I love the new stash!
Honestly what’s even the point of keeping her alive after all this? What future story could the really do with her that would be interesting with what they’ve had her do in BFA and Shadowlands?
Redeeming her and having her be ‘right all along so plz forgive her’ would be too far out there.
I feel like there’s no good reason for any faction to want her around, and she’s already getting a stint as a villain to both factions in Shadowlands. What would keeping her alive contribute story wise? It would be super hard to do without feeling forced at this point.
Just to please her edgy fanbois.
Ther eis no other reason. The character is not even great or anything just a mary sue with the biggest plotarmor in history of fiction.
I wonder if the hype would have been the same with her if she wouldn’t look like a living dark elf 18 years olf girl but an actually rotten corpse , half skellettal and with a rotten away nose and eyes, looking like a half eaten mummy.
Of course not. She’s nothing more than a sex object for a lot of her fans. Take away the bikini armor and the good looking body and you quickly realize most don’t like her for her character, just that she looks good.
I know, it was a rethorical question.
That is the issue. That character is just an over sexualized wet dream for some very weired people and continues to be so.
And that is the issue. Her only redeeming quality is exactly that …
Hence teh story is that bad.
Some of us got away with not going to jail… but that’s about it. Mellow went to jail, but he didn’t say ish, and only got released because there was no evidence… but some of loyalists were locked up and got away with nothing at all.
Well, Bolvar was a struggling man fighting against other forces in his helmet trying to keep the Scourge at bay while his only true new powers were telekinesis and controlling a bunch of decaying corpses, and unlike Arthas, he had no overpowered weapon to increase his combat capabilities.
Anduin is a Priest of the Holy Light, he could’ve at the very least tried to fight the forces of death with the Light, a force shown to be effective against dark energies, but no, Anduin instead of preparing a spell, he unsheathed his sword…
Shackle undead ftw.
[edit: and levitation]
gl hf
What annoyed me is the indication that SL will be “Andiun and Friends”.
And all the Conclave agreed in one accord.
Anduin is a disgrace to all priestendom, and should be cast into the MHP stereotypelands for eternity.
Either way, I feel blizz has written themselves into a corner with Sylvanas. They’ll either give her the death she so deserves so that Voss can take her place or they’ll come up with some BS redemption arc where every character who ever doubted her or even the PC are made to look like fools because she was “PlaYinG CheSs” the entire time and all that has happened justified her means.
Nonsense. Sylvanas fans did not want her entire backstory to be retconned, her internal dialogue in Before the Storm to be retconned, for her to be villain batted and turned into a mustache-twirler that only cares about power because reasons and stuff. No one asked for that, Sylvanas fans begged Blizzard not to go down this route. No one enjoyed BfA’s storytelling.
Seriously of all the claims thrown around about Sylvanas fans, the idea that anyone enjoyed what Blizzard did to her story is the most unbelievable.
Some may double-down on defending her or hoping the story has a twist but that’s just so Blizzard knows she still has fans who don’t want her to be killed off, that doesn’t mean they support genocide.
Killing off characters is such a waste, it’s the end of potentials and options and leaves the IP a little less interesting and little more homogeneous. Look at the Horde Council, the remnants of the Horde completely lack any spice except for Talanji, everyone else is boring.
Everyone is in such a hurry to kill off Nathanos, Sylvanas and Gallywix but don’t stop to think where that leaves the cast. A bunch of duds and Anduin Bros.
Well he appearently is one of those players who don’t put utility onto their action bar.
He missed that now 3rd time in a row:
- When Sylvanas flew away like Team Rocket in Lordareon
- When Sylvanas flew away like Team Rocket in Orgrimmar
- When ge got snatched by Team Rocket in Stormwind …
I still demand a “loyalist quest” in SL to have teh option to leave Anduin in the maw.
I wouldn’t care if Delaryn rejoined the alliance but if she did, I’d hope Blizzard would try to do something different than “Sylvanas’s story but what if she was good”. I know a certain level of it would be unavoidable, due to the nature of her death and raising, but it’d seem really raw to basically reinvent a character story they butchered just to throw her on the faction opposite of the original.
Not that I’d really want Delaryn on the horde anyway, but meh. Kind of a weird damned-if-you-do/don’t thing to me.
Since Blizzard mirrored pretty much EVERYTHING of Sylvanas story with BFA with NEs. I am nearly 100% sure that this will happen somehow.
I would honestly be beyond pissed, for them to butcher any characters really that has been around and a fan favorite for years, and then just remake said character but “good”
I don’t think people realize, the journey is part of the reason people love the characters, and doing the journey a second time beat for beat (But with a twist, that we all clearly saw coming a mile away)…with a new character, isn’t as amazing.
Like if you had another angry elf chasing after another elf but gender roles swapped you’d prob laugh at the cameo, until they keep going with it and you wouldn’t be really invested since it’s looking to be a retread of just a previously done thing.
Plus I’d rather not be reminded every 5 minutes being around Delaryn for people to say “You’re almost just like Sylvanas make sure you don’t “fall” like she did, or make this choice like she would of!”
Have Umbric suck her into a Void Portal.
Lets what she’s like after 10,000 years as the plaything of the Void Lords.
Blizzard fails consistently at a satisfactory throughline. The set-up of BfA and the War Campaign threading everything together was nothing but dumb and tired story beats that someone else already came up with and did better, or was predictable. Others were nonsensical.
Blizzard does well on the self-contained stories. The individual zones in BfA, as stand-alone stories. You can almost ignore the ridiculous backdrop of the BfA narrative as a whole and enjoy the Vol’dun and Drustvar arcs by themselves. I enjoyed Naj’atar more when I stopped caring about the convoluted details of Xal’atah and Azshara’s dealing with Priscilla and Sylvanas.
I predict it’ll be the same for Shadowlands. The set up will be contrived, but you can take away Bastion or Ardenweald or Revandreth or Maldraxxus as enjoyable narratives despite being a scaffolding of dumb plot conveniences.
Danuser’s definitely let things go to his head, though. It’s a steep, steep act of hubris to take Metzen’s ideas and give them a do-over. You don’t do that unless you’re either out of ideas or just arrogant.
Or both.
The problem with BfA, that angers so many people, is it had potential to actually be a good story with some morally grey acts thrown in from both sides. Problem is blizzard doesn’t understand Morally Grey means.