Kalecgos Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Kalecgos (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Griever, Rhasta / Trolls / Shaman


Tawnys, Tauren Warrior - Horde High Council (HHC)


Heldunder, troll warrior, auxilium
Thermophile #1688


cowmoo, femtaur shaman, MiK/Audacious


Supraman - Tauren Warrior - Auxilium


Zezima - troll rogue - indecisive


When BC came out you were one of the reasons I rolled my shaman…

Ulaya, Troll Hunter, Celeritas. Hoping to get in touch with another Troll Hunter named Tochtli.

Also Cowmoo is an absolute legend, glad to see you’re coming back.

Garybot, tauren warrior, asylum/euphoria/admiral
Mysterfez, undead warlock, euphoria/admiral

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Gimmieakiss - Undead Warlock
Pandemic & Malicious
Oh, the feels. I can’t wait to see who shows up.

Bro hit me up… a few of us from HHC still keep up. animosityop com has my info

Mizled, Undead Mage - Horde High Council / Bloodsworn

How is it going Tawnys? Myself and Annoyance plan to both play on the same server for Classic launch. Feel free to add me on BattleNet Mizled#1168

Edit: for anyone that finds this in the future, quite a few of the HHC people are making characters on Stalagg Horde side.


Kleenex , Iniquity, Orc-huntard. Discord - Dontstealmycheese

Was also Irritation on Kalecgos during WOTLK with bete noire, Death Knight


Coheed-Iniquity, Orc Warlock.

Looking to reconnect with anyone that played in Iniquity or knows what happened to Silentecho, Timarak, Cheesecake, Kotomaru, Chelsea, or Magna. I have still have connections to Zhs and Outcold.


Hey man, I’ll give ya the add :slight_smile: Be fun to play with some folks again. Don’t know if i"ll end up getting back into vanilla raiding or not since we did just about all of it, but I’ll probably play until at least max level and gearing up :smiley:

I’ll hit ya up with the add man.

@Animosityop - who were you in HHC man? I keep up with a few of the folks still myself, though we haven’t played together much in years. Deceiver still my best amigo, Daioth moved near us a number of years ago, and still talk to Maes and Veal on and off.

I don’t think any of them are coming back lol, well maybe Maes.

Hey man! Tawnys - didn’t we use to duel like… all the time? You had that ostrich looking bird pet called Toothbrush or something didn’t you?

Tauren Shaman - Greatpower
Guild: Legends of the horde / Straight out of Garadar

I remember people named - Az, Toothyman, Wingless

Esach / Tauren / Druid Guild: Void Faction / Expendables

Looking for any of the core group.

Sunny, Mash, Britz, Warlore and so many more but Im blanking right now sorry.

Undead mage vishopile, orc warrior mugrukathor. Can’t remember my alliance name…