Just when you thought the lore couldn't get worse (Sepulcher spoilers?)

Yeah. That sounds about right.

Your at the point I was on Tuesday with the whole Zoval is a robot, the covenant leaders are robots, oh ‘Elune is the winter queens sister - she is probably a robot”

Then I realized wait!!! Why is ZM so focused on “origin of life” when it’s connected to the realm of death?

WTH even is this expansion? It’s a frigging narrative mess. Nothing about any of it makes sense - especially in regard to the rules of the WoW universe laid out to us for 15-20 years.

It’s a disaster of a story and it’s not a surprise so many people have abandoned it this expansion. If I could stand more than 10 minutes of FF game play I might be gone too…


Because it is a knee-jerk face-slapping retcon from the depths of the cringverse.


All I get out of this is that Mal’ganis kind of sucks at what he does.


Wait for them to retconn the burning of telldrassil and say it was malganis posing as Sylvannas but why stop there?

Arthas, Yogg-Saron, N’Zoth, hell even Chromie just Malganis being a trickster

He stops fighting after we deal enough damage but clearly doesn’t drop dead instantly.

He lives long enough to say

The darkness clears…

I peer into these waters and my reflection is empty…

Waters… claim me…

After saying that the Water splashes upward and then he drops dead as if he made the Waters kill him.

Mighty suspicious!

We were drawn to the Disks due to the fact that the very door the chambers they were hidden within was having the same Dark Iron Dwarf(Galgann Firehammer) that Mal’Ganis supposedly was disguised as.

If Mal’Ganis was the one who drew our attention to the Disks that makes the Disks of Norgannon themselves suspect despite the whole thing being a thoughtless retcon.

Furthermore Chronicle’s info on the Titan Keepers(including the reason for Loken’s betrayal) is verified(according to Chronicle) by the Disks of Norgannon! Danuser already declared/Retconned the Chronicle to be the Point of View of the Titans, Titan Keepers and the Denizens of Azeroth!

Since the Disks of Norgannon’s veracity is now in question thanks to Mal’Ganis being the guy who led us to them by his very presence that means what the Chronicle told us about Loken(including how he seemingly stole the Prime Designate title) and Odyn(who gives a different account in https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Legend_of_Odyn) are also in question.

Would have legitimately been hilarious.

Lore specifically states we killed him. Whatever you perceive is incorrect.

The disks were fine. Their data is confirmed during that Tribunal.

Nothing is retconned. The point of view of the Titans is about the map of the cosmic forces, not where we all came from.

Nothing is in question, your headcanon isn’t correct.

You are taking something so simple and overthinking it.

Technically it was me… sort of? The info was kind of cut of context horrendously, and people keep making bad faith arguments.

So in the raid before the bosses are pulled, we see Kin’tessa and Mal’Ganis both casting a variety of disguises. Searching the ability up on wowhead, Mimicking Diguise, it displays a list spells. The spell description literally says, “Take on the disguise of another being, attempting to fool observers,” with the buff saying “The dreadlord is imitating another being.” Oh, I should probably mention everyone assumed that each dreadlord was somehow mimicking the one of their presented gender, but they both share the buffs, meaning that if this “theory” that they were X NPC all along, both of Mal’Ganis and Kin’tessa were these NPCs at the same time. Already that seems dubious at best.

Anyway, somebody asked about the full list and in each spell effect modifier for Apply Aura: Change Model, wowhead very helpfully lists the NPC in which the dreadlord spell mimics, which is how I came up with the list that was pulled out of a Discord conversation. Yes, the NPCs in that list is correct, but the context in which the spells (and by proxy the supposed lore tied to it) are used is completely fabricated.

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Oh… okay, thank you!

So it’s possible they used those guises to mock us or to make us think they impersonated people or even to try to play with emotions. They may not have actually been those people.

You’re awesome for clearing that up and I appreciate it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I highly recommend everyone read Simaia’s reply here.

It includes a devs statement that the way they see it (AKA the designer PoV, so an official word) is they were practicing their ability to mimick. I would assume it’s because the fight literally involves them mimicking raid members.

The only NPC that the game implies actually WAS one of the dreadlords is Alandien in BC:

And that’s from the Glaive Kin’tessa drops, not from the fight mechanics. And her being a dreadlord isn’t that farfetched. Infiltrating the Demon Hunters would be an amazing feat and a way to test their abilities.

Also, I find it funny people have demanded for years that Jaina be revealed as a Dreadlord even though it makes zero sense, but somehow random NPCs with no relevance would be “lore breaking” to you.

Dreadlords can mimic appearances. It doesn’t mean that they were mimicking those characters at the time our player adventurers interacted with them.

To give an example thats more timely, its likely that a dreadlord could mimic Jaina’s appearance at some point. Doesnt mean jaina is a dreadlord. This was showcased in the story quest where mal’ganis imitated us, and were certainly not dreadlords.

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Or are we?

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The main point is another bs aspect to the story that Danuser is continuing to ruin with his fanfic-level writing

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Honestly, it’s really what they need to do at this point.
Imagine this raid’s writing if WoW was a self aware comedy.
The Jailer: “…No! You don’t understand! They’re out of ideas! I have forseen 10.0, and it ONLY GETS WORSE! I must end this, I must use this power to unplug the servers before it’s too late!”

And then when he dies, he springs a leak and flies around the room like a deflating balloon as the screen fades out, and the next Expac’s logo pops up to a comedic drumroll. It’d be PERFECT.

LMAO so let me get this right, a demon infiltrating demon hunters who have eyes that can see demons AND they train their bodies to sense demons. Yeah very smart! People like you is why the writing in this game is so atrocious. You have such low standards.


Yeah, the fact people are defending/justifying this says it all.


Every new piece of information just brings more and more apathy.

Danuser has destroyed this lore, thoroughly.

He GoT season 8’d us, and there almost is no way back.


soon a dev will come with a bs explaining that , they are just practicing and playing while in the middle of a fight to death , and all the hamsters will clap and dance believing the bs explanation.

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Reminder that Danuser has stated on Twitter that he thought GoT Season 8 was “brilliant”