Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

no one here explained how to run a pserver, for that go to youtube, we simply pointed out it’s not that expensive at all to do, also if Blizzard bans PS server players they still keep playing wow on the pservers and thats lost income for blizzard your 100% missing the point here.

War is peace :clown_face:

yes explaining that you can, there is so much more required to how to run it, but you’re just a forum troll and have never done a bit of research, your just bad and think GDKP is why no one wants to be your friend, when in truth it’s because your just an insufferable Karen.

Didn’t read what you wrote because you are a :clown_face:

Ok karen, your clueless like normal

Didn’t read that either :clown_face:

Now go shrink away to whatever shrimp position your spine is accustomed to.

I’m worried about you, people like you tend to turn into serial killers, people who find joy in being obnoxious and self righteous makes you high risk to to be one, maybe get some mental help, because your just outing yourself as a narcissist, of course what would help is if everyone that knows the type of troll you are simply mass reported you enough to force blizzard to make you take 30 days off the forums

Tell me you buy gold without telling me you buy gold

You play SOD, your whole guild including you most likely buy gold

I thought the same thing about you when you called him karen. It’s just name calling, an insult people use when they lack the ability to discuss something rationally.

Most of the responses in this thread are trolls, actually most anti gdkp arguments are trolls.

If an anti gdkp person just assumes everyone who does gdkps buys gold that person is a troll.

That’s just hyperbole. Almost everyone on this forum exaggerates sometimes. If everyone who engages in hyperbole is a troll than almost everyone here is a troll.

That’s just denial.

Read some of these anti gdkp arguments.

The proof is here, open your eyes.

Just like politics liberals want to tax you for playing and conservatives want to save their hard earned coin. GDKP regardless of what side you’re on might not be against the ToS but if you’re that idiot supporter who enjoys hosting and running with the sack of gold… That is a punishable offense and you can get suspended up to and including bans. All someone has to do is report you and gg. This plays into Blizzards gold market by evaporating gold stockpiles.

There’s really insufficient data to know how much rmt is involved in gdkps. I don’t care enough about it to even try to do the research which is why I never argue for or against it. Now that there’s an official means to rmt the fight against it is moot. And I particularly dislike the place the “karen” insult occupies in current dialog. It’s used to dismiss certain actions in our culture without taking the time to seriously discuss them.

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I wasn’t showcasing proof about rmt vs non rmt my entire point was that anti gdkp people say that all gdkps are rmt.

Which is why I said it was trolling.

I mean you can literally look here on this thread and see anti people calling everyone who defends gdkps a gold buyer as if the pro gdkp players like myself are actually defending rmt because we defend gdkps.

This isn’t proof of anything other than an outlier.
People choosing to be decent on one realm, doesn’t change that they choose to be big piles of dung on most others. Ridiculous argument.

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Posts just like this btw.

you haven’t been paying attention to him then, i call him Karen because it’s well deserved, he parrots the same thing and never has he ever had an original thought or opinion, he copy pastes his answers and never adds anything so he gets called a Karen because he is.

I got that and I agree that only some people participating in gdkps are buying gold to do it. But what you call trolling I call hyperbole. While I’d prefer a discussion without hyperbole it’s so common that almost every one here does it now and then. Exaggeration doesn’t bother me as much as the “karen” insult mostly because of how it’s used in political and cultural discussions.

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