Kaldorei Revenge:How long?

I’m pretty sure the Reliquary and random vacationers I killed in the war campaign count as civilians. The phrase you were looking for was “Alliance hurting civilians won’t get much if any attention.”

So if a scene was shown where the Night Elves kill lots of nameless “trash mob” civilian Forsaken, you would be happy and satisfied and no longer need revenge?

Even if right afterwards the Forsaken kept having infinite NPCs whenever needed and it had no effect on the game or story?

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Well yes, obviously. That does not change the situation though. Heck, that feeds into the frustration of all parties involved, which has been why I hate the faction war.

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Goblins are civilians too mean undead lady! :laughing:

However like you said meaningless mooks are rather pointless. Some Alliance players show this as well when killing nameless mooks in the Warfront don’t satisfy their revenge, they only care about the named characters.

Me??? Mister team cap who wants an option to toss the Sandwalker chica in irons for letting her troops reanact some of the worse actions of Nam with respect to the Vulpera while telling us to just scare them?? What do you think slot? : P

Re:Reliquary, they operate as part of the Horde’s state military as research and development. They are considered legitimate military targets because their efforts go directly to supporting the war effort. It would be like if modern militaries attacked DARPA in the US if there was a war on.

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So, you are saying you don’t want WOW to be as fun as Vietnam was based on Hollywood potrayals?

“How can you shoot women and children?”
“Easy! You just don’t lead them so much! Ain’t war hell? HAHAHAHA!”
-Full Metal Jacket

Now this made me stop and think for a second. I’m not super down on the nitty-gritty, so someone correct me if I’m wrong, but…

Wasn’t the whole point of Sylvanas’ Stormheim side adventure because she needed a way to propagate the Forsaken? The Val’kyr are doing it currently but she has a limited (and dwindling) number of those. What I mean to say is, it feels like they were starting to introduce a “population problem” storyline for the Forsaken, and then it just kind of… went away? I mean, it wouldn’t be the only time Blizz has just kind of let a story thread wither, but…

EDIT: Threeslot, how have they not caught you yet?

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…>.>…that’s one of the strangest interpretations I have heard of FMJ as a glorification of Nam…like… not going to lie.

Less to propagate, than to stop decay. Essentially it would make Forsaken writ large the same tier of undead as Sylvanas. Ie not needing constant new parts etc.

So for ruining that, every single Forsaken deserves Revenge against Genn I guess. The only question is “Forsaken Revenge: How Long?”


Genn is made out to be a sympathetic character we should feel bad about doing harm to him and his family, revenge on him is something that is never brought up as Horde. So to answer the question of how long, 0 seconds.

Honestly, Vietnam is largely untouched by Hollywood largely because there is no way to glorify it. So Threeslots assertion is just…bewildering…to me.

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If I woke up screaming in an Antorus prison to discover BFA was a dream of demonic proportions, I would take that as a win, which is a sad, sad commentary on the quality of the story writing this xpac…


I’ve offered to fix this for Blizzard. Many, many times. All they have to do is canonize me as a character.

They don’t seem interested, for some reason.


Where do I sign up to join your merry band?

I could actually see Anduin showing up to UC with his dad’s army, and breaching the walls…so he could save all the Forsaken civilians from Sylvanas.

No, it was also to propagate. I feel like people ignore Sylvie little deep fear of her own afterlife out of convenience, but regardless of if/how she cares about the Forsaken … they are still first and foremost her “Bulwark Against the Infinite”. They are her shield against her eternal afterlife, and by expanding them (and her number of Val’kyr, had she enslaved Eyir) she strengthens that bulwark.

Its why I actually do think that she’ll use those last remaining three Val’kyr to bring herself back to life again; screwing over the Forsaken in the process. Their purpose is ultimately to protect her, she wont sacrifice herself for them. If a construction worker finds himself in a life-threatening situation and can either save his tools, or himself … dude isn’t going to sacrifice himself for his tools.

I would go for this. Most of the time we have mirrored Horde and Alliance organizations - Kelrexia’s Laboratory Division can be your Apothecaries.

May I ask for links to these statements? Because I don’t see them on this forum, certainly not “constantly.”

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It is from A Good War and Before the Storm. In Before the Storm, Sylvanas believes that the only way to resolve the issue between the Forsaken and Humans is for the annihilation and reanimation of Humanity, specifically Stormwind. In A Good War, she argues that now is the proper time to strike and dismantle the Alliance because they have not yet recovered from the Burning Legion, and she believes she can seize control of all the Azerite.