Im actually gonna withdraw my toxic responses when i get a free moment, but mannn why you lie so much?
Im actually gonna withdraw my toxic responses when i get a free moment, but mannn why you lie so much?
And veal, Not lying through my teeth about raid progression doesnt denote a bad attitude. Sorry baby girl.
Tawnys, we are thinking right now of rolling on Faerlina Stalagg PvP EST server on Horde side. Thoughts on that?
chopuinhalf horde rogue-werra
Aayla / Tauren / Shaman
I’m down with that, I’m still in ATL, so EST server works for me. And if we’re talking vanilla leveling, it’s gotta be a pvp server right? Looking forward to that STV action
Hey Kappo! Down to play again for sure, Tawnys here. Annoyance and Mizled posted coming back to on this same thread. Check it out, we should all look to rolling together.
Though I do need to say Veal/Darksummoner were the guild leaders and we were #3 on the server, we only became #1 after MiK and Audacious fell apart.
heyas man, remember you as well hopefully see a good chunk of folks back and playing <3
And wtf kappo we were friends whats with the attitude
And audacious never fell apart on kalecgos… server transfered during SWP
Not too mention, i believe u were gleader of bloodsworn raiders, iir
Mischief / Undead Mage. Was on Kalecgos since it was released. Some of you definitely know me. I’ll be back!
I remember you!
Alchemiste- Tauren Druid (analoged#1773)
West Coast Elites which became Unêarthed
I see you Cassie! XD
Oh and I’m pretty sure Coheed (@moonbrooke) begged me to put in a GM ticket when I won a Headmaster’s Charge drop.
Tawnys, add me on bnet Mizled#1168
We (Annoyance, Trexx, Vermagus and myself) are trying to coordinate what server we roll on via Discord. Its between Faerlina or Herod right now. Early name reservation is today.
If you can help coordinate too from your side for Veal, Maes and whoever else that would be great. I definitely would like to play with you guys again.
Edit: we made characters on Stalagg
SPRINT gnome rogue
And later SHOLOCK gnome warlock
Alliance | < Resilient >
Rolling alliance on Harold hit me up if you’re on server. Going priest this time pls no rogue gank
That’s not Veal pretty sure it’s Kappo, he just said KAPO instead of Kappo - I only remember his warlock Kappo though I think maybe he had a priest named KAPO after he formed Bloodsworn when HHC fell apart in Naxx?
Bloodsworn he was guild leader of, HHC he was not.
Coming at ya, Fortuitous#1145
Wow lot of familiar names here.
Griggs - undead priest, GM of The Unholy Legion
Shadowstyle Undead Priest here from Kalecgos, used to run with you as backup.
Follow up - So far we are confirmed rolling on Herod alliance with following from the OG alliance team:
Me (Sprint/Sholock)
Rixari / Jukin
Parpar / Whosurdaddy
Welcoming the old SE fellows to come play like old times and any alli bros we had that haven’t connected yet.