[UPDATED AUGUST 28] Prep Your Dragons and Mount Up for Kalimdor Cup

This is my assumption, we’re getting to get them as blizzard finish them and then they’ll be similar to timewalking.

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Why the time frame though adding new races and trying to set up the tech on the backend for old world compatible dragon flying is fine but why the 2 week window and can we still do the races for the achievements outside the timeframe?

They should be obtainable when it rolls back around.

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Each piece of the Drake Racer’s transmog set costs 20 Riders of Azeroth Badges making it a total of 140 for the entire set.


Is there a way to choose which dragonriding mount we want to use for each race?


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Yes! Nikolo was nice enough to post this yesterday.

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Thank you sooooo much. Whew. Makes this much more enjoyable for me.


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I thought every time I thrust forward while going thru a ring I went faster and every other time I gained no speed. I must be going crazy. hehe

Nice tip! Thanks! I usually boost between the rings. I am going to try this.

Only for the races so far. You’ll be dismounted from your Dragon or not be able to mount it at all. Maybe soon, these races are the first of Dragon riding in the old world.

So far, none of them have been a challenge compared to forbidden reach, and Thaldrazus.

It was quite amusing to do dragonflying through the Orc starting area. I’ve been doing quite a few classic alts for fun before HC hits. I blazed over Sarkoth.

The alliance might have Hogger, but Orcs have that scorpion lol. Also that deep left dive past Sarkoth was probably the most difficult turn I’ve seen.

I’ve done the top half of Kalimdor on my first try. Felwood had some ruins I nearly died on, but my trick is to just ding the edge of some circles and they count

Nordrassil seemed really short compared to the extra long roller coaster in Azshara which by far is my favorite. I was too tired to finish them all last night.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Why do I have to race? I haven’t raced at all this expansion ,yet here we are being told to race. You do you.

All those hours in warthunder finally paid off.

Will the rewards for these be available after these two weeks. Finished it all and really dont want to have to farm a second character just to get enough currency

Let us use our own dragons for this and I’ll be all over it.

Naw, Im good :upside_down_face: :rofl: :v:t5:

You can choose which type of drake–Cliffside Wylderdrake, Highland Drake, etc.

Or do you mean you want your fully customized personal drake?

Yes, the customized dragon that I used to get three “Racer” titles. I spent a lot of time grinding to earn those customizations, and a lot of time getting gold in every race with my dragon, and thus I’m pretty attached.

Makes no sense to me why this was the devs choice and, although I was looking forward to these races, this killed my excitement to the point that I won’t be participating.

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Feeling the same way. I don’t want to do these races with some stranger; I want to do them with my friend who has been racing and adventuring with me this whole time.


End date extension is nice, but why in the name of the Pantheon is this a limited time event? Let’s have cool extra dragon races all the time.