Just watched the datamined cutscene with aduin and bolver...ugh!

No, I said BLIZZARD is likely going to write her out of the story while keeping her alive. I never said that I wanted her to live.

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Make her convince Anduin [that there was something reasonable / huge threat / whatever], make him find some sympathy to her story (well, she had some sad moments after all), and after that - both of them would be gone for a few expansions. Leaving us free from Sylvanas and Anduin.

Not sure that many people really enjoyed it, but it looked like a sign of “oh, now they wont be able to hop between peace and faction conflict and finally comming to something!!!1”. Did not work that way. Idea of the faction conflict in WoW is still a source of sadness and unnecessary gameplay limitations.

gl hf

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That’s fair. I share your sentiment to a bit, although I don’t think Sylvanas needs to die per se. I just think she needs to lose, badly. And realize that every plan and scheme she has done has been for nothing. And that the sum of her actions have only caused untold suffering and death.

I know one thing. the current Sylvanas, the one with her current ideals, should not survive past the shadowlands. For her to survive she must change on a monumental level. Reject everything she has done, and to try and atone for her sins by any means she can. And even that is stretching it a lot.


Nah. No justification for what she has done thank you very much. It would be the biggest slap in the face against Alliance players that the game has ever seen. One way or another, she must lose. Not neccesarliy die, but lose and then change monumentally.

No she must die completly with her sould obliterated like Ursoc …

I don’t want there to be even the slightest possibility of that stupidly crappy character to return ever.
3 xpacs in a row is enough … kill her and have her be forgotten.

Don’t you think that being stuck for the eternety with Anduin is not enough of a punishment?

That could be an added bonus.

(Yes, it’s just a half joke. With the joke part being “getting rid of both”, because there was a bit too much of both. And not so joke, because the original change of Sylvanas was about her twisted soul. And the Light can address it to a degree. So, that would be a change. And a change that would happen regardless of if she would want to.

But yeah, consider it a humorous approach)

gl hf

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If only…

I don’t even know why you get your hopes up anymore

Well I told you allready:

I’m not going to buy SLs till I am conviced things are changing.
If not this will be the final straw. I gave them one expansion time to correct course because things like that won’t happen mid expansion.

But they got the time now, plenty of it.
So if they deliver, fine. If not I am gone for good. I didn’t play BFA and now since I played 2 months for the prepatch I realized that the game itself, the gameplay , raiding whatever bores me to death. I am only here for the RPG for the story. And when that is gone, there is just no reason to stay as the rest just bores me.

So from my perspective I can only win.

Well, they already messed up the opportunity to show Tyrande fight in the abduction cinematic big time.

That’s a head start for them

They are not even trying anymore, they are not trying to fix anything for the night elves at all

that was a huge disapointment for me.
But on the other hand, they showed noone beside rediculous Anduin… gosh i’m so fond of both of them. Sylvanas and Anduin … the same character just a black hole for story sucking up every little bit of screentime.

The purpose of teh video obviously, based on the rediculous monologue of bolvar, was to show how much of a baddie Sylvanas is.

Having her abdction aliens shown to fail before Tyrande would’t suite the narrative.

Still a disampointment and wasted opportunity. Well we still have the ANthanos cutscene … if that is a dispointment I will cancel my sub.

Yea, because god forbid the Night Elves win anything ever, even if it’s just something that small

And we know it will be based on how the abduction cutscene played out. I would be surprised if we even see Tyrande in it to be honest.

Move her offstage into a situation where every moment will be intensely unpleasant for her, and for good measure make sure an NPC says that what she’ll be going through is worse than anything the Shadowlands could offer. Then Alliance fans will feel like she’s getting her punishment for everything, and the devs can bring her back in a few years as having “paid for her crimes.”

(Note: whatever this situation is, I would NOT have it involve Arthas, not only because ewwwww, but also because that would logically just mess her up even further and make her come back worse.)

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Oh how true this is.

Saurfang’s lackies got away with their crimes AND they got that little cloak as a reward.

On the other hand, Sylvanas and her followers truly got away with out anything. We didn’t get a toy.


I feel like the last thing Alliance players want in regards to past conflicts with the horde is more lip service with supposed off screen things happening like what Varian’s flavor text said post siege of orgrimmar that never amounted to anything.


This was largely why I didn’t like the war of thorns. Sure the Forsaken lost a lot in Loardaeron, but this was after them spreading and having several victories in Cata, expanding their territory etc.

The night elves have felt like a punching bag for the horde to repeatedly invade their lands and take things without the nelves ever really gaining anything, which made the loss of darnassus feel not like a loss to a powerful people but the latest bloody nose in a long line of them.


But here’s the question. They can’t bring her back as she was, because it defeats the point. The current Sylvanas is a monster that must be put down, or transformed hard. And more importantly, why would the Horde ever want her back, after what she has done? And would the Alliance not instantly declare war in order to kill her, being justified in doing so?

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Okay, so how about if we add a cinematic where you see Sylvanas in torment?

The question I responded to was how I would go about leaving her alive in a way that would not anger every Alliance fan.

What she’s like if/when she comes back is a whole different question–one that I can’t really answer because we’d have to know what the storyline and situation would be at the time of her hypothetical return.

But here’s one possibility: the process that torments her slowly strips away her memories of everything that’s happened since she became undead. Maybe it can’t completely repair the damage to her soul that was done by Arthas, so she’s still a bit warped and cold (so she doesn’t become completely unrecognizable), but she has the possibility to develop in any direction from there.

Then I guess the question is why would she return to the Horde, having no memories of it, and them hating her for betraying them? And why would the Alliance accept her coming back at all? It’s like if Arthas climbed out of the afterlife and wanted to join the current Alliance.

Maybe she wouldn’t! Maybe they wouldn’t! Who knows what will make sense for the story at that time? Like I said, we can’t really answer that question.

Remove her agency.