Small minds discuss people while great minds discuss ideas.

Arena and RBGs are bad formats that offer nothing but dwindling the PvP player base. What PvP needs is New PvP formats. Not the same ole ones that haven’t worked. I’m sorry this offends you personally but it’s not personal.

Nothing I said in here is about me feeling good. It’s about the history of PvP in this game and fixing it so it has a better future.

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You know it’s so incredibly ironic that the time period you think is the pinnacle of Wow PVP - TBC/Wrath - is the exact time that in season PVP gear is locked behind Arena Participation and that gear is rating locked??? It is the time that Arena players are absolute gods if they play some random Bgs for fun, and that they get better gear premised on their rating? There is less access and less equitability for people who don’t arena?

I take Classic Wow as the best ecosystem to demonstrate your point. There was big World PVP for a very short time. It was great, and novel, but then eroded to nothing. It has no lastability. Classic Epics were quite pumping but toxic as anything. Alliance doesn’t bother PVPing on AV for example, and again, eroded to nothing - only in fulfilling Ranks and gear for PVE usage. And retail epic, this forum is littered with the same feedback loop. Large scale PVP, good, quality instanced PVP can still exist if teams are evenly matched, and with light balancing tweaks which I agree with.


Absolutely nailed it.

Abomb - best PVP time was TBC/WOTLK. A time where Arena was mandatory for gear.

Also Abomb - worst time for PVP was when I don’t have to Arena for best gear.


You know how much better PvP would of been if Arena was never added. Real shame PvP went down this dark path. The more Arena became a focus the worse PvP got. Especially since most PvPers want nothing to do with Arena.


You realise you have proven Vile’s point again and again with the inconsistency of your statements and no objectivity.

You - I hate arena but love when arena was the main gearing time. I like big pvp but not addressing big pvp has failed in every game. I want big pvp so I want wow to die a swift death. I hear rbgs are going to die so I want to hurt people and take arena with it for no reason but I am malicious.


People still do rated BG’s? I couldn’t tell because every random bg is a premade.


This isn’t about me. You are trying to interject and derail the thread with your own separate talking points. I’ll post it again for you and anyone else to read. Other people also seem to agree with the discussion points which has no inconsistency.

Interject and derail this thread? This thread is around protecting RBGs and in you come saying Arena should be removed.

Serious. Who is interjecting and derailing this thread with an agenda? It is you. And again, you prove the point of your bias and Vile’s point. Can we get back to talking about RBGs now? This Abomb guy is just crazy hostile to any rated format.


Failed game modes don’t need to be protected. Arena and RBGs are a failure and caused the PvP player base to dwindle. It’s time for better and NEW formats to revitalize PvP and make it about MMO PvP.

Just because you don’t like these facts doesn’t mean you should make it personal. Again I have no intention on a personal battle. I’m here to discuss moving on to a better PvP future which hopefully has NEW formats not the same ole ones that aren’t working.

Yes they should end because they don’t work and haven’t worked for many years. Same goes for Arena. However Arena has hurt RBGs more than anything. So this is why Arena is a relevant talking point. (If you were listening)

If Arena never happened then RBGs would of had a place to thrive and maybe then they wouldn’t be doing away with them now. Don’t blame me, blame Arena and balance issues it’s caused for RBGs. Blame the Devs for not designing more for RBGs over the years.

However don’t blame the Devs for moving onto a NEW format of 8v8 which is a good thing for PvP. It’s time for NEW formats and removing old ones that aren’t working.

I’d like them to remove 3v3 as the Esport model and move focus onto 6v6 or 8v8 objective based PvP. I don’t think 10v10 would work. However lets focus on what I’ve said. PvP balance should be around objective based PvP and we need the return of Class roles.

PS - I’ve enjoyed RBGs and you should be mad as well at Arena for what it did too RBGs, WPvP and PvP overall. Your anger is misplaced.

Uh, no…no it has not. :rofl:


We can agree here. Arena isn’t a watchable product and is ignored by most of the player base.

The only memorable PvP in recent years was the HC Classic WoW Dueling Tournament which by the way had over 350,000 viewers. That was the most exciting PvP event in recent years and a huge success.

The best PvP moments in this game were created by Entertaining content creators building excitement around the game like Athene, Swifty back when WoW was WoW. When BG montages of Epic 1v3’s with great music owned the PvP scene.

No one remembers who won Blizzcon what year or the irrelevant battle to get that title. Arena isn’t a good product and it’s a shame what it did too PvP in this game. The main culprit too 10v10 RBGs going away is Arena.


You continue to derail this thread complaining about rated content.

You know who won the Mak’Gora? Snutz. Who were the other players? Ziqo. Mes. Beans. Pshero. All arena players who are famous for arena.

You hate arena yet love the era where arena was most important. You love these competitions but the best players are all arena players. You love Athene. Athene was a rank 1 holy pally. Swifty was a solid duelist. All people who went from BGs to Arena because Arena was good.

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I agree with everything this guy says.

I have 0 Arena Rating to prove it.

Nope. Please delete 10v10. I gladly take fun at their expense, when RBG leaders and players are the most toxic people I’ve had the misfortune of knowing in the entire game more than any other game mode.

8v8 Blitz ftw :partying_face:


And we don’t care. Arena is an acquired taste. Not for everyone.

Swifty I know, of course, Athene less said about that person the better. The rest of them never heard of them.


Go back to this point for your thoughts.

Abomb - best PVP time was TBC/WOTLK. A time where Arena was mandatory for gear.

Also Abomb - worst time for PVP was when I don’t have to Arena for best gear.

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I dont think people being mean equals delete the game from existing


Gear disparity was nothing like it is now when compared to TBC and Wrath. Epic gear was not 100% necessary to be relevant in general PvP and you could actually compete against people while wearing the previous season’s gear.

I fondly recall killing fully gered arena players in BGs while wearing green and blue gear.

I’d prefer it to stay - so we can laugh when their community complains about an even larger decrease in numbers… once rated blitz releases, and annihilates it.

But I’m not a very nice guy… so…


and now you can be in completely equal gear. under the wotlk system due to shoulders and weapons, you could never be completely equal or never catch up easily. this is not addressing the falacy in Abomb’s logic.

If you hate arena that is okay. but Abomb is inconsistent and hostile to arena players who arent even involved in this topic of 10v10.

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