Kaldorei Revenge:How long?

So not killing civilians somehow inevitably leads to them killing us all? If you want revenge, so be it. I mostly just wanted to clarify the terms. And, in doing so, you’ve given a confusing account of your desires.

Well, for me, being better actually means living up to a better moral code. But I wasn’t making a judgment on your desires. Just pointing out what seemed inconsistent.

Like this, for example. You literally just said “I don’t want to be like the Horde” then followed up with, “I don’t care being “like the horde””.


Nah, the Alliance is also a spiral staircase of stupidity. Varian was basically just a lighter shade of Sylvanas put in has High King before she ever became Warchief. The Alliance has undergone diplomatic fumble after diplomatic fumble to the point that it’s hard to take anything they say in good faith I don’t trust Anduins word, and I don’t trust his word because he has shown his troops have poor self control.

I can abide malice but it’s hard to tolerate idiocy, were the situations reversed the Alliance would of done to Undercity what the Horde did to Darnassus years ago and I do not blame the rank and file Horde citizen for thinking they are threat to our existence.

Lilan Voss is right, the Alliance deserves to fail, and if Azeroth deserves to die it’s because of what we did together.

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fair point, you got me.
i guess that we can sum up that i just want to murder people like a damn rabid dog.

hey, maybe i can accept the “moral code” that doesn’t change my desire to kill red things.

Your fellow Alliance members won’t accept become the evil side.

Remember, Teldrassil was not for the benefit of Horde players. We hated it. It was so you could be the noble heroes fight a righteous war.

Well, in fact that differences between Teldrassil and Undercity were to keep the Alliance the good guys in the plot. After all, an army that, as we saw in BtS, doesn’t even believe the enemy has a right to exist take Brill without catching any civilians or kill anyone who tries to surrender? That is why it wasn’t shown. Then they have the Alliance force Sylvanas to destroy the city so Anduin does have to.

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I’m too stupid to use the new quote system properly apparently.

i don’t know, people have different opinions.
this war could have been awesome if it started as a gray conflict if blizzard had the balls to make some shady stuff from the alliance, i would have loved that.

as long as the horde dies with us, is all good, at least from me.

Allow me to doubt that, i have the weird impression that most horde like to be the villains… but maybe that is just because people who dislike the story or being the bad guys already unsubbed.

My bet is at the end of the expac, Anduin is unmasked to be revealed as C’Thun reborn. Sylvannas kills him to save Azeroth, and Saurfang…just because, and winds up a fugitive from both factions, as no one but the player realises the truth of what she did.

And the Humans’ new leader? Undead Menethil Girl. Whose first command is to raise a bounty on the Banshee Queen.

Undercity was nothing like Teldrassil. The Horde launched a surprise invasion of Night Elf lands and burnt the capital to the ground, killing thousands.

Undercity was retaliation except the Horde knew the Alliance was coming and was planning to bomb and ditch. The civilians were evacuated and the second the Alliance got near the walls the Blight came out and killed a ton of troops and routed the Alliance until Jaina showed up. And then when they’re about to confront Sylvanas, boom goes the Blight bombs, killing who knows how many troops.

It’s fairly obvious the Horde can’t win a fair fight since they always resort to using nukes, super weapons, or the Blight. It’s how every battle ends with them.

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I realize that’s what it is becoming. However, it was my understanding in the past that they’ve always attempted to paint the two factions as roughly equal in strength overall (not one-for-one equal but when everything is taken into account of similar strength) and I am trying to find the point where that changed to “the Horde is too weak to fight the Alliance”.

since cata. the horde use every kind of weapon like magnotaurs,ect, the alliance managed to survive without resorting to superweapons.
we have the vindicar there, doing nothing, we could steal the iris and nuke a city, and besides, our characters are walking WMD like malfurion,tyrande,alleria…ect.
particularly, after MoP.

Aside from the Theramore mana nuke, all the fighting that I saw in Cata was of the “conventional” variety, or as conventional as warfare gets in a swords and sorcery setting. Doesn’t Wrathion even say the Horde is slightly stronger at some point in MoP? I certainly don’t recall seeing magnataurs in-game; I think that was some nonsense in a book.

NPC character power is a difficult metric to mention anyway, since characters seem to grow stronger or weaker as Blizzard needs them to be. That said, they have tipped that balance very far in favor of the Alliance. My point is that I do not think this change was slow and gradual, but rather that we abruptly made it to BfA and couldn’t fight normally anymore.

Yes, that was mid mop, the horde were winning the war because they were using things like the blight, and the mana bomb.
and then, the rebellion happened, that splitted the horde in half and a toon of orcs died.
after MoP the horde lost the upper hand and the alliance became more united than ever. and then, more demigod characters joined us like turalyon and alleria, and now tyrande who was already strong but now she will get a power up, not even speaking of the vindicar
Basically, mop-BfA.

and the alliance yet hasn’t used a superweapon, i wonder if we ever are going to see that.

Nah. Why use a superweapon, when you can deploy… the farmers? dramatic music


apparently keeping the moral highground is more important than winning the war.
/facepalm at anduin

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He worries too much. Teldrassil happened. The Alliance has the moral high ground until the end of days, no matter what they do to the Horde.

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Hmm … I’m not so sure. Atrocities don’t normally counter eachother out, and there are several targets that the Alliance could commit one against that would be somewhat unjustified. The Tauren, BEs, Highmountain, and Nightborne were (from what it appears) kept deliberately out of “The War of Thornes”, with the exception of a few individuals like Lorash (who’s the Cromush of the BEs). Even if they’re on Sylvie’s side right now, they are the most likely to turn on her if given the proper incentive to … and honestly committing a Teldrassil style atrocity against one of their groups in retaliation would be more or less unjustified (and more or less counterintuitive to ending he War).

Every Horde race was present, except the Huojin and the Allied Races. Lor’danel was full of Trolls and Blood Elves, and the Night Elven ships were being boarded by Blood Elves. I had more than a few of my spells interrupted by Tauren NPC War Stomps, to the point of not targeting them for quest numbers, and one was a quest objective.

Saying “I changed my mind” at a later date doesn’t magically absolve you of being complicit in genocide.


“If you kill your enemies, they win.”

-Jaina Proudmoore in 8.1

What a trainwreck of a character.

I honestly thought she was going to be terrifying after watching her Warbringers video. I thought that she was going to give the Horde a taste of it’s own medicine and wipe a town or two off the map, Theramore style.

And then we get this. I’m sorry Alliance, I’m just so sorry.


i am sorry for what? for me she has been by far the best character in the alliance. but i guess that is just depends on opinions.
i suppose that she had to become a broken mess and evil like sylvanas to make her better? nope.