This precisely. I have seen many try to play off the low RBG numbers as a failure of the community. Of the players.
When the reality is, it is the complete lack of support by Blizz for the content of this game mode.
Winterz identified part of it being a lack of incentives.
I think the lack of community rating and crude LFG tool is another large part. Not implementing any balancing is another.
Letting exploits, boosters and classes being over or underrepresented is another.

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RBGs were very popular in Cata. But in Cata we saw a resurgence of arena as well. As a result BlizZard chose to support more arena than RBGs. The rest is history.

It could be argued that the RBG community was gate keeping but that happens in any other WoW community like M+, Heroic/Mythic raiding, rated arena, etc.

Point being is that RBGs can co exist with other PVP modes as an option.

But a lot of younger players like the idea of rated solo queue so it is worth a shot to try to have more players play in PVP.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Future wow ad
Hey you! Yes You! Are you antisocial and want a thriving competitive multiplayer experience?

Haaaaave you heard about wow pvp? We limit our players to random algorithm generated groups so you never have to feel bad that the other team communicates better than you!

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To be honest I am looking forward to it, now you don’t have to wait in LFG and can play whatever spec you want.


I have to admit the mode of 8v8 lfr version is cool but getting rid of 10v10 is not cool it’s like how guilds die when you made 10m mythic mode don’t make pvp only lfr-ish there’s a lot of players that do play all season long and those that come and go all season long.
There’s no reason you need to take regular rbgs away when you didn’t take arenas away when you put in solo shuffle.

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Hey you…yeah you.

Want to join a premade community that forms raid teams in Epic BGs. We target pug teams only so you have no worries about losing. You can earn honor and conquest that you won’t need eventually, but who cares when we’re stomping noobs.

You won’t even have to use your spells because we’ll do it for you, and it will be over before it’s started, really. Don’t even have to learn your class!!

Furthermore, you will queue longer for the BG than the amount of time you are in there.

Sounds fun? Join up today!


It didn’t decimate itself. Blizzard did by neglecting it. The mode’s almost 14 years old with no unique rewards added to it. The fact that there’s still a community for RBGs after all this time shows how special this mode is for people and the potential it has.


10v10 RBGs have been around awhile and during seasons where it’s been necessary to play in order to gear up it’s done very well among even pve players.

If there were rewards on par with pve achievements for 10 mans & raids like a mount for instance this game mode would see incentive response like other game modes.

Theres been no new content to this mode unlike pve. Please maintain the pvp community the way pve has been. Surely there’s enough subscribers playing pvp to warrent some kind of creativity.

It’s been disappointing to see the only developement interest come to new game modes like plunderstorm instead of giving us new content in the pvp game modes to build interest there. It is looking like the devs just don’t want a pvp community in game.

RBGs have been a part of the game a long time and there’s no other pvp game quite like it. Not only will it disappoint a niche community within the game removing it creates a gap in the market for a new game to fill.

Please keep WoW a game that listens to the player base and maybe even work with your community to say build a new pvp 10 man map, new anrena map, and a hero mount. The community would probably do most of the work for you. Work with us.

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It did. Worst example of humanity ever displayed in this game.

There is not.

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I like that blitz counts towards my vault now. But I feel that random / rated BGs are more enjoyable, and wish they would have just had an automated group finder option for RBGs - in addition to the typical form your own group style.

I don’t really like modified “blitz” BGs as much. I feel the random and rated format is fairer / funner. Just my 2c.

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I have a soft spot in my heart for rbgs. I had a lot of fun in bfa and shadowlands with them.

That was from the perspective of a healer who got decently invited to some of the “cliquey” groups.

That being said i did find it a bit anxiety inducing:

One off game? Hopefully the lead doesnt lambast you in discord while his cronies giggle in the background

One loss after spending 30+ mins forming a group? “I gotta go” (then you see that same person in a diff group 2 mins later lol)

Getting removed on a whim from the group when friends or guildies come online

I guess i didnt like some of the social aspects. I liked the idle chat, but the drama and toxicity was nasty.

That being said no reason to remove them for the community that enjoys them. They can both exist

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The updated title achievements (Knight etc.) indicate that RGBs are not getting removed

I think that’s just how they are atm but RBG is still intended to be removed regardless of this.

Adding rewards and seeing people playing doesn’t necessarily mean there’s any positive gained.

People didn’t play RBGs in Shadowlands S1 because they enjoyed it, they played it for mandatory gear upgrades for content that wasn’t RBG.

It’s very clear from communication that people do not like rewards that are gated behind grinds. Plunderstorm was evident of this; twitter posts about how people no-lifed for the limited time collectable items.

People don’t like being forced into a gamemode they don’t like to achieve something they like.

The introduction of Battleground Blitz – I have nothing against. But, replacing RBGs AND giving the titles we have worked hard, sometimes entire seasons and expansions forming teams, leading and competing for – to solo queuers?!

This is utter betrayal. I’ve played and lead RBGs since MoP and seeing them gone will irrevocably break the best MMO-PvP aspect of this game. Of course, all in the favour of ‘Equity’ (which is the OPPOSITE of Equality!), nostalgia baits, FOMO trickery (which is murky from a legal standpoint!), and NPC/AI/sheep/undead/automation ‘culture’.

I believe this is just another result of the postmodern anti-human cult(ure) that’s been ruining all forms of escapist entertainment, as it ravages society and alienates people for the great fear that they will have to make an effort, work for something, or have to engage with other people (Shadowlands forbid!!!) in order to achieve something (This is an argument for collaboration and cooperation of converging self-interests*). The WoW spirit has DIEd.

This company and this game have been disrespecting PvP’ers since 6.0. When ACTIVE sabotage is made upon a product, there’s no subsequent right to complain and ask where all the consumers have gone. It’s vile, and evil.

The old slogans on the Garrosh statue are meaningless now. Might as well just replace it with a block of stone.

SoloQ is PvP. It is just a PvP format that you don’t like. The different formats of PvP are very different from each other and offer people different things.

You are basically exactly the same type of person that ridicules another person for their taste in music.


I thought 10v10 RBGs are staying?

Are you saying solo queuers don’t work hard for their titles?


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As things are right now, it is much easier to advance in soloQ than it is in premade RBGs, but a lot of that barrier has to do with things that don’t have anything to do with PvP: such as social networking to find a good and stable team.

That said, to beat a good RBG team you need a good RBG team (higher barrier to actually consistently winning). That is not necessarily the case in soloQ where one or two people can carry the disadvantaged team to a win.

Is this like RSS and 3s where RSS has a lot more participation so its rating bell curve is larger?

Then, in subsequent seasons, Blizzard capped rating in RSS to keep it in line with 3s?

To clarify, is it easier to gain rating based on the games alone?

Well, the teams are smaller, so each player has more agency in the outcome of a match.

Both. But, I think the larger barrier is the difficulty in finding a good and stable team. I believe that is where most people give up on the format.