Kael'thas has the wrong voice actor

Kael’thas that made it to live has the wrong voice actor. Please give us back the original voice actor as he was a victim of character assassination by a malicious and obsessive stalker and Blizzard had made the mistake of helping the one abusing him. Quinton’s Kael’thas was the villain I fondly remembered. It would be as simple as replacing the sound files in the game, maybe on a Tuesday restart.

I’m not sure if I should post this under bug reports or not.


I can get behind this. Sign my name up on the petition to reinstate the rightful voice.


It’s ironic that the one who brings this insight is a Classic Andy.


You can replace the sound files in your wow folder and the old one will play if it matters so much to you.

And that would be unauthorized altering of the game client.


I am pretty sure that violates the Terms of Service but I could be wrong

Someone fact check me

Also with Xhi and Bawx, don’t think we’re supposed to do that. Either way, I’d rather the real Kael’thas be in the game as he was wrongfully removed.


I’m definitely absolutely NOT condoning this but you may or may not be able to swap the old sound files in yourself :wink:

the point isn’t to do some hacky solution. KT should just have the voice everyone knows and loves. cancel culture has gone too far. in fact, you know what? i’m on strike. i am unsubbed until we get this voice back.


There’s a pretty big chance, like 95%, that he’s guilty of something anyway. We shouldn’t take the chance.

let he who is without sin cast the first stone


The guy has been proven innocent and the fix on Blizzard’s end would be really simple. We shouldn’t have to risk breaking ToS to fix this on our end.


Pulling him this week was so jarring I am turning off sounds and using an old recording of the fight from 2007. If only I could solve all the other problems Blizzard is ignoring the same way.


Blizzard helping the abuser and punishing the abused? Didn’t they get served with multiple lawsuits specifically because they did this with their own employees?

This also happens with Swifty.


everybody is guilty of something. the purity police and the inquisition are not things we want to resurrect from their resting place in the Middle Ages.

Tell me. tell me everything.
Naughty secrets…


You’re asking this from the people who kiss China’s behind any chance they get. The same people who turn a painting of a woman into a bowl of fruit. I really hope they change his voice back, but I doubt it. It will only get worse at this rate. More dumb changes that no one asked for or cared about (apart from China). I predict halfway through either Black Temple or Sunwell they will introduce the WoW Token into Classic TBC. By the time WOTLK comes out there will also be a “Death Knight boost” to 70 so you won’t have to start from 55. As well as additional 70 boosts. And many more microtransactions. The cycle will start all over again.


Let’s stay civil and on topic to avoid any moderator excuses for a thread lock.

Blizzard has made a ton of mistakes that are recent topics, but I’m just putting forth that this one thing that affects “new” content for TBCC could be fixed quickly and painlessly, possibly even gaining a few easy points with some of their players. There’s no reason to not give Kael’thas his original voice back at this point.


Cube crawlers don’t have the time to put in the old files sadly


Just posting this from another copycat thread.

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A. You have no idea why he was actually removed. It could be any number of things entirely unrelated to any accusations. So yall are getting yourselves all worked up when the reality is you’re going 100% of speculation and you have no actual idea what really happened.

B. He was never absolved of wrong-doing. Just because his conduct wasn’t illegal doesn’t mean he is still a person companies want representing them. OJ was found innocent too but I don’t think anyone faulted companies for not renewing their sponsorship. Free market etc.

Maybe I’m not Googling hard enough, but I wasn’t able to find a source for this. I’d be interested in seeing it, if it’s from a reliable source.

Unfortunately there’s no speculation involved. I understand if you weren’t paying attention when it happened.

Only in a court of law, which is unfortunately never enough for a hate mob. All you’re doing is aiding his abuser.