Kalimdor Cup is Awesome

I want to say this holiday is awesome and great way to fit Dragon Riding into the old zones. I love the Rocketway and Ashenvale Course.

Common Eastern Kingdoms next!!


It’s crazy how much hate dragonriding got during DF launch.

It’s pretty fun after all.

These new races are pretty neat.


Can’t wait for EK as well, I hope Elwyn forest gets a race track or West Falls


At launch, nobody had full dr talents/vigor unlocked, and some have been buffed since then. It’s not too difficult to see why people hated it early on.


AQ Reverse is NOT fun.

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My only complaint so far is that it is impossible to buy all of the event rewards on 1 toon. I’m not sure why they would design it that way.


Supposed to be included in 10.1.7 coming soon! I hope they offer new reward choices though.

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Getting gold on some of them is just evil.
I gave up on that and once i get the transmog set, im done with it.

Its just frustrating.
Its annoying travelling between the races.
And the time limited event adds pressure to it.

Honestly im not a fan of it.


I think it’s fine as a mini game racing thing, and to get across a continent fast. Other than that, I’m just done with it.

I’ve been playing something else more than WoW because I dislike dragonriding so much as a “must use it to get around in DF zones” thing*. I can do it, and have done it for months now when I was playing DF more, but I still hate it for general gameplay.

*I also hate the profession system in DF, so dragonriding isn’t the only negative, but still.


Hey anyone know where Riders of Azeroth Badges show? I do not see them in my bags or currencies tab?!


It took me a few tries on advanced gold and reverse gold on those courses to get gold but alas i completed all of them for gold. Very Fun. Now wanting to ask is it only to Kalimdor races that give the badges or any and all of the races in general?

I don’t think that was the main reason some people hated it. On launch you could collect all available talents within an hour or so. Example: I unlocked all the talents before I started leveling.

Some people just don’t like it. Like the poster above. To each their own.

I can’t imagine going back to regular flying at this point, it feels so slow in comparison.

Gonna drop this here just in case anyone needs it.

How to beat Gold Advanced Un’Goro Crater race

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It’s in your currency tab under “Miscellaneous”


Hmmm, I’m sure I checked there yesterday and didn’t see it…but it’s definitely there today. Thanks for the info.

Oh. that’s too bad. Thanks though.

Oh, whoops! Not sure how I missed that!

Yes, there will be rewards for Eastern Kingdoms Cup that were not in Kalimdor Cup.


Is there any other zones besides EK that might have races?

I think theres outland ones.

The racing cup holidays will rotate through several continents and eventually loop back to Kalimdor Cup again.