Kalecgos Horde Reconnections

Claka - Orc Rogue in Meet in Kargath

I’m bringing back Mikaje and possibly Rami. Has anyone heard from Churn? I know Mikaje still keeps in touch with Roor


Calgus - Tauren Warrior - Hand of Fate (off-tank) /Bete Noire (DPS)

so many familiar names in this thread…


holy poop, TAWNYS?! It’s Bt. You beautiful mofo.

Hey KC ur bad

Bt / best Hunter on the server (cya MIK hunters sry) / HHC

KC you are literally the worst.

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I remember some of these names but in TBC like chopstix, kleenex and others.

Don’t expect many to remember but Tarawar gleader of BYAAH. I remember fun games in arena against Teaspoon/Kanik back in the 2v2 days where games lasted 30+minutes minimum.

<3<3 Hey buddy - I still catch ya on facebook every now and then - you guys playing classic?

Bt liked Tarawar’s comment about KC being the worst.

Sadly I’m not gonna be playing, don’t feel like doing the grind again. If I somehow manage to get to 60, I’ll be doing BG’s again, or any type of PvP they implement. That’s about it though :<

Nebecanezer orc shaman was in Void Faction in BC.
Played undead rogue Xarid in Vanilla.

My two favorite Canadian boyfriends. Get your head in the game BT me and Shafer are waiting for you.

I remeber you Pre TBC. In WPL, Ganking a few times while I was on my Paladin Stormdevil. Then I seen you in Hell Fire " I think " On My Warrior named Biggiebig

I was Fentar, orc hunter, my roomate was Rami a mage in MiK and I followed him into your guild at the start of Naxx


Yeah man - I’m 100% not about that raid grind again lol. Considering we did 90% of it… wouldn’t exactly be exciting or interesting. I just meant playing in general. My only plan right now is to level, do all the dungeons and what not again.

Kotumaru - Undead Warlock. Also went under the name Mrxdemix.

I transferred from Tichondrius in 2005 as part of Unholy Legion. After that I ended up joining Iniquity and participating in BWL and AQ40 clears. C’thun killed the guild so I ended up migrating to Meet in Kargath where we killed C’thun and then downed a boss in Naxxramas. At that point I had neglected IRL enough that I realized that I needed to quit to get my life together. Last decade was spent graduating college and getting my career going in software engineering.

I’m very excited about Classic WoW and will be bringing back a couple friends alongside me to play on either Fairbanks or Whitemane. It would be great if we ended up on the same server as some classic Kalecgos people.

I have a lot of screenshots from classic Kalecgos that I can share if anyone wants to see them, including the first Horde Nefarian, Twin Emperors, and C’thun kills as well as some fun PvP moments.

Some people I remember fondly:

  • Coheed
  • Cheesecake
  • Dyserga
  • Zenon
  • Rsage
  • Griggs
  • Platetrain
  • Farley

how could you forget about acid

Grampz - Troll Hunter - Art of War

I remember Mischief, Shafer, Naudia and Kleenex for sure!

Raided a bit, but did a HELLUVA lot of ganking and Ashenvale dragonkin kiting into Orgrimmar!

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SlimJim - Tauren Warrior - Co Founder of Bete Noire and Warrior Officer.

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Wow whats up dude its Slimjim… I remember you lol didnt i pass up the sword from Archimonde for you? whats good!