Just watched the datamined cutscene with aduin and bolver...ugh!

No, the writers did that. Using her as a tool.


Tomato, tomato. The character is still unpopular now.

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I wish people would stop buying into what the writers want by saying “Sylvanas ruined your faction and mine! we should be together in this.”

Come on guys no…it’s the writers, who ruined the things we love for a very stupid retread of a plot.


If that were true, we wouldn’t see threads bringing her up every 5 mins.


A vocal minority is still a minority. That’s why hardly anything on the story forum ever gets actioned on by Blizzard.

The new threads are always started by haters, so either the vocal minority are her haters, or she’s still a compelling and intriguing character (spoilers, she is). Can’t have it both ways.


I assumed he was referring to people defending her, I don’t pay much attention to them.

Uh most people want to finally get rid of World of Sylvanascraft, nobody likes a mary sue that destroys everything, gets away with crimes like genocide and takes up all the attention, also gets things like genocide glorified just because she did it, but when other villains do it it’s obviously bad.

Also I’ve rarely seen people saying that they like Sylvanas because she’s evil, most Sylvanas defenders are people who say that sylvanas didn’t do anything wrong, genocide is okay and that hitler wasn’t that bad after all (not my words), most of them trolls.


You say it’s not you’re words, but I don’t see any horde fans saying hitler isn’t bad. It’s always night elf fanatics trying to use real world genocide to justify their ridiculous outrage over something that happened in a video game two years ago.

People need to stop trying to use the holocaust to try and score point in their silly WoW forum debates. It’s a real tragedy and isn’t your fodder for Pointless internet arguments. WoW is a poorly written T for Teen rated game that’s narrative isn’t high enough quality to bear such comparisons.


Talk is cheap. If the Horde doesn’t try to make ammends through action, then they are meraly virtue signaling.


Minor note.

When Sylvanas was broght back for the first time, just Annhylde sacrificed herlesf. Second time to get her out of the Maw, it took 3 dark val’kyrs (Arthura, Agatha, and Daschla). So, unless, it’s a mistake, 3 val’kyr is no longer enough for it. Could explain Stormheim, where Sylvanas went, after learning about a acouple secrets that val’kyr kept from her (with the ritual she did not know about, the one used to empower Nathanos).

If her connection to naaru is indeed what it seems to be, that might not work the way people expect. Besides, we still have to see Calia learning about Southshore and other forsaken actions. As well as forsaken learning if the light affects them the way it was described before.

Idk. Maybe start with acknowledging that this happened instead of hiding the thing in the horde side of the story, and then at least try to fix something that was broken? Like, plant a tree, help to rebuild a house or something. Like, any minor thing instead of “it was all Sylvanas”?

We still have to see how the time that he spent with Sylvanas will affect him.

gl hf

Lets face it, the majority of people who keep making Sylvanas threads are the ones who hate her and think about her 24/7. Her fans just jump in to defend their waifu.

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At this point, most threads on this forum is just people whinging into an echo chamber, so other people can join them on the whinging. Very few actually bring up anything new. It’s just “QQ Sylvanas”, “QQ Teldrassil”, or “QQ Anduin”.

I personally can’t wait to see what they do after Shadowlands that’ll piss everyone off, or will we just sit here and cry about BfA forevermore.


It’s one of the main reasons why, like you, that I’m actually legit excited about Shadowlands. I can’t wait to see the sh|t show it’s going start/stir up. Especially concerning a certain Banshee Queen. :gift_heart:

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Yea I bet most people won’t like the upcoming sylvanas redemption with some extra glorification of genocide of a playable race :thinking:
I just wonder why there are still people that are denying that it’s already set in stone.

Sends a really good message too

Blizzard wrote themselves into a corner with Sylvanas, that’s for sure. I don’t know if they’ll necessarily Redeem her per se, I just think they’re going to write her out of the story while keeping her alive. Blizzard can’t be THAT blind and not realize they really pissed off their player base this expansion.

There aren’t many people that I know that can say they legit liked BfA, at least not with a straight face.

Well Sylvanas fans LOVED bfa. They got to commit genocide and warcrime after warcrime and always got told they were doing great. Even Sylvanas and her followers got away without anything, instead they got many CGI cinematics and now even an entire expansion for themselves.

Here’s the million dollar question. How do you keep Sylvanas alive without pissing off every alliance player in the game? What would you do?

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BfA is just a dumpster fire, for so many people. I know there are people who legit enjoyed the genocide/burning of teldrassil, knowing there were KIDS and elderly in the tree. Some people are just cruel hun. :gift_heart:

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What would I do? Personally, I would have Pappa Genn and Tyrande be the ones who get to deliver the killing blow on her. Have it be a epic fight between the three of them.

But then, she’d die. You just said she should survive through the shadowlands?