Kalecgos Horde Reconnections

You were one of the friendly Horde, right Mizled? At least I think I remember talking through emotes and not killing each other.
I played a Night Elf Hunter in Vanilla, but switched to Horde around Tempest Keep.

Also, hail Cowmoo.

Seeing these player and guild names is a trip.

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That’s awesome we were all talkin about you guys recently. I was Undead Warrior - Annoyance. I still talk with Mizled and Vermagus (he was warlock) Add us playing stress test

Dreagon - Orc Hunter

Not entirely sure about the guild name back then. Meet in Kargath sounds familiar but I can’t say for sure.

Remember raiding lots of MC with some ZG and BWL sprinkled into the end there.

Machoo - Troll Mage -Auxilium

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I could never pull aggro no matter how much DPS I dropped.

What’s up man! Thanks haha, gonna keep that going.

I’m putting a guild together for classic if you’re interested, could use you man. Hit me up on Discord Cynthalus#4433

Shamfarseer, Shaman, Tauren,

TBH I can’t remember what guild I was in, but I remember a couple guild names here.

Oh hey man! Of course I remember ya, we even met up at the airport that one time Bryan flew into town, remember? Course I remember mizled and verm too. Pretty much as long as they were with us through MC and BWL I remember most everyone. The people who left during MC or joined us later on are a bit fuzzy though.

I’ll add you guys and hit you up when it goes live - cancelled my WoW account due to hating BfA and the direction blizz is going lately. But classic will still be fun for a minute.

Hey man it’s Trexx, Orc Shaman - HHC / Audacious

Not sure if you remember me, but hopefully we all end up on the same server. Get Maes and Veal to come back.

Any word on what happened to Chopstix?

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Hey Trexx - Absolutely remember ya man! I’m down to play on the same server, for sure. Think Maes is an easy sell, don’t think Bryan has played since he got married though, might be a harder push hah.

I transfered to Kalecgos towards the end of Vanilla so I’m technically looking for my TBC guild. We were called “It Was Lag” and I had a ton of fun with you guys (on this exact character too). I still talk to Soulninja regularly, but if Meadofresh, Reeve, Kui, Bearsack, or any of the other IWL players are still out there, im helping run a Classic raiding guild on Fairbanks (soulninja is with me also) and you’re all welcome to join me.


KAPO guild leader Horde High Council top guild on Kalecgos looking for my old friends to come join me and we will reborn Horde High Council going forward let get the gang back guy btw I have a lot of friends from team reaper that looking to join us on horde also talk to BT and November and arclite we got a lot of people line up add me plz netstalker#1332

KAPO guild leader Horde High Council top guild on Kalecgos looking for my old friends to come join me and we will reborn Horde High Council going forward let get the gang back guy btw I have a lot of friends from team reaper that looking to join us on horde also talk to BT and November and arclite we got a lot of people line up add me plz netstalker#1332

Sup tawny, its tweaked/pahandanu

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Yo tralus homie its tweaked

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Long live MiK/Audacious! This thread made me dig up an old treasure.

https:// imgur. com/tYAMSYF

Signed, Seenew


rofl bad druid hit the road jack keep on walking bad attude man

Lol what. Youre joking me right? You just said you were horde top guild?? After iniquity, meet in kargath, unholy legion, ect. You were a sh!t priest there bud

Yo seenew our old web dev, its tweaked braaah