Karokta Not Reset

I’m a mount collector, I don’t really care about anything else but mount drop off Karokta, the drop rate from this particular rare isn’t great, by change the current 5 days per kill, it will only make the drop rate more rare, why punishing players like this? Is Blizzard try to chase away their players by setting up these ridiculous and brainless rules?


Say what? They change the loot lockout on this rare or what?

I did a post about this issue.

Basically, Devs moved rares from a daily reset to a 4 day rotation that’ll reset like WQ

  • Zaralek Cavern
    • [With weekly restarts] The loot lockout now resets when the content in a given area of the map becomes available. Now, when world quests are visible in an area, the rare elite enemies in that area will also be available. Rare elite rewards have been increased to offset their reduced frequency.
      • Developers’ notes: Unlike Forbidden Reach, the rare elites in Zaralek Cavern are meant to be a bonus, rather than the primary activity.

This impacted collectors and there’s multiple threads about this mount because it was already a really low drop and now it’s worse to grind, I was doing this farm with 70s only and now I’ve to move 45+ 60s because it got worse and finding groups in other patches/expansions will be an impossible task.

We really need bad luck protection…

well now i understand why i wasnt seeing anything drop after tuesday for rares. blizzard really does make mounts so rare it loses that feeling of joy when you get it. i spend so much time farming for mounts over years that when i finally get it its no longer a yay i got it just a feeling of its about dam time i got to stop farming this week after week. they need to add in that bad luck protection the way ff14 did and add tokens from bosses/rares and after getting 100 if you still dont have the mount u can just buy it. for rares 100 days doesnt seem that bad but 100 weeks for raids while still going to suck since its 2 years of dedication atleast you wont have people farming the same thing for over a decade which feels awful


exactly, there should be a healthier approach but usually they just cause frustation even when Devs know that doing X amount of attempts with an army of alts is the best approach but it´s not fun…

Agree but there’s a lot of players that defend a “rarity” value…I’d prefer if the game provides better goals and rewards, instead of time sinks.

yea as someone whos been farming mounts for over a decade running some weeks on 20+ alts idc about those players. my time is worth more to me than the value they put on the pixels they didnt spend over a decade farming. i say it all the time blizzard hates the playerbase. they see and hear everyone complaining about the pathetic drop rate for mounts and do nothing about it to make it suck less. i end up spending more time on the game when i dont have to waste my time of pointless farming for mounts and stuff. the more my time invested feels like its being rewarded the longer im willing to spend on this game. i already feel like giving up on my priest for raiding since everything ive done since the season started as far as raiding goes is pretty much the same as if i didnt play till now. i ran 2 lfr and 1 normal on a alt and now he has 3pcs of tier and a few other pieces of gear to show for it


I knew they were doing something with the spawn rates but I wasn’t aware that the actual loot lockout itself was changing. What a joke this is.

So let me get this straight. ZC was already a dead zone with the FR being still much more popular. So in order to combat this and prompt more player involvement, they decreased the frequency with which you can kill the rares??? Lmao what??? :melting_face:

So now all those dead ZC shards that at least had plenty of unkillable rares on them, will now be dead ZC shards with no unkillable rares on them… :exploding_head:


Yeah, 1 kill every 5 days now.

Blizzard is encouraging you the have alt armies now.

Bleh. Guess I’m gonna have to hoof my alts out to DF. I had been avoiding it due to how alt-unfriendly this expac was for professions. But I guess now I gotta bite the bullet.

Here’s the stupid thing though. Rather than this ridiculous extended lockout, all blizz had to do was stagger the respawns on the rares such that they no longer relied on when they were last killed and leave the lockout on a daily CD and it would have done much more to solve the dead ZC problem. Instead they do this which guarantees people will just be logging alts at specific spots much more infrequently. ZC will be the biggest cheese fest whilst simultaneously being the deadest zone in the entire expac.

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What makes this even worse is that Blizz’s main way to give out rewards is pure RNG drop chance. Now we have to wait forever for a still very low chance to maybe get something we are interested in. At this point when I find out something I want is a random drop off something I basically just write it off. It isn’t worth the tedium of trying to get it.

Heh, and I don’t even want the mount. I just want the stupid dragonriding customisation off this rare. Sadly for me they put the only two fin options (for the tail) for the new drake behind RNG nonsense. :frowning:

Yes, because according to the blues, rare spawns aren’t the “primary activity” of Zaralek Caverns.

But not a single person can tell us what the primary activity of Zaralek Caverns are.

We’re still waiting for an answer.

All we get are troll responses like “M+, Raiding, and PvP” - We aren’t asking what the primary activity of the patch are, smart alecs, we’re asking what the primary activity for Zaralek Cavern is. The blue said Rares aren’t the Primary Activity of the Caverns, so what the hell is?


I’m convinced its meant to be the horn events. The problem with that is that those events are all dead content now. Most people will already have the pet and mount and the only other reason to grind those events is for tokens for the whelp/drake thingies. But you can only get one of those for 15 coins (which means doing 15 horn events) and they’re also time-gate. So that reason is out the window. All that leaves is the hilarious 50 rep per event you get which nobody cares about.

So there we have it. The “primary activity” of ZC is dead content. Funnily enough, the zone is also dead. Hmmm. I wonder why that might be? :thinking:


Except those are also on the same timer the rares are on now - so that wouldn’t make any sense.

Hmmm. Perhaps the “primary activity” is meant to be not doing the zone to begin with then? That’s the only other thing that would make sense. 10.1 gave us a brand new zone that we aren’t actually meant to visit. That’s some peak wow right there.


They gotta grind ur time played metrics to show investors. Financial terrorist Citadel is one of their biggest investors and so it doesnt suprise me that they grind us to death to feed the wallstreet machine.

Ken Griffin acquired 2.33 Million Activision Blizzard shares worth $181 Million. That’s 0.21% of their equity portfolio (88th largest holding). The first Activision Blizzard trade was made in Q2 2013. Since then Ken Griffin bought shares 46 more times and sold shares on 44 occasions. The stake costed the investor $160 Million, netting the investor a gain of 13% so far.

The Caverns were probably meant to be a side activity for group content players. Make the zone too rewarding, and group content metrics go down, and group content players complain that they were “forced” to grind the open world (even though it would never reward BiS gear or upgrade currencies).

As a solo player, my weekly routine is probably going to be to be: pick up the Worthy Ally wrapper quest, do Researchers event Tier 4 (for 1000 rep, 60 coins, and Champion gear), do any profession quests in the Caverns, then pick up the remaining rep for the wrapper by doing world quests. In other words, one visit per week will probably be enough.

Sniffenseek can also award Veteran gear once per week. But the world boss, elite world quests, rares, treasures, and community events don’t seem to be worth it.

This is so different from Korthia and Zereth Mortis, where I brought my alts out to advance them every day I could.

This reminds me of something that keeps coming to my mind. The people making the game (or at least the high ups making the choices) seem to consider that you have to have fun one specific way, and other methods are incorrect. Now I get that when someone’s fun is negatively impacting someone else, or a person is breaking the rules. In the case of this though, it was just people trying to kill a monster because they lock everything people might want behind an insanely irksome RNG system. If they wanted to kill these rares over and over, that was there choice. It harmed no one.

It just reminds me of the kind of thing you often see in stories where someone will tell a child to go have fun or something, and then get mad and take away what they were enjoying because they were not having fun in the way they thought they should. Blizzard seems to have it in their heads that there is a right way to play the game, and if you enjoy something outside of that then you are just wrong.

Fair enough I suppose. There’s a reason I play other MMOs as well as WoW and long since gave up on most of the cosmetics in this game. I just feel bad for the people who do still want these thing and are actively trying to collect them.

Edit: Just fixing some punctuation.


This new 5 day reset on the rares has killed the caverns!

They say but we bring out content so fast now a days!

It’s like the WoW team has been talking to the Overwatch team.