I played pvp when vanilla was out and since then came to enjoy rp servers for other games I have played. I would roll on a rp-pvp server but not a rp server as I find rp pve to be too limited to rp interactions. ok so I know they said no already I am just curious how many people whould like to see a rp-pvp
Nah, hasn’t been a single thread on that.
I am DEEPLY considering going RP-PVP.
Just seems like it would add a bit extra to the experience.
You know there won’t be any rp-pvp right?
I did not know that. Drat.
Blizzard can change their mind down the road but as for now they said no. Either make a rp community on your pvp server or join a rp server. I’ll roll on a rp server and I don’t even RP. RP communities are usually smaller and tighter knit.
Tighter knit can be quite nice.
Mainly I’m looking to be a main healer in an active guild.
Of course. Asmond predicts there will be around 50 servers at launch. At the least, there will be one RPPVP server I am sure.
Go bump this post about RP-PVP servers.
I’d play on it
RPPVP is like the full thing. You get all the elements of a MMORPG.
I’ll have a healer as well. Can’t wait!
You do get all the elements, but you won’t get the full experience of any. RPPVP is like a jack of all trades, master of none.
Your RPers won’t be as dedicated because overworld RP can be griefed and camped, lending no favors to casual roleplayers wanting to partake in long-length RP sessions in contested zones writing out paragraphs of dialogue and description.
You also won’t have the hardcore PVPers, which I guess for some is a positive point. And you certainly won’t see as strong an end-game progression as the most popular pure PVE or PVP servers.
Your RPPVP community, as I see it today, ends up people who want “a more mature pvp server,” who are only interested in dabbling a little in everything, but aren’t 100% committed into any of these play styles. Which ironically includes me, although I felt the need to write out my justification for why Blizzard likely will not prioritize a RPPVP server for the vocal minority who call for it.
Regardless of if there is an RP-PvP realm, I’m hoping that RP community can come together to decide on RP-PvP events. They haven’t let me down before.
If they, somehow, do two RP servers, I have faith we’ll decide which one is the RP-PvP server unofficially as soon as we get a server list.

I played pvp when vanilla was out and since then came to enjoy rp servers for other games I have played. I would roll on a rp-pvp server but not a rp server as I find rp pve to be too limited to rp interactions. ok so I know they said no already I am just curious how many people whould like to see a rp-pvp
I would play on a Rp-pvp server. I played on them day 1 they came out in vanilla.
Well that kinda burst my bubble, but that information is extremely good to know. Thank you.
Have to keep making these threads and let Blizz know people want rp-pvp for classic.
at the moment they have said no rp pvp server and even though I like rp for types of servers I like pvp more so if there’s no rp pvp ill be on a pvp. however a rp server that’s pvp makes more sense to me because what, on a regular rp server how do you explain horde and alliance hanging out in the same area not attacking each other in my opinion it kind of makes a rp server unrealistic. but sadly you would need a lot of interest to be shown to change there mind
Hey op. If you havent please check out here and lend your support, there are plenty folk who are pushing for this, and every bump helps
8/7/19 WE DID IT FRIENDS YEEEHAAAAAAA Hello everyone, I would like for everyone here to post, something as to add how they feel about RP PVP realms most likely not being added at start of classic. My goal isn’t to nag yell or cry about this, but ask blizzard to reconsider there stance, i feel that if this post is bumped enough with enough likes. RP-PVP servers, will be in some way helpful to everyone. We are only asking for a single server for this, nothing more nothing less, two would be gr…
Sorry if links silly phone apps are weird.