similiar skill levels to myself. The problem with what you are claiming with lower xp players not being able to participate is that they don’t want to play with players that are at the same skill level as them. Instead, they are looking to join higher xp teams and be carried instead of learning how to play.


Yeah, nobody is going to join the no-xp BM tank trying to form a RBG team.

It’s just harder for non-meta specs to participate in RBGs. Probably near-impossible for some specs.


Well, Blizzard is fresh out of brand new cars - and that’s exactly the type of reward you would need to increase the numbers of the worst, most toxic PvP mode in the game.

And the numbers are about to get even worse.

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It’s not but if they are moving towards 8v8 as the standard format, there probably wouldn’t much or anything added for 10v10 really. It would be like the 2v2 bracket of arena. Also the sole reason isn’t incentives. Do those help? Sure but it’s not the only reason.

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There’s more phony, low post count chat gpt posters in this thread than there are people who actually play rated battlegrounds.

So because we don’t visit and post on the forums every hour of every day, that makes us phony? Pfft, please. There’s still a percentage of the player base that participates in RBGs. We don’t want to see it gone. Other than solo, you barely PvP (according check-pvp), so honestly, this shouldn’t really affect you anyways.


Blizzard dropped the ball a long time ago. I don’t think they truly understand that they had something special on their hands with Rated BGs. No other game comes close to delivering that kind of experience. And a major part of the fun was building your own team and pushing boundaries with team compositions.

There was once a golden era of RBGs. Back when Abn, Bailamos, Datacus, and many others competed at the high end of the ladder. The competition was intense and fun to watch. Players like Reinhardt would host community tournaments that were heavily watched and participated in. All Blizzard needed to do to keep the fire going was throw us a few logs. Those logs being in the form of balancing updates (for the love of WoW, NERF the Peaceweaver talent and Revival) and rewards like seasonal titles, mounts, etc.

Instead, they did the opposite and completely ignored the community feedback. Botters were often allowed to continue botting until the season ended, but before Hero was handed out. Players often cheated by walking under the map or flying in the sky without a ban for long periods of time. At one point, high end RBG leaders would only invite those that kick botted because it was the only way to compete against the other bots. You would think all of that is in the past, but right now, today, we still have 1 player that’s been reported dozens of times for purposely disconnecting players by throwing them through the map with Illidan’s Grasp and then Chrono Looping it. They are still playing every day. Blizzard doesn’t care.

There are still no rewards. My same Hero title from 10 years ago is still all you get today. All of the issues we have with participation right now can be directly tied to Blizzard’s negligence. It’s truly sad because the only thing that kept this community train running as long as it has been is that there’s still no other game out there similar to the WoW PvP experience. Players that enjoy WoW PvP are left with no good alternative. So we continue to queue up, while feeling neglected, and hope that one day someone at Blizzard will wake up and make things better.

If this is the end, it’s sad that the dedicated players that loved 10v10 RBGs are the ones to suffer in all of this. Blizzard truly neglected the game mode until it was dead enough to kill off.


That’s a hell of a lot of shade being thrown by someone on a burner account that has over 2000 posts on the forums. I post something substantive about something i feel strongly about that makes acute observation’s from an objective standpoint and while it might be long, its certainly less words overall than whatever nonsensical drivel you have spouted in your 2000+ posts.


He lives on the forums - and thinks the definition of ‘‘insanity’’ is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The old Albert Einstein myth.

He probably believes in Bigfoot, too.

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He probably believes in Bigfoot, too.

Now now, let’s leave Bigfoot out of this lol.


That combined with the chat gpt…correct.

There is not.

It already is.

More than you have.

Correct here as well. Can’t be affected by an insignificant existense.

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I agree, there were some really fun times … then very toxic times, that evolved into incredibly toxic, and is why you don’t see many multiglad and R1 players participate in RBGs because the damage around MOP was done and 99% exited. Not many top end players (Mes maybe) have streamed the content for years and they are huge community influencers.

I think you guys should voice your concerns but be conscious that maybe the community is overinterpreting the statements. I’ve listened, and there’s no clear statement - “10man RBGs are being abolished”, but more balancing and considerations are framed/prioritised around this Blitz Game Type. I cringe, because I hope that doesn’t effect Arena which still remains the most important and unique format that Wow possesses, and is the most reflective of player ability. That’s me doing the overinterpreting. That said, RBGs should absolutely exist and have been a wonderful addition.

The issue now, in my mind isn’t around incentivisation (though Shadowlands was a kind of unique ecosystem that collided with BIS PVE gear for versa classes like WW) but accessibility for such a mature product where barriers to entry are high, and new player experience is catastrophic (due to max geared players participating in the wrong space). Giving a Glad mount to RBGs is a false equivalency, and I can only say this in playing Solo Shuffle against multiple HOTH/HOTA healers in mirrors and 6-0ing them. The issue is we need retention at the new player end, and easy access for everyone clustered in the middle that is passionate in the game and should be able to play satisfying games (and that shouldn’t be bashing undergeared people in greens).

The answer is not splitting the community, nor giving away more random freebies (which will only hold a portion of the community for a small length). The issue is smooth integration and rewarding experience, which thus creates retention. Take away griefing of new players by making Random Queues solo only and make all gear completely equalised. It is a testing ground.

Remove all solo queue options. Make a Solo Queue option to a rated format - 2,3,10 and even epic if you want. And these people queue into the existing 2,3,10 queues. There’s no distinction between Shuffle and 3s, it is just Arena. If you have good experiences, add that person. I have farmed glad on this alt account with new friends I made only on Shuffle as I wait on higher MMR on my main. If indeed they do remove RBGs, it is very sad for you guys as you have cultivated communities of very much good intent (beyond the very minor toxicity that exists in many) and are fighting where all geared people should be - “Rated”. I am hoping for you this is misinterpretation and you guys can still have rewarding battles.