Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

Now that was just some hilarious detective work.

I can’t even make a toon on your server I have alliance there, unless you can now make both factions on a single server?

You know more than me dislike you right?

You must be a grey parser that wants to be carried to free gear, no wonder GDKPs live rent free in your head.

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He’s in a guild that can only clear normals and their guild name is “Heroic” lmfao.

You must need a carry. That’s why you love RMT

Doing less dmg than my arms warrior in P1 wotlk AS A MAGE. LOL

Get a top 100 parse at some point in Classic before you start parse shaming :skull:

GDKPs need to be banned. They are clearly RMT and the people that support them are dishonest. Kinda cringe and sad tbh. Man children gotta have their dopamine every second whether it being getting gold payouts from RMTers or buying gold to get carried for gear.

Very lame responses from the RMTers, and it’s always the same people defending RMT.

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you should have chosen a different sock, you use to go to the creation gdkp in classic on whitemane did u not?

maybe choose a low level character next time so no one can recognise it

You should stop buying gold, loser.

Buying gold to pay for pixels…LOL.

that’s a pretty weak response, you could have at least denied it

You’re pretty weak for buying pixels LOL

good work william, this is bound to own me

Go run up more credit card debt for pixels LOL

So William is a gdkp enjoyer?

Man did you not only pick a sock puppet with blue parses but you picked one that actually was in gdkps for your anti gdkp speech

Come on William.

Lmfao, nice 55 average in bwl.

I don’t know if its William, i just recognise his name and he acts exactly like billy does, he certainly attended one of the whitemane gdkps, creation was the one i used the most so i assumed it was that one

They also have the choice to keep pushing blizzard to ban it…

I’ll admit. In early classic I did a few GDKPs. I’m not who you think I am though. Then I saw how much RMT was going on and how pathetic GDKPers were and stopped doing it.

You still take part in GDKP though…what’s that say about you, swiper?

I looked up his logs and he has logs under the guild Creation.

Doesn’t that make you a swiper?