It’s a minority because of neglect. We’re going in circles because of a disagreement of origin. If you disagree with it, fine.

As I said before, you can cater to and profit from both a time restricted player base and a dedicated premade PvP/RPG player base if done properly.

Again, this goes back to Blizzard building this culture over the years by neglecting PvP. You get out what you put in. If Blizzard puts in little/nothing, they’re going to get little/nothing out of it.

Do you work at Blizzard? Are you a game designer/programmer? You failed to provide a solid reason why you’re so confident you know better than anyone else here or why any of these methods don’t have the potential to increase incentive/participation.

They share a fundamental concept, ergo, not apples and oranges.

I’d love to see where you get your critical data analysis skills from. Do you have a source of data that has an unbiased sample of current, past, and potential WoW players, with objective measuring methods for player desire/enjoyment etc., and that accounts for extraneous variables? I’ve done enough data analysis in graduate school to know that everything you and all of us here are arguing about is anecdotal. Nothing’s foolproof, and you being condescending about someone else’s position doesn’t change that.

I’m reclarifying that I don’t support crossing PvE and PvP progression.

If that’s the direction Blizzard wants to take with WoW, it would be turned into a full on pay to win game with no in game rewards being locked behind content requiring at least some level of skill or actual gameplay. It would basically be a glorified mobile game.

Whilst Arena has had the same decline, it’s not very comparable to RBG.
RBG isn’t time friendly, for a whole lot of reasons which I mostly call player issue but others here express the contrary.

It’s 2024, time isn’t something everybody has to expend on video games. Forming up two groups of 10 people is even more expenditure that people cannot afford.

This is why solo-queue games are becoming way more accessible and more successful.

I’d love for RBG to receive what you want it to, but it’s not feaseable for anybody other than probably sub 5% of the player base.

Copium. You don’t know what ‘properly’ is given you just admitted you’re pretty clueless from Blizzards perspective.

Another hard shot of copium.

You’re not gonna fly out 80 people for RBG to mirror AWC treatment.

I’ve already explained this. You’re just reading but not stopping to comprehend.

You literally compared an RPG to a mobo and FPS.
The two latter don’t require any time sinks or networking; you can just spawn in.

Crazy how what you’re screaming for is ‘potential’ with no facts to back it up
On the other hand, I’m just laying out what we already know because it’s already happened. I bet you’re religious too.

? forgot ur own words?

bruh… wtf r u saying you’re so beyond sensical

If RBGs were worth saving, they wouldn’t be going away. The only people who even care are people who have btags to play them with, which is a very small number of the overall amount of people who play RBGs, which itself is a very small number of people.

For the rest of us, RBGs are basically ‘have glad or hero XP already, or do yolos with 1200 XP people who don’t know how to do objectives.’ I like Winterz and Dora, and can sympathize with having put in the work networking over the years, but that’s just the reality of the situation we’re in.

If the bracket is already as dead as it is now, when BG Blitz hits it’s going to die that much more. They can keep RBGs for all I care, I quit doing them several seasons ago because they suck to pug, but from a business point of view Blizzard is likely looking at them as a pointless man hour/data housing expense based on numbers they have access to view, and projected loss of activity in the future.

Kind of just is what it is.


Groups of 20 people have been forming to do content for years now. It’s called Mythic Raiding.

Again, Blizzard should have Solo-queue options and there is a way to cater to both that and premade content without them compromising too much from each other. And there’s practically no drawback with getting the art department to make a recolored M+ mount as an RBG seasonal exclusive reward at the very least to start with.

You still failed to provide any reason why you understand Blizzard’s perspective more than anyone else here. If saying “I don’t work at Blizzard” means I’m clueless, then you’re just as clueless.

Who says they have to fly out 80 people or mirror AWC treatment? They didn’t do that with the Plunderstorm event. If RBGs happen to get to that point along the way of improving them, then that’s all the better.

You explained your perspective, but not why it’s any more credible than anyone else’s perspective here.

I was comparing PvP and Raiding modes in this instance. For the LoL and Fortnite examples, you can still learn something from them, both what would be good or bad to take. Plunderstorm is in a lot of ways WoW Fortnite and it paid off.

What does the question of me being religious or not have to do with the price of tea in China? You’re bringing religion into this for no reason other than to be condescending. If anything, I’m approaching this more scientifically than you. Nothing you’ve “laid out” contains an unbiased sample of current, past, and potential player populations nor accounts for extraneous variables. Data is data, but it doesn’t tell you the whole story by itself. Everyone’s perspective in this forum is anecdotal, including yours. If you were properly trained/educated in statistics and data analysis, you would know this.

You’ve repeated yourself. Did you forget your own words? Again, you’re just being condescending for the sake of it.

If WoW is mostly casual players, you don’t think they’d vote to have prestigious rewards like glad mounts obtainable through mindlessly grinding minimal effort content like dailies or the trading post? Or worst case, bat an eye at being able to buy it for $20 in the store? If Blizzard entertained the idea and let enough people hard QQ for it, then that’s where the game would be headed.

THAT’S GREAT! Then agree to disagree and let RBG advocates at least try to push for it instead of condescendingly dismissing them. You have nothing to lose!

i think the big thing you’re having trouble with is Blizzard would be more willing to invest in the game mode if the game mode wasn’t currently dead.

you think Blizzard should invest into the mode to get more people interested. the reality is the mode has been out since Cata and had 1/10 of 1/10 the participation as M+ which has only been out since Legion

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If Blizzard puts nothing into RBGs for YEARS, of course they’re not gonna get much out of it. You can’t just look at 10v10 RBGs and go, “I guess this mode can’t be helped, let’s make another bracket.” when there’s a list of things Blizzard could’ve (some not even requiring a lot of effort) to increase interest and participation. And with how much stuff the art team pumps out monthly for the trading post, it’s not too big of an investment for them to, at the very least, add 1 exclusive mount for RBGs every season. Even if it’s a recolor of the M+ seasonal mount. Even exclusive seasonal titles would be scraps, but it’s something. If you got 2.4 in RBGs at any point in history, even all the way back in Cata, then you’re done. There’s nothing in RBGs for you to earn that you can’t earn in 2v2, 3v3, and SS.

to be fair, didn’t they try adding seasonal titles to RBGs in WoD, and it didn’t do anything for the mode? like, it wasn’t bad, but it didn’t change/encourage anything.

you’re right that the majority of the rewards being 1 time for all time tends to do that, and i’ve said something before that something as simple as making the Hero title have the season it was earned in the title would be great.

i got hero in s13 after playing RBGs all throughout Cata and s12. once i saw Hero never went away and never changed i basically said “welp guess i’m done with this mode lol” and started to focus on arena to finish out MoP.

the contention, however, is it may be 2 little 2 late

You mean taking something that is already in the game and recoloring it? :wink:

Occasionally there’s something unique, but basically yes :stuck_out_tongue:

I never heard of them trying to add RBG seasonal titles in WoD, but I can’t say one way or the other. If they did, was it the same titles as arenas or different? While I think seasonal titles would be nice to have, I think the mount would incentivize more. From the way I see it, regardless of whether it’s “too late” or not, there’s practically nothing to lose with adding an exclusive mount reward to rbgs. Even if it’s just a recolor.

to be fair, they haven’t even done this for SS yet and SS has 10x the participation.

they will probably add something to BGB at some point, but that’s about as far as it will go, if i had to guess.

This is true, but it’s kind of the overall pvp theme from Blizzard. They set up the pvp formats and then just let them go on autopilot for very long stretches of time.

Nothing has been done to drive up participation in random BGs in terms of new rewards or titles in a very long time as well. But, it doesn’t struggle as much as rated BGs just because it is extremely accessible.

Basically what I’m saying is that rated BGs have had the worst of both worlds. It’s been neglected AND it is inaccessible to many players.


Largely because SS offers at least 90% of what every other bracket has to offer and is arguably easier.

wait, are you saying that SS not having a mount is correct and RBGs should have one instead?

because i honestly don’t see a world where that makes sense in the grand scheme.

Yeah, raiding in general which is way more accessible naturally, is the objective of the game and isnt dying content.

Solo-queue compromises organised queues. i.e. 3v3 before and after solo-queue.


My evidence is history, your evidence is begging because you want something.

it’s just an example of why it’s not comparable, chill bro no1 was cooking

what’re you trying to say here? how does wow plunderstorm being played until people get their rewards help you in anyway? Plunderstorm is q & drop. RBG is find 10 people after vetting them and hitting queue 2 hours later.

up and over ur head.

It’s really hard to take this seriously when you go off into ‘im a noob and we want this’ rants.

I’m telling you why it isn’t feasable and you’re just an unhappy child who hates hearing contradiction.

but ppl play arena every season without the intention or at least guarantee of getting unique r1 titles.
some without the guarantee of the mount either.

welcome to his pov

Yes, SS not having a mount is correct and RBGs should have one instead because SS is arguably the easiest rated mode and is the LFR of rated PvP. If you made all the Normal, Heroic, and Mythic+ rewards available in LFR, participation in those other branches would die. So to me, it does make sense in the grand scheme of things. But if you wanted to give both SS and RBGs different mounts, I think that’d be okay.

Yeah, and it’s not dying as much as other content because it gets constant attention, updates, new content, and isn’t being neglected for years. Going in circles again.

Yes, but it doesn’t have to if you give them enough separate rewards/incentives.
And repeatedly using me saying “I don’t work at Blizzard” doesn’t do anything for your argument if you never worked at Blizzard either, and it sounds like you don’t. And you can’t seem to come up with a drawback of Blizzard using a simple recolor as a starter/minimal incentive.

The way you’re trying to use it, that’s not evidence. It’s data that doesn’t take into account sampling bias or extraneous variables, so it doesn’t serve as an objective truth as much as you think it does. If you tried to pass that as definitive evidence in a professional setting to anyone who was properly educated/trained in statistics/data analysis, they would criticize and/or pooh-pooh you.

Taking certain ideas from other MMOs even if they’re not directly the same can be beneficial. Who said Plunderstorm has to help me? It was fun and I still sometimes play even after hitting Renown 40. Hitting que doesn’t have to be 2 hours later if the mode had proper incentive to increase participation. Going in circles again.

You brought religion into something that has nothing to do with it and insulted a group of people for no reason. You don’t think there’s a religious person out there who would agree with you or a non-religious person who would disagree with you? Your ignorance is showing. You might wanna keep your personal views of religious people out of WoW topics

It’s really hard to take you seriously when you keep trying to pass your interpretation as objective truth when scientifically, it’s not.

Buddy, I’m a guy who has fun playing a certain game mode with his friends and has reason to think it could be performing better than it is now. If anyone’s an unhappy child who hates hearing contradiction, it’s you. There’s a difference between disagreeing and you being self-righteous and condescending. I think it’s feasible, you don’t think it is. That’s fine. If you would love for RBGs to receive what I want them to, like you said you did, then you have nothing to gain from condescendingly dismissing people trying to improve it.

FYI, people who work in stats/data analysis are hired by companies who tell them the results they’re looking for, and the stats person gives them data to prove it. Otherwise known as confirmation bias.

I’m aware. I’m referring to scientific professional settings (empirical & peer reviewed studies etc.)

Even in a peer reviewed, double-blind and placebo controlled environment, confirmation bias still happens.