Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

You’re the one who said, “Very few people have the means to spend 20+ dollars on a single item”. I simply responded to the number you suggested.

Would you mind answering the question I asked you specifically? (Note that most items in GDKPs are going for 20,000+ gold) My statement was in response to another statement claiming, everyone who takes part in GDKPs also RMTs, which means they are likely not getting their gold purchasing tokens, and that they are more than likely using third party sellers.

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Banning GDKP has shown to make RMT worse btw, stop spreading misinformation because you want to be carried to free loot while you grey parse.

No it hasn’t. Swap to another account and keep making the same tired arguments :clown_face:

Maybe you should join gdkps, maybe then you might get a heroic kill since your guild can’t do it.


Imagine trying to parse shame people and never breaking top 100 in any phase of Classic and doing less dmg than an arms warrior in p1 wrath :skull:

You can’t read numbers for the life of you though. You have outright lied about logs that you link.

I get that you’re likely just trolling, but this gaslighting is desperate and bad.

saying “no you lied” doesn’t exactly prove your point.

Dude, you said the the fire ele hit like 96 times, when in reality it was 24.

I didn’t say anything. I linked a log and you managed to fire 1 braincell for a bad take on it.

Bro, are you seriously trying to do this lmao

I love watching you take L after L.

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What’s 27 + 16 + 13 + 40 = ?
Learn to math imho

I like seeing you do less dmg than arms warriors in phase 1 of WotLK :skull:

Dude. The thread was about melee hits. You are literally just being ignorant.

Did I say melee hits? No.

You can’t math and you can’t read. :skull:

You can’t read. You came into a thread about melee hits spouting nonsense. The thread was about how fire ele melee hits are bugged.

I love seeing you need to hide.

The thread said eles bugged and couldnt HIT boss. They clearly can. There was no stipulation it had to be entirely melee hits, just that the ele couldnt hit boss. Try again.

I love hearing about you making alts to try and fish for people’s information through their forum character’s guild.

You really are a sad loser :skull:
I kinda already assumed you were, but seeing you seethe and go through the effort to try and fish for my mains just confirms it.