Kalecgos Horde Reconnections

Hey Slimjim! Yeah, think so, I think I still have it somewhere for xmog.
Was trying to find Envee and Sylent a bit ago, but no luck.

Hehateme 60 Tauren Warrior

Hi. Being 14 was fun.
14 years old, not r14. Only hit r13 LOL.

Things I remember:

ZHS and I went to the same school. He’s a stellar human being.
Nineoneone hitting r14
Exertim hitting r14
Cheescake hitting r14
Rhasta and Basik being in love
Silentecho being a beast
Being jealous of Redd’s sword

One night Sevas had a lot to drink and he bought all the warriors in the guild that didn’t have them Quel Serrar books. That was incredible.

Kotamaru loving Costco and Kirkland Signature (ahead of his time)

I played with Tarwin’s guild.
I played in Iniquity until C’Thun won.
Was in MiK and HHC before going to Unholy Legion (shout out Griggs)because of Xavier. The rumor was I had them make a bunch of FR gear before I server transferred with Pine and Whodi to Frostmane, but in reality I just got Flameguard Gauntlets in a MC pug (still hadn’t had them after all that time, and really didn’t need them considering r13 were better I’d have to imagine)

Basically, I no-lifed it really hard.

Played BC with Cheesecake. We even arena’d as warlock and rogue in greens to get our weekly games in.

Played BC with Orange and Scylla and Koldblooded too.

Went to Jaedenar for WOTLK and Cata. Very excited to get back into it.


anyone remember Sacredboy? I just remember us all ragging on him constantly lol

Omg I remember you Hehateme. And yes Kirkland Signature for life. I live near Kirkland now, where Costco was founded.

We should catch up.

Envee might play but honestly highly doubt it i stay in touch with him and Sylent and Nyogtha might dabble in it again. I still stay in touch with them.

Nice! I’ll probably level and then do some raids, but not at the start, baby #1 on the way due 1st of Sept, so my time may be limited.

You remember those GI Joe PSA parody clips?

@Jonnybeaulv, that convo sounds super familiar, also from around there.

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haha yes! Was it you that showed me them? i was litereally just talking about those to a friend when i was in hawaii a few weeks back.

i remember Slimjim and Envee too. Guys dominated BC.

weirdbeard#1635 is my battlenet ID. i’m trying to smack a Kirkland Signature polish dog with a 20 oz coca cola beverage of my choice!

but for real- Kalecgos was a home away from home for two+ years. I hope all of you are doing well!

edit: Hehateme here still

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If you could please - tell Envee / Sylent / Nyogtha that Tawnys/Kryll sends his love <3

Owim, undead, holy priest / iniquity.

absolutely will… Did you play a warrior? your name seems familiar.

Kinda words my friend :slight_smile:

What server are you playing on myself chriscore, Kegs will be playing on fairbanks. For anyone that would like to join as well please feel free to add me RawrMatty#11952

Chriscore - Orc Rogue - Rogue officer for Iniquity
Crazy seeing these old names pop up, Ill be playing with Slimjim and Kegs on Fairbanks. Would be amazing to get some of the old Iniquity crew back together to dominate like the good ol days.


F***** LOVED CHRISCORE! One of the great ones!

Sulapi/ Tauren Hunter from Knavebrother Hood
or any singaporeans here??

Ah yeah, not sure who introduced them, I just just thinking about all the times in raid people would whisper “body massage” or… “I’m a computer… help computer” after a wipe…

Did you do Rbgs with us that first season?

I’ll definitely be playing classic, just not sure how much I can commit, baby due Sept 1st… lol

BattleNetid: Calgus#1685

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Lividhatter founding member of Werra
I was an undead warlock that raided mc, bwl,zg,aq20 mostly

I’m hoping to get back in touch with
And any other members I’m forgetting

Hey I was a founding member of Werra, are you still in touch with anyone? I’m still in touch with most of the internet cafe people and Nicola. I’m hoping to find a bunch more of the old school crew

I was lividhatter the warlock

hahaha! That was like one of the original memes haha… Raid chat was so funny i remember in BC when Nyogtha said stop farting around and everyone couldnt stop laughing.

Yeah u got the mount the first season ever in ranked arena

Looking for any members of The Nocturnal Order. I played Mitan, a tanking feral druid. I remember Monjaru, Leviathane, Silth, Skraa, Scathatch, and Branwynn.