#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

All RP players who want to PVP deserve to do so within an RP-PVP server if they prefer. Please consider this Blizz!!


Fingers crossed they have a change of heart and give us an RP-PvP server at launch. Vanilla PvE is kind of an uninteresting experience to me, and if they stagger RP-PvP, I probably won’t be able to dedicate time to it since I’ll have dug my heels in with my current server, having guild commitment & new friends. A little pessimistic at this point, but we’ll see.


Most of you guys posting aren’t on what was RP-PVP servers. There was really only one RP-PvP server on live and that one isn’t even full. Pretty hard to see enough demand for this in classic.

Plus I really don’t see any reason you can’t RP on one of the PvP servers, just do like some groups are doing and advertising a RP-PvP classic community so you can organize yourself and set yourself up on one server.

I would find it hard to believe even RPer are 10% of the playerbase, yet alone RP who want a PvP server. Where are you getting your 10% from.

I’m convinced you’re the same person coming in here on different characters to derail this thread. Because none of the contrarian posts are by anybody with any previous posts.

First off it doesn’t matter what server you’re on in live anymore since they’re all sharded. Also there’s no point in a pvp server on live anymore since world pvp is opt-in. So your point is invalid.

I don’t see any reason why people can’t pvp on an rp-pvp server. Works both ways bud.

He’s getting that from the classic poll taken a while back and sure it’s probably not 100% accurate but it definitely had enough RP-pvp votes on it to support at least one rp-pvp server.


That sharding made it so pvp servers could never recover.
Sucks because pvp is fun on pvp servers most of the time.


Well you are convinced of something that isn’t true.

It isn’t invalid - it is an indication to blizzard of how much demand there is. Unless that is a boost you weren’t on RP-PvP one year ago. And do you even know what sharding is ?

Glad you can see it isn’t an issue so they will make one that will make most people happy and then they don’t have to bother with people complaining about names.

Ok, didn’t realize there was a survey. That still doesn’t sound like it is accurate tbh, that would mean almost every RP wants to PvP and that just isn’t true.

Glad you cleared that up.

I’m sorry I meant both sharding AND cross realm zones. I should’ve specified.

If that were the case then there wouldn’t be an Rp-pve server. The poll of over 20000 people showed way more interest in rp-pvp than rp-pve.

Look, I’m not sure why you’re so clearly against an RP-pvp server. There will be plenty of pvp servers and pve servers and atleast one RP server. So all we’re asking for is ONE RP-pvp server. There IS enough interest and unless you can somehow disprove that then you have no real argument against it.


Then make most of the RP servers as RP-PvP, I personally think you will be shooting yourselves in the foot doing that though and your servers will be dead and then you will be complaining again but whatever. PvP servers shouldn’t be reduced just to make one RP.

I think we’ve proven that the demand is there.

Ion stated that they will add more servers if they need to so you don’t need to worry about that.

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You really haven’t proven the demand is there. A whole lot of people who start playing classic won’t last a week.

You really will be better off on a PvP server and just organize yourself as a community but whatever.

There is a recent video out with one of the devs saying there is a good chance 1 RPPVP server will be there for launch. So I am not worried about there being no server for us.


I guess to you we haven’t sadly. But hopefully we have to Blizzard. We have at least made them rethink it because now they’re considering one at launch where as before they flat out said no. Things are looking hopeful.

I respectfully disagree. I think we would be better off with our own server. Anyone interested would know where to go without having to search the internet for the community.

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The best thing blizzard could do in these situations is look at the situation one month in and see if there actually is a solid demand for this and for those oceanic servers people are wanting. Then create a server and offer free transfers.

Based on private servers a lot of people start playing this type of content but they don’t last and it isn’t like blizzard is going to be able to do to CRZ to correct the excess server problem in this content.

The problem with that is how are they going to accurately be able to see the demand for RP-Pvp servers if they don’t have one at launch? I completely understand and agree that we don’t want dead servers. I also know that plenty of people will quit without even hitting max level. I get that they should play it safe on amount of servers. But one server is a couple of thousand people max. 100’s of thousands of people are going to be playing at minimum and I’d be willing to bet on millions. So maybe just have one RP-pvp server at launch and don’t add anymore unless it’s absolutey packed after a couple months in. That seems the most logical route to me.

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Blizzard has actually sent out surveys on the numbers who intend on playing classic. They probably have a pretty good idea of the numbers who will play. I doubt after one month it will be millions, I am doubtful after three months it will even be in the 100s of thousands.

This content is going to have a real short shelf life.

I haven’t seen a single blizzard survey but would love to look at them. Do you have a source on this?

I think you’re severely underestimating this. I mean the petition for an authentic blizzard vanilla wow had over 280 thousand signatures and that was from mostly the private server community. There are a lot of folks interested who didn’t sign that or even know about it.

Private servers have been going strong for years so I think there’s definitely a long term audience for it.

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I did a few but it isn’t of a nature you can share the questions. But a question on classic was on the last one.

Huge difference between free and paying.

Oh dang, i always wanted Blizz to do some official surveys I just hadn’t ever seen one.

That’s a valid point I suppose. I still think there’s a plenty big long term audience though and I still hope Blizz gives us an Rp-pvp server at launch :slightly_smiling_face:


RPPVP servers no longer exist. How exactly is it an indication of what should be?

So your evidence to the contrary is, what? Your feels?

Take your low information trolling elsewhere.

Re-releasing the base game for an ancient MMORPG and leaving out the RP.
