Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

See just like the post above now we are all “big piles of dung” because people like gdkps.


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The term has a specific meaning in common usage and it seems to apply perfectly to people who complain about GDKP’s.

It actually does not in any way apply to people who complain about gdkps. “Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.” In more than half the times I’ve seen it used in the real world I’ve agreed with the “karen.” In some cases both sides are equally in the wrong. Even when it’s use is appropriate I detest public internet shaming, doxing, and canceling over what is just a trivial public spat. Calling someone a karen bypasses the process of gathering facts and rationally discussing them and moves immediately to forming an ignorant internet mob to attack the so called karen.

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It’s not banned yet, but hopefully they come to their senses soon enough.

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Next phase gdkps are getting unbanned in SOD.

A karen is someone who makes loud complaints about a non issue because something vaguely offends them and bacs it up with stupid remarks that demonstrate their complaint lack of awareness.

That describes the anti GDKP crowd to a T. They don’t like GDKP’s for whatever reason and that’s fine, even though GDKP’s have no negative impact on them , but instead of just not doing GDKP’s they loudly ad incessantly whine about them. While making moronic statements about how GDKP’s are full of RMT and create botting both demonstrably false.

You can make up any definition you want for a slang term that has only recently come into common usage but your personal definition is far from how it is ordinarily defined.

Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people’s behaviors.


Karen is a term used as slang typically for a middle-class white American woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting middle-class white women who “use their white and class privilege to demand their own way”.

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“big piles of dung” is certainly a strong insult and might get a suspension if it was reported by enough people. But he didn’t say all. He clearly said people choosing to be decent on one realm and big piles of dung on most others. People are decent on one realm and on most, but not all, others. Since you think hyperbole is as bad as insults by your standards, not mine, you deserve a suspension for it too.

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I dont do gdkps, but this weird vendetta against them is… weird

No he said that’s server was fine because no gdkps but that was an outlier, implying all the other servers with gdkps are because of big piles of dung because they all have gdkps.

He very specifically said

Most doesn’t imply all. Most clearly means not all. It’s the literal dictionary difference between “all” and “most”. This is too trivial to continue. All I wanted to convey is my strong dislike of the use of the insult “karen”. It’s extremely harmful when used in a political and cultural context. My last word is that if you’re going to get upset when someone uses exaggerated language you shouldn’t be hyperbolic yourself. You can take your last word now if you want it.

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Brother are you pretending you can’t read or are you just incapable of understanding the word wow token lmao.

Lmao you’re still skitz posting about GDKPs but you’re totally not a forum crybaby amiright? Really not beating the allegations buddy.

I do think they should move to all servers to having war mode as an option, and then half the servers being GDKP and tokens and the other half not. Honestly I think this is a more divisive issue than PvP nowadays.

" If anything i spent what i made from the same gdkp so i technically got it free which is EXACTLY what non gdkp is. But mostly i lost money."

That’s not true for the VAST majority of people that go to gdkps.

GDKP doesn’t mean RMT.

Ban the bots, the gold sellers and gold buyers, GDKP’s will still happen.

We get it, you buy gold :clown_face:

We get it, you buy gold.

You should take showers/baths more than once a month

That cost money, I’m not a swiper.