I’m in favor of keeping both - but if you look at it through Blizzard’s perspective… once Rated Blitz is released - it’s going to annihilate the current RBG system in popularity.
You RBG people aren’t going to stand a chance - and Blizzard probably figures - instead of listening to all 50 of you complain about activity - remove it altogether.
IF that’s what they’re going to do.
Rated Blitz is the future.
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Lmao just because hes a 1600 player doesn’t mean hes wrong. Shouldnt shame people because of their rating lol its toxic my friend esp when we need way more 1600 players more than ev LOL We need every player this game can retain LOL
They literally just needed to add maps, and rewards… Dont quite understand why they would remove it they just literally need to give people a reason to play PVP in general…
As many people have pointed out, there are plenty of players, who only PvE, that participated in Plunderstorm just for a few mediocre rewards. All Blizz would need to do is to actually put in some RBG specific rewards, and people will play. I can see the benefit of taking the team size down from 10 to 8 as it would make it easier to fill a team up (and only needing 2 healers). But there are still plenty of players, albeit a much smaller % than those that PvE, who love running pre-made RBGs.
8v8 solo RBGs will be plagued by the same problems as Solo que, starts out fun with people playing the new mode. However, within a few weeks you will see longer que times and less people playing it because this is an MMO players want to commuicate and bring friends and guildies to game not get into long que times without any stratagy or communication.
Random BGs give little to no rewards - it’s the most popular PvP in the game.
Unless Blizzard is going to offer a date with Scarlett Johansson, nobody wants to touch that cesspool. IF Blizzard keeps it as is - you guys are on your own.
They’re not going to do anything to help you… will you be okay with that?
I doubt it…
Current Rated battlegrounds have been dead for so long. Solo/duo que RBGs are going to increase the popularity of this game on the PVP side without a doubt. This is a great change that needed to be done. Good job blizzard.
As mentioned, several times in this post above. RBGs have only lost traction in popularity because of the lack of incentives. Blizzard has ignored the RBG community for many YEARS. It doesn’t require a complete overhaul in the system to get players to participate. It requires minor adjustments as simple as adding seasonal incentives. There’s nothing against solo Q RBGs though. It can co-exist with 10v10’s but by no means should 10V10 be taken away from the game. Each bracket should provide its own separate rewards. Similar to how solo shuffle and regular 2v2, and 3v3 arena currently have separate titles and rewards.
Removing an entire bracket? noo bueno…my community just started doing rbgs again I would really hate to see this. I dont see why bg blitz and rbgs can’t coexist.
if you actually want attention from blizz, I recommend posting in GD, they dont read the bg forums.
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How is blizz going to fix the problem with people leaving Solo Shuffle? lol esp for Blitz
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Shadowlands season 1 was active because PvErs were doing guild groups or purchasing boosts in order to get higher item level weapons faster than they would have been able to get them via PvE.
How is blizz going to fix SS ques times with less healers in que since they will be in blitz?
I mean I hear your points, but for the sake of the long term health of the game, there needs to be some consolidation across modes.
Outside of guild runs and community set teams, signing up for yolos and keeping a team together for 1 game before someone quits and you need to shift through LFG again to wait another hour before a game gets going - its just not sustainable long term.
You might say, well just use solo queue and let us keep 10v10. But really how long do you think that’s going to be sustainable? Outside of the dedicated few like yourself (which, mad props, I do love the community you have fostered), at what point does it then become the same 5 teams fighting each other?
Maybe you could keep wargames and just call it a day?
That’s a hell of a lot of text just to let everyone know what a miserable human being you are.
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Blizzard doesnt need to kill things for others to survive. We can always have both
RiP 5s
Yes, I’m aware. I mentioned that in my post. I was just giving an example of how it would be easier to push rating in RBGs if more players Q’d & that getting more players can easily be achieved by providing incentives.
I have played since vanilla. Off and on. I would buy most expansions and play random bgs and a little arena and then get bored and unsubscribe. I might play 1 season. Ever since I found a guild in Shadowlands season 2 that does RBGs I have played non stop. The social aspect, coordination, and camaraderie of guild RBGs keep me coming back. Instead of taking away a social segment of their game I wish Blizz could find a way to encourage more guilds to create welcoming, non-toxic pvp groups.
I honestly think there will still be premade bracket RBGs. Just it will follow the 8v8 format of Blitz. I could see them going to only solo queue though. Reason is rewards. There are already issues with rewards in the arena brackets and the rewards they share or don’t share. Nothing on to much value can be added to the other brackets without it feeling like it’s better than the glad mount or 3v3 rewards. Same thing could happen with 2 competing RBG brackets.
Also in WW I am pretty sure BG Blitz is RBGs. It won’t even be called BG Blitz anymore from some of the data mining I saw.
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Most RBG players will Ethier quit the game or start playing Cata 10v10 RBGs if we’re forced to start playing 8v8. It’s a nice option, but it’s not the same.