Kaldorei Revenge:How long?

So now who wants to bet in how long it will take until the kaldorei get some actual revenge or spotlight?

just a few things to consider:
Blizzard is planning to expand the kaldorei story
-blizzard has bigger plans for sylvanas (she is surviving this xpac)
-faction war will probably end forever
-there is a strong possibility that the nelfs aren't going to be present during the azshara confrontation.

-past record:
Gilneas/genn gets a crushing defeat and is forced to flee and he literally become homeless
-six years later they finally got some victory/revenge/spotlight in stormheilm.
ruining sylvanas plan but she isn't dead, but is something.and with the chance of recovering gilneas in the near future.

-Theramore/jaina gets a crushing defeat and she essentially becomes homeless.
-she wasn't even able to get the killing blow on garrosh but:
-six years later she become arguably the most important alliance character in the spotlight. with some feats of strength.

Teldrassil/tyrande gets a crushing defeat
-they also become homeless
but this time, we know that sylvanas isn't going to pay anytime soon.
So.. are the nelfs supposed to wait 6 years until they get some actual revenge,spotlight, or cool things?

honorable mentions:magni, turned into stone in cata, and then six years later he became relevant again in legion.
gnomes, how many, 8 years? until now with mekkatorke,heritage armor,and mechagnomes.

Place your bets guys.
it will be this xpac, 6 years,another 14 years or never?
i don't necessarily mean "revenge" but i also mean "cool things" or, something, anything at all.
how long we will have to wait?
Never, as much as it pains me to say it. They're pinning it all on Sylvanas, so if she's ever dealt with, it would at least be something.

But, when I played through the War of Thorns, I didn't just see Undead invading Kaldorei lands. I saw every Horde race, excluding the Huojin and Allied Races. Proper justice/vengeance would be to deal with all of those, including the Horde PC. But we can't do that, because the Horde is playable. They're even taking the guy who planned and led the Horde during the War of Thorns, the one who paved the way for Sylvanas' genocide, and setting him up to be a Horde hero, to loudly proclaim "We're totes not evul, guyz!"...

The best I can hope for is to end Sylvanas, and finish the job on the Shatterspear for good this time. I guess that'd be something...
Night Elves stalemate with Forsaken in Darkshore, and nothing ever comes of it. Is the most likely scenario.

What I would like to happen? Tyrande eventually kills Nathanos in Darkshore, and the Reclaimation of Northern Kalimdor begins in the Next expantion, with reworked old zones. Delaryn leads a rebel group of Forsaken against Sylvanas, gets close to killing her with a very haunting "I grieve for you" line. Slyvnas either dies or escapes. I have a weird feeling that Blizzard is working toward installing more factions...

Another theory that I have: Azshara offers to help Tyrande retake Darkshore, echoing the Warcraft 3 Kael'thas story where Kael receives help from Vashj. This drives an even larger wedge between Anduin and Tyrande. The Ashara confrontation turns out to be Faction war related, where the Horde is attacking an Ally of the Alliance.
I think 8.1 is as much revenge as the night elves are going to get. So to answer the question in the title: 1 patch.

Meta wise, the Night Elves lost 0 "important" people, and their capital. The Forsaken lost 0 "important" people and their capital. So any revenge they get beyond 8.1 will have to be answered in kind.

If Nathanos gets killed, Shandris would be the most likely mirror unit on the NE side. Do we want her to die?
11/13/2018 10:13 AMPosted by Hahahahahaha
If Nathanos gets killed, Shandris would be the most likely mirror unit on the NE side. Do we want her to die?
The Shandris fanbase that's been apparently hiding on the Story Forums this whole time would be devastated.
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11/13/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Grandblade
11/13/2018 10:13 AMPosted by Hahahahahaha
If Nathanos gets killed, Shandris would be the most likely mirror unit on the NE side. Do we want her to die?
The Shandris fanbase that's been apparently hiding on the Story Forums this whole time would be devastated.

I'm tempted to say yes if only because I would then stop hearing about whether or not Shandris is a better archer then the Windrunner sisters.
11/13/2018 10:24 AMPosted by Grandblade
The Shandris fanbase that's been apparently hiding on the Story Forums this whole time would be devastated.

Listen, I felt the same way when I heard Maraad was going to be a main character in WoD.

1. "Haha, the cinematic guy? Where's the Triumvirate?"

2. "Oh no, I like him..."

3. "Oh no he's actually a nuanced character for the draenei that isn't one note."

4. "Oh no he's dead."

So don't discount Shandris fans, most characters in this game don't have a fanbase purely because they're never given spotlight... and then they die.
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Shandris is the better Archer than the Windrunner sisters, and she has always been a fan favorite among Kaldorei fans.
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Joking aside, yeah there would be a lot of people upset. Just look at Belmont for the Horde equiv, to most people they would be along the lines of 'Who?' but when the Forsaken only have a relatively small roster of characters, the 'minor' NPCs tend to develop a small cult following.
11/13/2018 10:13 AMPosted by Hahahahahaha
Meta wise, the Night Elves lost 0 "important" people, and their capital. The Forsaken lost 0 "important" people and their capital. So any revenge they get beyond 8.1 will have to be answered in kind.

not really, they still need to do a good catch-up with the civilians and delaryn was also killed and raised,and also, sira.

thats two named nelf and a huge amount of civlians.
and that is not the point of the thread either.

11/13/2018 10:32 AMPosted by Aureton
So don't discount Shandris fans, most characters in this game don't have a fanbase purely because they're never given spotlight... and then they die.

This, i am feeling the same with telamon right now lol.
I hate the Kaldorei dark ranger plotline for this reason. It takes something away from the Kaldorei to give me something I...didn't want? Looking through the matrix, it seems pretty obvious that Summermoon was billed to be a Forsaken from the start as a result of her mirroring Sylvanas, but one Sylvanas is Sylvanas enough to even people who like the character.

I have no attachment to Kaldorei or any of their warriors when there are perfectly good Forsaken human themes to be tapped.
10,000 years.

Sounds about the right scale of time for elves, really.
Sylvanas surviving lol, they just said that she was going to go out with a massive bang, that could mean anything lol.
11/13/2018 10:51 AMPosted by Katiera
Sylvanas surviving lol, they just said that she was going to go out with a massive bang, that could mean anything lol.



"Sylvanas' destiny is to be found out and discussed by the player base, but it would be dismissive to think she'll just go down as another raid boss, because she's a little bit more than that.

"Does that mean you will not fight her?" he added. "Not necessarily true either. The reality is you can fight her every day of the week in Grommash Hold, in a raid, right now. But I do think there's a lot more to Sylvanas' story that hasn't been told yet."
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11/13/2018 10:13 AMPosted by Hahahahahaha
Meta wise, the Night Elves lost 0 "important" people, and their capital. The Forsaken lost 0 "important" people and their capital. So any revenge they get beyond 8.1 will have to be answered in kind.

not really, they still need to do a good catch-up with the civilians and delaryn was also killed and raised,and also, sira.
Nobodies given screentime just so they could die. So in 8.1 the Horde can have a few quests with the new "Bob and Steve the Forsaken", who will then get killed by Tyrande, and it will make up for Sira and Delaryn.

Also, Ranger Captain Areiel, head Dark Ranger, was killed by Shandris in the War campaign.
Well let me answer that for you...

How long until we have a faction conflict that is actually morally grey?

That Long, and it isn't just me being petty, blizzard makes the horde hyper-competent because you need a strong villain for stories to work, they do this at the start of every expansion, a major attack that the villain succeeds at least partially in.

You guys lose because Blizzard makes the Horde the Bad Guys but is not allowed to keep them the villains throughout the entire expansion, because they know how much backlash they will get because of that. You can't win at the end without the hordes help because saying the horde gets taken over is a surefire way to loose subs. Yet you can't win at the beggining because you need to play the goody to shoes and the horde needs to be the Skelator to terrorise you.

The moment a faction conflict based in actual moral ambiguity you will get your revenge.
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11/13/2018 10:42 AMPosted by Darethy
I hate the Kaldorei dark ranger plotline for this reason. It takes something away from the Kaldorei to give me something I...didn't want? Looking through the matrix, it seems pretty obvious that Summermoon was billed to be a Forsaken from the start as a result of her mirroring Sylvanas, but one Sylvanas is Sylvanas enough to even people who like the character.

I have no attachment to Kaldorei or any of their warriors when there are perfectly good Forsaken human themes to be tapped.

So much this.

I liked Delaryn when I played through the War of Thorns on my Alliance character. I would have liked to see her survive and lead the counter-offensive in Darkwood. But if they're going to shove her at me as "the new Sylvanas" while simultaneously destroying everything interesting or redeemable about the original Sylvanas, then I'm just going to resent her.
11/13/2018 01:53 PMPosted by Reallyhappy
How long until we have a faction conflict that is actually morally grey?

i don't know when blizzard is going to do that or if that is even possible.

is almost impossible to be morally gray at this point.

there is nothing morally gray with wiping out the horde.
we aren't the ones enslaving people,burning children alive for fun, having death camps, chemical weapons, killing civilians to kill hope.
empaling parents in front of their childrens, destroying entire forest,desecrating corpses, torturing their minds and souls.

What we should do is to nuke every horde city and be done with it, that is appropriate to what the horde deserve. and it would not be morally gray, it would be the hero defeating the bad guy.
but that is not what i mean with this thread, because the horde plot armor is bigger than draenor, that at least we can get at least some narrative justice like things that i was referring to, just "spotlight" "cool things" ect. for the nelfs. since i fear that their protagonism in the upcoming azshara raid is going to be minor or non-existent.
11/13/2018 02:29 PMPosted by Etheldald
11/13/2018 01:53 PMPosted by Reallyhappy
How long until we have a faction conflict that is actually morally grey?

i don't know when blizzard is going to do that or if that is even possible.

is almost impossible to be morally gray at this point.

there is nothing morally gray with wiping out the horde.
we aren't the ones enslaving people,burning children alive for fun, having death camps, chemical weapons, killing civilians to kill hope.
empaling parents in front of their childrens, destroying entire forest,desecrating corpses, torturing their minds and souls.

What we should do is to nuke every horde city and be done with it, that is appropriate to what the horde deserve. and it would not be morally gray, it would be the hero defeating the bad guy.
but that is not what i mean with this thread, because the horde plot armor is bigger than draenor, that at least we can get at least some narrative justice like things that i was referring to, just "spotlight" "cool things" ect. for the nelfs. since i fear that their protagonism in the upcoming azshara raid is going to be minor or non-existent.

What plot armor are you talking about? Is the same plot armor the Alliance has, we know is not going to happen. Now, that doesn't mean we cannot suffer a major defeat but if that happens it's only fair we get to strike back in 8.2.
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11/13/2018 02:59 PMPosted by Zabriel
11/13/2018 02:29 PMPosted by Etheldald

i don't know when blizzard is going to do that or if that is even possible.

is almost impossible to be morally gray at this point.

there is nothing morally gray with wiping out the horde.
we aren't the ones enslaving people,burning children alive for fun, having death camps, chemical weapons, killing civilians to kill hope.
empaling parents in front of their childrens, destroying entire forest,desecrating corpses, torturing their minds and souls.

What we should do is to nuke every horde city and be done with it, that is appropriate to what the horde deserve. and it would not be morally gray, it would be the hero defeating the bad guy.
but that is not what i mean with this thread, because the horde plot armor is bigger than draenor, that at least we can get at least some narrative justice like things that i was referring to, just "spotlight" "cool things" ect. for the nelfs. since i fear that their protagonism in the upcoming azshara raid is going to be minor or non-existent.

What plot armor are you talking about? Is the same plot armor the Alliance has, we know is not going to happen. Now, that doesn't mean we cannot suffer a major defeat but if that happens it's only fair we get to strike back in 8.2.

You guys already got that, it’s called the War of Thorns. And BfL was essentially a dual loss for both, as expressed both by the devs and Lost Honor showing the numbers of war deadness a Stormwind suffered.

BfDa was our response.