Kael'thas threat bug

ummm… Thats besides the point!

It will be released when it’s ready used to be the Blizzard standard.

Would be nice for a heads up instead of wiping repeatedly not sure what is exactly going on.

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Well yeah, you can kill him. The bug is totally random and many guilds simply don’t even have it happen

If you’ve got three tanks all top threat there’s a good chance you’ll be fine, but if you spend time killing the birds the chance of it bugging drastically increases

Any comments on your blatant mismanagement of the server population imbalances? Or are your superiors happy with the Transfer Service revenue?

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Really, new bugs are found all the time in older products, see wannacry that affected windows from 2000 thru 10, the bug had existed that allowed it to happen since the NT5 kernal, no one knew about it for 15 years, then i got explotited and it took a few weeks to release a patch to fix it. Meltdown problem with the TLB in every processor since Pentium Pro, was literly around for 22 years before it was found, fix took 2 years. Games are far more complex as they are far more dynamic, so the fact a bug slipped by that they couldn’t fix right away is prefectly excusable, its running the fight intended for the original TBC Cclient on the updated Shadowlands client, bugs happen.

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The bug seems to hit people who are very far away going into P3. Try to stack in the middle rather than all the way at the back, that worked for us.

kaelthas still bug? We were in raid with my brotherhood mates recently and Kaelthas kept losing his agro by controlling people, he killed several of our raid :stuck_out_tongue:

We were in TK during the hotfix announcement and we were still getting threat wipes in phase 4 multiple times. Do servers need to be reset for the change to be in effect? Did we need to reset the instance? Out tank would completely disappear off the threat table out of nowhere…

@blue please clarify

Yeah, like on the PTR in this case.

Another brilliant decision by Blizzard.

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The EXACT bug with detailed analysis was perfectly reported over a month ago on the PTR. And people still make excuses for blizzard taking a month to figure out what it is.


Whats the point of the PTR? Whats the point of reporting bugs if blizzard is too arrogant to listen to bug reports?

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You can know what it is, what’s causing it, and it still take a month to figure out. Programming isn’t as easy as people seem to think it is.

Some of the most complex bugs can have an easy fix and some of the simplest bugs can be the biggest pain in the butt

All i hear is “blizzard can do no wrong”

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It’s not a blizzard thing, it’s a programming thing.

When it comes to bugs even high priority ones can be up for months because it’s not something that is easily fixed

So it was reported and took a month. If u can fix these issues quicker go apply for a job at blizz. U seem like u would enjoy a good crawl.

Otherwise stop whining like a 5 year old. Because content is usually on the ptr for 2 months but because of players like u that were on these forums on a daily basis whining about the ptr even taking a month. The bug went live.

So look in the mirror and u will see one of the thousands of players that should be blamed along with blizzard due to there impatience.

I’m not a blizz sympathizer but I’ve played wow long enough that they don’t release content without bugs and for the most part will fix them quickly.

Apparently the bug is now my fault. And it taking 50 days to fix is my fault. The sore-knee apologists are out in force this morning.


It will be okay Q. P3 will come out and the feather fall in hyjal won’t work properly and people will fall to there deaths.


I find the pedestal coding has been placed on here so hilarious. Many people have difficult jobs. I really don’t care that it’s hard.

This is not a “normal” level of bugginess. Both end tier bosses, both new factions’ questlines, in addition to breaking pet bars (and by extension Karazhan) and breaking TK and Kara attunement questlines… and those are just the major bugs that I can think of in a few seconds. Stop making excuses for this. Stop blaming players for it.


Yeah, it IS a Blizzard thing. Blizzard is the one who chose to use the retail client for classic games. Blizzard is the one who chose to have little to no support for this game. Blizzard is the one who chose to have zero transparency and not communicate with their customers.

You don’t see crap like this going on in final fantasy games.

Actually, there is bugs in that game, a lot of bugs, just like EVERY game of this size.