Kaldorei Revenge:How long?

We can't win in a straight fight. We've never been able to win a straight fight, that's nothing new. The Horde has always sort of been the type to capitalize on good fortune, and hit an enemy where they're weak (and if you're a Bilgewater or Forsaken, you'll liable to play SUPER dirty to do it too).

Have they not taken pains to say that the factions are of roughly equal strength in the past? When did the Horde become unable to fight the Alliance in a normal battle?
11/14/2018 07:12 PMPosted by Jellex
We can't win in a straight fight. We've never been able to win a straight fight, that's nothing new. The Horde has always sort of been the type to capitalize on good fortune, and hit an enemy where they're weak (and if you're a Bilgewater or Forsaken, you'll liable to play SUPER dirty to do it too).

Have they not taken pains to say that the factions are of roughly equal strength in the past? When did the Horde become unable to fight the Alliance in a normal battle?

"Equal" is a loose term, and it doesn't need to mean equivalent. The Horde has its strengths and weaknesses, the Alliance has theirs ... doesn't mean they're the same; and normally they balance eachother out in strength.

However, the Horde has never been particularly strong at battling against the Alliance at their own game. The races of the Horde are too diverse and divided for that, but at the same time Sylvie has (if nothing else) proven she's very good at playing at each Horde races individual strengths (placing them where they need to go; or keeping them away from areas that would cause internal conflict ... until Derek).

Bilgewater and Forsaken won't play fair, and those are the two races Sylvie seems most fond of utilizing due to their amoral nature. Sylvie is also extremely amoral herself, and since she's the Warchief she sets the tone for the faction.
11/14/2018 07:25 AMPosted by Droité
11/13/2018 09:22 PMPosted by Hahahahahaha
Throwing away some lvl 1 trash mobs when there are LITERALLY infinitely more of them means nothing.

Did a single named character sacrifice themselves? Geblin got an upgrade for 8.2, and Jaina is completely fine 30 seconds later chatting it up with the Alliance leaders.

Blademaster Telaamon sacrifices himself on the Suicide Mission
Literally who? I had to look him up on Wowpedia and it says the only thing he's ever done is you have to click him during 1 quest once. You are kind of proving my point...

11/14/2018 07:20 PMPosted by Hahahahahaha
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Blademaster Telaamon sacrifices himself on the Suicide Mission
Literally who?

He's the LF Draeni Blademaster during the Argus campaign. Got to know him decently while grinding rep there to unlock the allied races.
11/14/2018 01:09 PMPosted by Verlius
11/14/2018 01:01 PMPosted by Akiyass

Being condicending while claiming to be on my side makes me inclined to not take you seriously...


Then stop playing Horde is you feel bad for playing Horde.

Or the story could be fun for everyone?

Ha, that will never happen. Not only because you can't please everyone, but the devs don't even want that, as they like the division bfa causes.

But what do you (or anyone else who wants to answer) think would make this story fun for most people?

Horde posters seem to be really doubling down on this 'fun' thing in a thread about kaldorei vengeance, interestingly enough.
11/14/2018 07:34 PMPosted by Yrithe
Horde posters seem to be really doubling down on this 'fun' thing in a thread about kaldorei vengeance, interestingly enough.

I would venture to guess that's because "Kaldorei vengeance" involves punishing Horde players for events that they neither really wanted nor liked. This is not very fun.

That said, I bet BfA WOULD have been more pleasing if it had been written as a series of super epic clashes starring all the unique stuff from each side's different races and there was a little bit more of a seesaw/running battle feel rather than these huge haymakers that take up an entire patch.
11/14/2018 08:23 PMPosted by Jellex
11/14/2018 07:34 PMPosted by Yrithe
Horde posters seem to be really doubling down on this 'fun' thing in a thread about kaldorei vengeance, interestingly enough.

I would venture to guess that's because "Kaldorei vengeance" involves punishing Horde players for events that they neither really wanted nor liked. This is not very fun.

That said, I bet BfA WOULD have been more pleasing if it had been written as a series of super epic clashes starring all the unique stuff from each side's different races and there was a little bit more of a seesaw/running battle feel rather than these huge haymakers that take up an entire patch.

I just don't recall many Horde posters who were concerned if Alliance players (or Night Elf fans in particular) were having fun during War of Thorns. Most noise from that fanbase (not necessarily here but in general on the internet) was mix between the same handful of unfunny 'burning Night Elf' jokes repeated daily or I saw "But but whatabout the Horde though? Now we have to get a new Warchief? Poor us." And Night Elf fans have been hearing this for months and months. I'm just trying to put this in perspective to show why your side likely isn't going to get a lot of sympathy from some Alliance/nelf fans, probably nelves the most.

And now we have to go back to a Horde's feelings focus again...'fun' is important when Alliance/nelf fans want some kind of narrative retribution for the genocide committed against them. Even if it's just killing Sylvanas....that's something at least. But that would mean killing another warchief and this would be bad for the Horde, or something.

As for your suggestion, I think that would still frustrate people who want clear 'wins' for their team. And some would believe their favorite faction/race is being weakened just so the other side can come up even against them. I just think any kind of faction war is going to make someone look bad and feel bad, which is why I hate faction war stories.

I was sympathetic. It was a sucky thing for Blizzard to do to you, and they’ve pretty much admitted they deliberately wanted to hurt you so you’d want to go to war. If you’re lucky, you’ll get something good out of it in the long run, but it was absolutely meant to be painful in the short run.

As for the first, there are a lot of idiots on the internet. Those things probably mostly came from people who aren’t really invested in the story anyway. And as for the second, all I can say is that it’s a very human response for the main focus to be on how a new development affects you personally.

I know. We’ve all had a rough past few months. It’s like all our sore spots are getting rubbed over and over until they’re raw.


Roughly, but not exactly. For example, in “A Good War”, Saurfang concedes that Orgrimmar, despite the work he’s done on it, remains more vulnerable to a siege than Stormwind. (And being the only person who’s conquered both cities, he’s a bit of an expert on the subject.) And that fact is part of what Sylvannas uses to convince him to back her campaign.

There isn’t going to be any “meaningful” revenge. My suspicions give me three main theories. It’s going to be another wet noodle victory like MoP. If not that, then the Alliance might actually lose this one, and the way things are going I am seeing hints of this. Finally, they could be doing away with the faction system in total and you will see Orcs and Tauren in your Goldshire chilling without fear of retaliation.

I have other smaller theories. It could be the beginning of a third faction, or perhaps a restructuring of current factions. One dominated by Forsaken and one a union of the living races. Or they could be setting the scene for a new Warcraft RTS game that has 4 factions again, and the Night Elves and the Forsaken are going back to where they should’ve gone. That is of course, being their own factions.

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Teldrassil was Syvlanas and revenge for Teldrassil is Sylvanas.

Getting revenge on the entire Horde for “sin” of winning a war is another thing. Just like there was no revenge for Stormheim, there was no revenge for Dalaran, there is no “revenge” for Darkshore. (Unless Blizzard just doubles down on the Horde being villains, which would probably just lead to the end of game.)

Can you clarify what qualifies as ‘actual revenge’ as opposed to, I suppose, fake revenge?

eye for an eye.
that’s my definition of revenge.

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So it isn’t actual revenge until they’ve killed an equivalent amount of Forsaken and destroy a hypothetical city?

So pyrrhic victories are ones were you devastate the capital and major part of a Horde zone? I think you need to revisit the definition. I like how you list loosing Teldrassil but not Undercity. But 8.1 has made it clear Darkshore is still under contention, but there is no sight that Tirisfal is anything but gone (I mean, most of it is uninhabitable.)

Stomp our way until we reach a capital before the reinforcements arrive,destroy it, murder all the civilians possible,in a particularly painful way and then we can say that we get our revenge.
don’t forget the evil smirk and being a TaCTICAL GeNiuS
it has to be with the specific intent of giving “a wound that cannot heal”.
bonus points if our attack isn’t justified (too late for that)

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Sounds pretty close to the Siege of Undercity.
It also sounds like a dumb standard for what is or is not revenge if ‘doing literally the same thing’ is the only qualifier.

If you want to be like the Horde, you can just play on the Horde. Switch from Worgen to Pandaren. You’re already furry.


Is not the only one, is the minimum. i will be totally okay with the escalation also to more cities.

i actually have horde characters at 110 that i could not bring myself to play this xpac for how disgusted i was with the pre patch and the intro scenario i almost deleted my horde characters.
i don’t want to be like the horde, is impossible to be it,the alliance is justified in ANYTHING, retribution is also one of the alliance ideals. maybe we should explore that a little and what happens when you taunt someone who you don’t want to taunt, this is what the horde wanted, so be it. they want blood? they can have it.
Their blood.

Okay sorry for my hate rant on the horde,is just how i feel.

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If your minimum for revenge is ‘doing literally the same thing’ as a qualifier, it is a dumb standard.

And yet you are positing scenarios for the Alliance to do exactly the same thing. Such as murdering civilians.

Maybe if you believe in amorality, I suppose.


and what do you suggest that we do then?, that we let them kill us all?
so is fine that they kill our innocents but we can’t attack theirs?
i don’t care being “like the horde” They asked for this.
i don’t want to hold hands or forgive them. next time a bid bag show up, screw them, the world would be better without them.

it is moral? it is heroic? it is good? nope. but that would be better than seeing alliance characters sacrificed in the altar of neutrality.
Azeroth deserve to die, and is all the horde’s fault.
Yeah, i would rather die before working with the horde.